I Don't See The Point Of Being Nice To People That Will Never Like Us

What is your opinion on Islamic/American relations?

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

We have freed millions upon millions of Muslims since 9/11, even before then in Bosnia. Fact is I'm getting a bit tired of trying to be understanding of a bunch of uptight assholes. So somebody explain to me why we should keep trying. It's clear that as long as we keep wallowing in the mud with these people the dirtier we get.

It has become clear that they don't want to get along with anyone that isn't a Muslim so I suggest that we stop trying. If they start hollering that they are being oppressed by President Assad, screw em. We freed them from the grips of oppression in Libya and look what it got us. We tried to rescue them from mass starvation and genocide in Somalia and all they did was hate us. The only country that has shown any gratitude to us is our Kuwaiti brothers who wouldn't even be a country today if not for the United States.

If you ask the rioters that are torching our schools abroad and our consulates most haven't even seen that piece of crap youtube video. They're just having way to much fun causing trouble. Obama has tried being nice, he's bowed to just about every Middle-Eastern leader out there and he's told them that he's on their side, even relaxed our security to the point that it has exposed our soft underbelly and what did they do? Stick a knife in us.

Somebody buy these meatheads a bong because they seriously need to mellow out.

My point is this; Why should we care what happens to these self-righteous imbeciles? Far as I'm concerned they are bad news and not worth the costs in blood and riches we've lost in their defense. My suggestion is to cut ties and leave them to their own devices. If they interfere with our interests they can suffer the consequences. The less contact with Muslims the better. I know this sounds short-sighted but it should be clear now this is a losing proposition, something that Israel has known for over 60 years.

Do you agree or not?

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I think that if you have to pay people to be your friends, then... I would venture to say that really aren't friends.

We have freed millions upon millions of Muslims since 9/11, even before then in Bosnia. Fact is I'm getting a bit tired of trying to be understanding of a bunch of uptight assholes. So somebody explain to me why we should keep trying. It's clear that as long as we keep wallowing in the mud with these people the dirtier we get.

It has become clear that they don't want to get along with anyone that isn't a Muslim so I suggest that we stop trying. If they start hollering that they are being oppressed by President Assad, screw em. We freed them from the grips of oppression in Libya and look what it got us. We tried to rescue them from mass starvation and genocide in Somalia and all they did was hate us. The only country that has shown any gratitude to us is our Kuwaiti brothers who wouldn't even be a country today if not for the United States.

If you ask the rioters that are torching our schools abroad and our consulates most haven't even seen that piece of crap youtube video. They're just having way to much fun causing trouble. Obama has tried being nice, he's bowed to just about every Middle-Eastern leader out there and he's told them that he's on their side, even relaxed our security to the point that it has exposed our soft underbelly and what did they do? Stick a knife in us.

Somebody buy these meatheads a bong because they seriously need to mellow out.

My point is this; Why should we care what happens to these self-righteous imbeciles? Far as I'm concerned they are bad news and not worth the costs in blood and riches we've lost in their defense. My suggestion is to cut ties and leave them to their own devices. If they interfere with our interests they can suffer the consequences. The less contact with Muslims the better. I know this sounds short-sighted but it should be clear now this is a losing proposition, something that Israel has known for over 60 years.

Do you agree or not?


I am so pissed off with these stupid crazy people, I actually agree with you. A cockroach has a higher IQ than those full of hate people.
I want to make sure this doesn't turn into a hate-fest thread.

I want to know what everyone's opinion is on this.

After 9/11 a majority of Americans wanted some retribution. People were driving around with American flags all over the country.

Since then the media and the left has changed our perceptions about the ME and more people were coming around to the feeling that it was possible for us to come to an understanding with Muslims. In my opinion that was all just a dream. This last week has snapped us back into reality like a collective back-hand from the perpetrators of these crimes.

I just don't feel the inclination to understand anymore.

The only thing keeping public-opinion from abandoning the ME and the Obama Administration's foreign policies entirely is censorship and deflection by the mainstreamers. Without that I think you'd be lucky to find 20% of us sympathizing with the ME.
I want to make sure this doesn't turn into a hate-fest thread.

I want to know what everyone's opinion is on this.

After 9/11 a majority of Americans wanted some retribution. People were driving around with American flags all over the country.

Since then the media and the left has changed our perceptions about the ME and more people were coming around to the feeling that it was possible for us to come to an understanding with Muslims. In my opinion that was all just a dream. This last week has snapped us back into reality like a collective back-hand from the perpetrators of these crimes.

I just don't feel the inclination to understand anymore.

The only thing keeping public-opinion from abandoning the ME and the Obama Administration's foreign policies entirely is censorship and deflection by the mainstreamers. Without that I think you'd be lucky to find 20% of us sympathizing with the ME.

Why does everything have to be "Its the Lefts Fault" with you.
Big difference with 9/11 American's actually were united, now its just the blame game about everything.
I dunno. I vacillate from day to day, depending on the latest atrocity. It's a billion people though. If a BILLION people were all rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth Jihadists, I think it would be a good bit more noticeable. :eek:

I think the problem we're seeing is that there's a dynamic in play which is not dissimilar from every other historical attempt we've seen from bad players amassing power. It's easier to harness hate than any other emotion. It's a powerful emotion which overawes logic. Direct the mob's hate, and they won't blame their leaders for their misery. They'll be too busy frothing at the sight of whatever foe you've presented them with.

The problem we're having from this administration and it's supporters, is that they validate the message from those who would amass power in that manner. In their attempt to appease, they cast doubt upon our principles. Things like free speech and tolerance are no longer at the front of our foreign policy. Obama tells them we torture people and that we're going to close Gitmo, and when he says those kind of things, he confirms the rhetoric of those directors of animosity, those who would harness the negative emotion of a less than erudite people to their own ends.

He's a poor excuse for a leader. And yeah, it's going to be a long slog through one penny-ante tyrant after another, but at some point we have to hope these people catch up to the 21st century.
I want to make sure this doesn't turn into a hate-fest thread.

I want to know what everyone's opinion is on this.

After 9/11 a majority of Americans wanted some retribution. People were driving around with American flags all over the country.

Since then the media and the left has changed our perceptions about the ME and more people were coming around to the feeling that it was possible for us to come to an understanding with Muslims. In my opinion that was all just a dream. This last week has snapped us back into reality like a collective back-hand from the perpetrators of these crimes.

I just don't feel the inclination to understand anymore.

The only thing keeping public-opinion from abandoning the ME and the Obama Administration's foreign policies entirely is censorship and deflection by the mainstreamers. Without that I think you'd be lucky to find 20% of us sympathizing with the ME.

Yes, I think you are right. That was all a dream. The foreign policy of Obama has brought reality back to us. His appeasement of the Muslim world has shown us what the Muslims think of us and are capable of doing with their attitudes toward us.
I want to make sure this doesn't turn into a hate-fest thread.

I want to know what everyone's opinion is on this.

After 9/11 a majority of Americans wanted some retribution. People were driving around with American flags all over the country.

Since then the media and the left has changed our perceptions about the ME and more people were coming around to the feeling that it was possible for us to come to an understanding with Muslims. In my opinion that was all just a dream. This last week has snapped us back into reality like a collective back-hand from the perpetrators of these crimes.

I just don't feel the inclination to understand anymore.

The only thing keeping public-opinion from abandoning the ME and the Obama Administration's foreign policies entirely is censorship and deflection by the mainstreamers. Without that I think you'd be lucky to find 20% of us sympathizing with the ME.

Why does everything have to be "Its the Lefts Fault" with you.
Big difference with 9/11 American's actually were united, now its just the blame game about everything.

Maybe I should use code like Obama's folks do.

What word would you use for useful idiots on the left?
I didn't find an option to vote, btw. My option would've been "vote out Obama and allow no doubt going forward as to where we stand on the issues".

I am so pissed off with these stupid crazy people, I actually agree with you. A cockroach has a higher IQ than those full of hate people.[/QUOTE]

That is an accurate asessment.
I want to make sure this doesn't turn into a hate-fest thread.

I want to know what everyone's opinion is on this.

After 9/11 a majority of Americans wanted some retribution. People were driving around with American flags all over the country.

Since then the media and the left has changed our perceptions about the ME and more people were coming around to the feeling that it was possible for us to come to an understanding with Muslims. In my opinion that was all just a dream. This last week has snapped us back into reality like a collective back-hand from the perpetrators of these crimes.

I just don't feel the inclination to understand anymore.

The only thing keeping public-opinion from abandoning the ME and the Obama Administration's foreign policies entirely is censorship and deflection by the mainstreamers. Without that I think you'd be lucky to find 20% of us sympathizing with the ME.

I am sick of trying to their "win the hearts and minds".

Get the job done and get the Hell out!

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