I find that dealing with a woman in a new relationship is somewhat like navigating a minefield

Any misstep and the relationship will EXPLODE!

Like today.

She sent me this text: "People look to others for self worth instead of generating it internally."

I was confused. I thought maybe she was breaking it off, because she didn't need to look to me for self worth anymore.

But instead of starting something that might send our relationship down the wrong road, I simply wrote: "?".

She responded: ":)....don't take it personally. I sent that to everyone in my phone. You would be surprised of the response I got."

I'll bet. Because what I interpreted her to be saying is "I don't need you anymore" and maybe some of her other friends and family got that same impression and were upset.

Anyway, I'm going to try calling her tonight.

Wish me luck.
You did right. Women love to talk, especially about feelings and emotions. Your best move is to ask a question and let her go to work. Insert the natural nods and agreement at the right times and above all else listen.
Any misstep and the relationship will EXPLODE!

Like today.

She sent me this text: "People look to others for self worth instead of generating it internally."

I was confused. I thought maybe she was breaking it off, because she didn't need to look to me for self worth anymore.

But instead of starting something that might send our relationship down the wrong road, I simply wrote: "?".

She responded: ":)....don't take it personally. I sent that to everyone in my phone. You would be surprised of the response I got."

I'll bet. Because what I interpreted her to be saying is "I don't need you anymore" and maybe some of her other friends and family got that same impression and were upset.

Anyway, I'm going to try calling her tonight.

Wish me luck.
I've already had a few red flags go up in this relationship. She doesn't want her 15-year-old daughter to know about me, so she doesn't answer my phone calls when she's home.
Uhhhh, yeah.

I would advise you to think about what it is that you want from her/this relationship and what you're willing to tolerate in order to obtain or maintain it because I can just about guarantee you that it's not [only] her daughter she's hiding you from.

If you decide to start over, preferably with someone a little less "evasive", I'd advise you as follows
  1. Be open and honest about your wants and needs from the very beginning. While you risk the other person turning you down if their needs or desires don't align with your own, you might be surprised to find there are plenty of nice women who would be interested in spending time with a guy without it having to be determined up front that things will lead to a long term relationship or marriage. While some people lead with the desire for marriage or a long term relationship until you get to know a person better, how is it even possible to make that determination specifically with them at the very beginning?
  2. You are perfectly within rights to put your own needs & desires first, as long as they are not at the expense of another. That way, even if things don't end with happily-ever-after, if both parties were honest about everything then no one has to feel badily or guilty if things don't work out. And...
  3. You could end up with a good and/or life long friend.
Just my "professional" opinion ;-)
How long has this relationship gone on?
I have a news flash for you. This woman has no real interest in you. The reason she doesn't want her daughter to know about you is because she doesn't want her daughter to know about a man in her mother's life then the man is gone.
She's married. The evasive behavior is the same.
Any misstep and the relationship will EXPLODE!

Like today.

She sent me this text: "People look to others for self worth instead of generating it internally."

I was confused. I thought maybe she was breaking it off, because she didn't need to look to me for self worth anymore.

But instead of starting something that might send our relationship down the wrong road, I simply wrote: "?".

She responded: ":)....don't take it personally. I sent that to everyone in my phone. You would be surprised of the response I got."

I'll bet. Because what I interpreted her to be saying is "I don't need you anymore" and maybe some of her other friends and family got that same impression and were upset.

Anyway, I'm going to try calling her tonight.

Wish me luck.

The mods said it already You need some confidence .

In dec mine pulled the "I miss you when you're gone" ..let's move in together feelers were out there ...rut roh

I made it all about her and how shes just not ready yet lol
I did it in a nice diplomatic way ...spun it into a positive .....Shes adorable

I'm glad shes going back to work tomorrow....thank god
where ya think I've been everynight...with her

Women who get divorced they have this "modern reinforced" habit of finding themselves ...well.... sometimes disappointed and How they felt about thier first marriage ...ya know after the romance dies down a little ...
Theyll drag ya down with em everytime..they cant help it

If you ever find yourself heading down the marriage aisle Ya got any money ? Land? You get a Pre nup

Last week I'm sitting in a super market parking lot on the phone ....
I'm sitting in an empty part so this car parks like 4 or 5 spaces away ...The windows are down ..and I hear the woman laying into him....she was driving the car...guy doesnt say 1 fuckin word gets outta the car starts walking ...
I'm now fixated lol

Smooth bro!

He doesnt get 3 aisles over before she whips the car around and is on top of him ...he gets back in
Not even a minute hes out again .she gets out and is now screaming loud like she on Jerry Springer.
Every name in the book ....you faggot you pussy ...he was young he wasn't that small ...tall

From what she was yellin which I left out...he might of liked dicks and broke the news ...or she just yer typical nutso broad gettin dumped
I started yellin run kid run :p ....She drove off angwy

Pistol paskin mama lay that pistol down
Any misstep and the relationship will EXPLODE!

Like today.

She sent me this text: "People look to others for self worth instead of generating it internally."

I was confused. I thought maybe she was breaking it off, because she didn't need to look to me for self worth anymore.

But instead of starting something that might send our relationship down the wrong road, I simply wrote: "?".

She responded: ":)....don't take it personally. I sent that to everyone in my phone. You would be surprised of the response I got."

I'll bet. Because what I interpreted her to be saying is "I don't need you anymore" and maybe some of her other friends and family got that same impression and were upset.

Anyway, I'm going to try calling her tonight.

Wish me luck.

You are evidently more at home dating men.
Any misstep and the relationship will EXPLODE!

Like today.

She sent me this text: "People look to others for self worth instead of generating it internally."

I was confused. I thought maybe she was breaking it off, because she didn't need to look to me for self worth anymore.

But instead of starting something that might send our relationship down the wrong road, I simply wrote: "?".

She responded: ":)....don't take it personally. I sent that to everyone in my phone. You would be surprised of the response I got."

I'll bet. Because what I interpreted her to be saying is "I don't need you anymore" and maybe some of her other friends and family got that same impression and were upset.

Anyway, I'm going to try calling her tonight.

Wish me luck.

K. I am of an age where I don't need platitudes and I certainly don't need to send them to random people in my phone? Why would she play phone games like this with people?

I bet your spidey senses on this are right.
Any misstep and the relationship will EXPLODE!

Like today.

She sent me this text: "People look to others for self worth instead of generating it internally."

I was confused. I thought maybe she was breaking it off, because she didn't need to look to me for self worth anymore.

But instead of starting something that might send our relationship down the wrong road, I simply wrote: "?".

She responded: ":)....don't take it personally. I sent that to everyone in my phone. You would be surprised of the response I got."

I'll bet. Because what I interpreted her to be saying is "I don't need you anymore" and maybe some of her other friends and family got that same impression and were upset.

Anyway, I'm going to try calling her tonight.

Wish me luck.
You did right. Women love to talk, especially about feelings and emotions. Your best move is to ask a question and let her go to work. Insert the natural nods and agreement at the right times and above all else listen.

I would rather live in peace that talk about it forever. I would rather talk about interesting things. Or better yet, laugh.

I'm weird.
Any misstep and the relationship will EXPLODE!

Like today.

She sent me this text: "People look to others for self worth instead of generating it internally."

I was confused. I thought maybe she was breaking it off, because she didn't need to look to me for self worth anymore.

But instead of starting something that might send our relationship down the wrong road, I simply wrote: "?".

She responded: ":)....don't take it personally. I sent that to everyone in my phone. You would be surprised of the response I got."

I'll bet. Because what I interpreted her to be saying is "I don't need you anymore" and maybe some of her other friends and family got that same impression and were upset.

Anyway, I'm going to try calling her tonight.

Wish me luck.

Reality is that it is always a minefield, be it an old or new relationship. Old relationships spawn more of these witticisms as self-help books arrive at the scene had you will be wondering whether she is going to boink you out the door as she reads and blames you for whatever you did not do to refresh your relationship. 35 years married
Disregard females, acquire currency. Work on you, make lots of casual platonic female friends and a quality woman will eventually come to you. Ignore the women you want, wait for the woman you need. Might take a while but you are better off alone than with the wrong woman. Also, bathing, dressing and grooming is crucial. Can't stress that enough.
Solid advice.
Any misstep and the relationship will EXPLODE!

Like today.

She sent me this text: "People look to others for self worth instead of generating it internally."

I was confused. I thought maybe she was breaking it off, because she didn't need to look to me for self worth anymore.

But instead of starting something that might send our relationship down the wrong road, I simply wrote: "?".

She responded: ":)....don't take it personally. I sent that to everyone in my phone. You would be surprised of the response I got."

I'll bet. Because what I interpreted her to be saying is "I don't need you anymore" and maybe some of her other friends and family got that same impression and were upset.

Anyway, I'm going to try calling her tonight.

Wish me luck.
Ya, I have been needed. Wanted is much better for you than needed. They are words of inspiration not a break up in most cases. Do not worry so much. Even if she is breaking up the sun will rise tomorrow.

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