I cast my first for Nixon in 1972


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
after I became legal voting age

One of our greatest presididents.

Not being flippant - really believe
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The families of 50,000 American soliders and 1 Million Vietnamese disagree with you about Nixon, but I feel ya. He did win by a landslide.

I voted for the first time in the 1972 election between Nixon and McGovern. I was genuinely shocked when McGovern lost...everyone I knew (including me) had voted for him.

Hey ginscpy...I think they were hawking lava lamps on "Antiques Roadshow" tonight. I still think we were the coolest kids, don't you?
You were one of the few people shocked that McGovern lost.

Think Nixon/Agnew ticket won 49 out of 50 states.
Helps if all you discuss politics with are other 18 and 19 year olds, ginscpy. I wish I still had some of my old buttons and crap.

Holy cow! I too voted in '72 for the first time.

Voted for Nixon but my vote didn't count since I lived in the only state that McGovern won.
after I became legal voting age

One of our greatest presididents.

Not being flippant - really believe

Nixon was a profoundly lucid diplomat. And he did a lot of things that republicans today would never touch, like offering a universal health care plan to Kennedy, that Kennedy rejected.

And invoking a war on poverty.

And passing the clean water act.

He opened a dialogue with China when the cold war was still entrenched and VN was not yet resolved.

But the dude had his demons. Among them contempt for both the press and the general public. And piss poor timing, and of course Spiro Agnew!

All in all he was a flawless political leader thrust into an intractable quagmire named Vietnam.

The judgement of history depends on who writes it.
~ Richard Millhouse Nixon

Despite his flaws, his caliber of presidency has not been repeated since.

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