I find it kind of sad seeing the white male become the opposite of the past 800 years in almost


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
I find it kind of sad seeing the white male become the opposite of the past 800 years in almost every way. The opposite of the race that sailed teh sea's(the great age of exploration), funded science and developed the printing press. The race that once fought for workers rights, formed unions and launched this country to the moon! It is sad to see them become so backwards as they see their power and hold on society slip away...Kind of like a old man that has lost his mind and is now only a sad dying shallow of his former self. A sad dying group of people that just wants to burn it all down and that is why we have the tea party. The tea party is a last big fuck you to the society that they built as they light the match.

If they can't rule it...Well, lets live like animals and give up on everything.
I find it kind of sad seeing the white male become the opposite of the past 800 years in almost every way. The opposite of the race that sailed teh sea's(the great age of exploration), funded science and developed the printing press. The race that once fought for workers rights, formed unions and launched this country to the moon! It is sad to see them become so backwards as they see their power and hold on society slip away...Kind of like a old man that has lost his mind and is now only a sad dying shallow of his former self. A sad dying group of people that just wants to burn it all down and that is why we have the tea party. The tea party is a last big fuck you to the society that they built as they light the match.

If they can't rule it...Well, lets live like animals and give up on everything.
As opposed to Democrats and non-whites wanting to destroy all of that?
Wasn't our country found and explored by some hispanic dudes?

There's a difference between native Americans(south, central and north America) that were here already and the white Spaniards. I sure hope you knew this before you posted. lol

Since those people really had nothing to do with our country being founded, maybe you can talk about Pangea and the future Pangea Ultima which will render navies obsolete, assuming humanity survives for 250 more million years which is doubtful considering who our presidential candidates are.
All things change in time. Yes, the whites of the present day are interested in sex, video games, entertainment, and handing over their countries to muslims and blacks.

As such, they will die out, and the surviving whites in the future will be made of tougher stuff.
All things change in time. Yes, the whites of the present day are interested in sex, video games, entertainment, and handing over their countries to muslims and blacks.

As such, they will die out, and the surviving whites in the future will be made of tougher stuff.
I knew you were white. Glad I saw this so you cant claim you are east Indian.
No, I am Indian. But just because I'm Indian, doesn't mean I necessarily side with blacks against whites. Or vice versa.

You may not be intelligent enough to understand this, but I only side with my own race. It's because I have healthy racial pride, something which is lacking in today's world.
No, I am Indian. But just because I'm Indian, doesn't mean I necessarily side with blacks against whites. Or vice versa.

You may not be intelligent enough to understand this, but I only side with my own race. It's because I have healthy racial pride, something which is lacking in today's world.
You cant be indian unless you are a uncle ratin. As such I will count you as an honorary cave chimp even though they may consider you a coolie.
No, I am Indian. But just because I'm Indian, doesn't mean I necessarily side with blacks against whites. Or vice versa.

You may not be intelligent enough to understand this, but I only side with my own race. It's because I have healthy racial pride, something which is lacking in today's world.

Wait I thought Indians like pujab and so forth, were Caucasian?
I find it kind of sad seeing the white male become the opposite of the past 800 years in almost every way. The opposite of the race that sailed teh sea's(the great age of exploration), funded science and developed the printing press. The race that once fought for workers rights, formed unions and launched this country to the moon! It is sad to see them become so backwards as they see their power and hold on society slip away...Kind of like a old man that has lost his mind and is now only a sad dying shallow of his former self. A sad dying group of people that just wants to burn it all down and that is why we have the tea party. The tea party is a last big fuck you to the society that they built as they light the match.

If they can't rule it...Well, lets live like animals and give up on everything.

The race that invented systematic ways of killing effectively, of enslaving, of controlling other countries, of making major problems that would still be there hundreds of years later... etc.

The Tea Party is just another one of these parties that have people who believe they want to live how it used to be, but it wasn't ever really like what they think it was like.
No, I am Indian. But just because I'm Indian, doesn't mean I necessarily side with blacks against whites. Or vice versa.

You may not be intelligent enough to understand this, but I only side with my own race. It's because I have healthy racial pride, something which is lacking in today's world.

When I was a kid I went to go what my team play. It's where my father is from and I grew up a couple of hours away so we couldn't go that much. I started to see the people in the crowd for what they were. They might have been supporters of the same team, but some of them were assholes just the same.

Then I went to live abroad, and when I went back home with a different perspective on life, I saw the people in my own country for what they were, some of them were just assholes.

I tend to think I like to be around good people, regardless of their race, color, gender etc, and assholes, no matter whether someone has decided to lump them in the same group as me or not, are assholes who I don't want to associate with.
I find it kind of sad seeing the white male become the opposite of the past 800 years in almost every way. The opposite of the race that sailed teh sea's(the great age of exploration), funded science and developed the printing press. The race that once fought for workers rights, formed unions and launched this country to the moon! It is sad to see them become so backwards as they see their power and hold on society slip away...Kind of like a old man that has lost his mind and is now only a sad dying shallow of his former self. A sad dying group of people that just wants to burn it all down and that is why we have the tea party. The tea party is a last big fuck you to the society that they built as they light the match.

If they can't rule it...Well, lets live like animals and give up on everything.

Deport the illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking with RUssia.

Those are the issues driving the Candidate of the "white male" in this election.

Your post has nothing to do with reality or white males in this nation.

Try to be less crazy.

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