I Don't Know For Sure So I Need Your Input Please.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
I have read many links throughout the years from my fellow Americans that contained negative viewpoints about America's educational bureaucracy. There appears to be a recurring concern among many folks(from links I have read online throughout the years) that the education that students receive in a public funded institution of education is not politically neutral, but rather tilted to the left. I do NOT remember this to be the case during my K-12 years but that was from 1970 backwards(dark ages). I did sense a small amount of politic'n(BOTH LEFT/RIGHT) while anchoring a two year degree @ a community collage)85'-88', but REALLY sensed the LEFT TILT politic'n(could not miss it!) once I arrived @ EWU to land my four year degree. To be fair one can bet the farm that a PRIVATE institution like the Whitworth campus would be leaning to the right. What I am working up to here is... do you believe that lefty politic'n within the public educational system has planted the seed of marxism in their students minds & that is what is currently fueling the lefty BLM, ANTIFA(among a plethora of other lefty movements) marxist movement in our USA??? I know there are other factors involved like parents, unions etc but are the institutions of PUBLIC education the primary source of marxist based unrest in your opinion?
Conservatives are still pissed that compulsory religious indoctrination got kicked out of schools 50 years ago and seem to think there have been no new conservatives since then.
Spot on correct...

Plain as the nose on Joe Obiden's face...

@ Rr, that's a TRUE quote. In one of my sociology classes I got docked a whole Point(3.6 to 2.6) for NOT answering "society is responsible for individuals actions". I put down for my answer that "individuals are accountable for their own actions". That was my wake up call that even a sociology class could be politically influenced.
I have read many links throughout the years from my fellow Americans that contained negative viewpoints about America's educational bureaucracy. There appears to be a recurring concern among many folks(from links I have read online throughout the years) that the education that students receive in a public funded institution of education is not politically neutral, but rather tilted to the left. I do NOT remember this to be the case during my K-12 years but that was from 1970 backwards(dark ages). I did sense a small amount of politic'n(BOTH LEFT/RIGHT) while anchoring a two year degree @ a community collage)85'-88', but REALLY sensed the LEFT TILT politic'n(could not miss it!) once I arrived @ EWU to land my four year degree. To be fair one can bet the farm that a PRIVATE institution like the Whitworth campus would be leaning to the right. What I am working up to here is... do you believe that lefty politic'n within the public educational system has planted the seed of marxism in their students minds & that is what is currently fueling the lefty BLM, ANTIFA(among a plethora of other lefty movements) marxist movement in our USA??? I know there are other factors involved like parents, unions etc but are the institutions of PUBLIC education the primary source of marxist based unrest in your opinion?
The education keeps going more and more left, until you see that socialism in overriding educational purposes. The problem is that those that control the content of subjects were growing up with socialistic educational values. Who is there to change it?
I have read many links throughout the years from my fellow Americans that contained negative viewpoints about America's educational bureaucracy. There appears to be a recurring concern among many folks(from links I have read online throughout the years) that the education that students receive in a public funded institution of education is not politically neutral, but rather tilted to the left. I do NOT remember this to be the case during my K-12 years but that was from 1970 backwards(dark ages). I did sense a small amount of politic'n(BOTH LEFT/RIGHT) while anchoring a two year degree @ a community collage)85'-88', but REALLY sensed the LEFT TILT politic'n(could not miss it!) once I arrived @ EWU to land my four year degree. To be fair one can bet the farm that a PRIVATE institution like the Whitworth campus would be leaning to the right. What I am working up to here is... do you believe that lefty politic'n within the public educational system has planted the seed of marxism in their students minds & that is what is currently fueling the lefty BLM, ANTIFA(among a plethora of other lefty movements) marxist movement in our USA??? I know there are other factors involved like parents, unions etc but are the institutions of PUBLIC education the primary source of marxist based unrest in your opinion?
The education keeps going more and more left, until you see that socialism in overriding educational purposes. The problem is that those that control the content of subjects were growing up with socialistic educational values. Who is there to change it?

@ Jackson, I have always thought that people were social creatures for sure but INSTINCTLY realized that people are NOT herd creatures. Individual people no doubt prefer to make their OWN choices which alone shoots down marxism. Once GROUPTHINK sets in it's all over except to construct the death camps. It is really true & I quote: "It takes an entire nation to elect a leader but only one leader to enslave an entire nation". The sheep are multiplying in number vastly here in our USA & only time will tell.
You may find it in a few small pockets but overall most schools aren't crazy left other than to try and include all learners. Our schools here are very neutral and of my four kids that went thru the system not one ever encountered the overused empty indoctrination hub blub.
I have read many links throughout the years from my fellow Americans that contained negative viewpoints about America's educational bureaucracy. There appears to be a recurring concern among many folks(from links I have read online throughout the years) that the education that students receive in a public funded institution of education is not politically neutral, but rather tilted to the left. I do NOT remember this to be the case during my K-12 years but that was from 1970 backwards(dark ages). I did sense a small amount of politic'n(BOTH LEFT/RIGHT) while anchoring a two year degree @ a community collage)85'-88', but REALLY sensed the LEFT TILT politic'n(could not miss it!) once I arrived @ EWU to land my four year degree. To be fair one can bet the farm that a PRIVATE institution like the Whitworth campus would be leaning to the right. What I am working up to here is... do you believe that lefty politic'n within the public educational system has planted the seed of marxism in their students minds & that is what is currently fueling the lefty BLM, ANTIFA(among a plethora of other lefty movements) marxist movement in our USA??? I know there are other factors involved like parents, unions etc but are the institutions of PUBLIC education the primary source of marxist based unrest in your opinion?
The education keeps going more and more left, until you see that socialism in overriding educational purposes. The problem is that those that control the content of subjects were growing up with socialistic educational values. Who is there to change it?

Teachers tend to be more liberal than conservative that's true (it's guess it's a 60/40 based on the two schools I've taught at). So it's not really as skewed as people would think it is. For example conservatives have been against common core for years now claiming indoctrination but I've posed this challenge to them several times here and haven't had one person respond with evidence. Post ONE standard from Common Core that's an example of indoctrination. Better yet post ONE standard that shouldn't be taught in schools. People can't do it because they don't understand the difference between standards, a curriculum, and when a teacher goes off the curriculum. It's ok-I didn't understand the difference between the first two things before I started teaching either.

What really stands out is the states that are "off common core" standards. Some states literally changed the name of their standards...but left all of the actual standards in place and claimed to have gotten rid of common core. In my state the governor (whom I voted for mind you) brags about getting rid of common core. It's one of his biggest achievements he claims. Well here's the problem: over a year later they haven't replaced it with a set of new standards so the DOE has everyone teaching common core until new standards are received. When will we get the new standards? Who knows? It was just a way for the governor to claim he was victorious and we're not using common core in schools anymore...except we are...

Colleges/Universities are obviously completely different and definitely push a left agenda.

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