I Guess There Really Isn't Anyone Worthy On The Right


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
I just remembered that the Republican "Presidential Debate" is playing on FAUX right now and turned to it.

I just saw one panelist say "If the President says Khadafi must go, then he must go!"

However, recently, all the righties have been spewing the meme about Obama not having the authority to go after Khadafi, amongst others *cough*Bin*cough*Laden*

The Republicans are really all over the place.

BTW the panelist above was Pawlenty, Tim Pawlenty.
Tim (I don't believe in evolution) Pawlenty was also asked how he could take money from schools to give tax breaks to the rich and why his state's deficit was 6 billion dollars. Not a happy camper.
Oops....I'm stuck watching it.

I should have never flipped on FAUX.
I just remembered that the Republican "Presidential Debate" is playing on FAUX right now and turned to it.

I just saw one panelist say "If the President says Khadafi must go, then he must go!"

However, recently, all the righties have been spewing the meme about Obama not having the authority to go after Khadafi, amongst others *cough*Bin*cough*Laden*

The Republicans are really all over the place.

BTW the panelist above was Pawlenty, Tim Pawlenty.

Maybe because they aren't of a Borg mentality.

Btw, how the heck is Qaddafi really spelled??

Incidentally, I figure at least 3 of these guys is cleaning Obama's clock. Ron Paul and Tim Pawlenty are whooping up on him. But the brother Mr. Herman Cain, is literally smoking his ass.
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I just remembered that the Republican "Presidential Debate" is playing on FAUX right now and turned to it.

I just saw one panelist say "If the President says Khadafi must go, then he must go!"

However, recently, all the righties have been spewing the meme about Obama not having the authority to go after Khadafi, amongst others *cough*Bin*cough*Laden*

The Republicans are really all over the place.

BTW the panelist above was Pawlenty, Tim Pawlenty.

Maybe because they aren't of a Borg mentality.

Btw, how the heck is Qaddafi really spelled??

Incidentally, I figure at least 3 of these guys is cleaning Obama's clock. Ron Paul and Tim Pawlenty are whooping up on him. But the brother Mr. King, is literally smoking his ass.

You juss keep on holdin' on to dat idea...yuh heah!!??

I spell it Khadafi.
Killing kaddafi would be an assassination, and a crime, since he is a leader of a country. Removing qaddafi from power is not a crime. However, the UN has no right to tell us to war in Lybia. It's none of our business and obama shoulda told them to fuck off.

But he's not a true leader, so none of us can expect much.
I just remembered that the Republican "Presidential Debate" is playing on FAUX right now and turned to it.

I just saw one panelist say "If the President says Khadafi must go, then he must go!"

However, recently, all the righties have been spewing the meme about Obama not having the authority to go after Khadafi, amongst others *cough*Bin*cough*Laden*

The Republicans are really all over the place.

BTW the panelist above was Pawlenty, Tim Pawlenty.

Maybe because they aren't of a Borg mentality.

Btw, how the heck is Qaddafi really spelled??

Incidentally, I figure at least 3 of these guys is cleaning Obama's clock. Ron Paul and Tim Pawlenty are whooping up on him. But the brother Mr. Herman Cain, is literally smoking his ass.

Every time someone says something disparaging about Obama, you sprout wood. Even the crappiest candidate makes you "sprout wood", just by saying something bad about Obama. Creepy.
Incidentally, I figure at least 3 of these guys is cleaning Obama's clock. Ron Paul and Tim Pawlenty are whooping up on him. But the brother Mr. Herman Cain, is literally smoking his ass.
Herman Cain is bright, articulate and clean!

Paul/Cain 2012 or Cain/Paul 2012, either would be just fine.
WTF kinda question is...."If you had a reality tv show, what would it be?!??"

Neither FAUX, nor any of these candidates are serious.

I just remembered that the Republican "Presidential Debate" is playing on FAUX right now and turned to it.

I just saw one panelist say "If the President says Khadafi must go, then he must go!"

However, recently, all the righties have been spewing the meme about Obama not having the authority to go after Khadafi, amongst others *cough*Bin*cough*Laden*

The Republicans are really all over the place.

BTW the panelist above was Pawlenty, Tim Pawlenty.

Maybe because they aren't of a Borg mentality.

Btw, how the heck is Qaddafi really spelled??

Incidentally, I figure at least 3 of these guys is cleaning Obama's clock. Ron Paul and Tim Pawlenty are whooping up on him. But the brother Mr. King, is literally smoking his ass.

You juss keep on holdin' on to dat idea...yuh heah!!??

I spell it Khadafi.

Maybe we need to hold a convention and decide how to spell the MF's name.
Maybe because they aren't of a Borg mentality.

Btw, how the heck is Qaddafi really spelled??

Incidentally, I figure at least 3 of these guys is cleaning Obama's clock. Ron Paul and Tim Pawlenty are whooping up on him. But the brother Mr. King, is literally smoking his ass.

You juss keep on holdin' on to dat idea...yuh heah!!??

I spell it Khadafi.

Maybe we need to hold a convention and decide how to spell the MF's name.

To be fair, there doesn't seem to be a consensus on how to spell his name.
I just remembered that the Republican "Presidential Debate" is playing on FAUX right now and turned to it.

I just saw one panelist say "If the President says Khadafi must go, then he must go!"

However, recently, all the righties have been spewing the meme about Obama not having the authority to go after Khadafi, amongst others *cough*Bin*cough*Laden*

The Republicans are really all over the place.

BTW the panelist above was Pawlenty, Tim Pawlenty.

Maybe because they aren't of a Borg mentality.

Btw, how the heck is Qaddafi really spelled??

Incidentally, I figure at least 3 of these guys is cleaning Obama's clock. Ron Paul and Tim Pawlenty are whooping up on him. But the brother Mr. Herman Cain, is literally smoking his ass.

Every time someone says something disparaging about Obama, you sprout wood. Even the crappiest candidate makes you "sprout wood", just by saying something bad about Obama. Creepy.

They weren't so much saying bad things about him, but they are showing more of a command of the issues, and their answers were straight forward and concise rather then an exercise in self-indulgence one can be subjected to while listening to Obama.
America is growing weary of being lectured to.

We need someone that will inspire us and lead.

We already have that...Obama led, and now Bin Laden's dead.

So instead of blaming Bush he's gonna live off of that one decision for the rest of his Presidency???

That's a pretty simple-minded thought process.

The economy can be going in the toilet, and the world thinks we're criminals, but OBAMA GOT BIN LADEN!!!


Pretty retarded. :lame2:
Mud...remember "Bush kept us safe?"

Some of you nutjobs were STILL repeating that claptrap recently.


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