I can't fully get those smart heads in Washington


Aug 20, 2012
I can't fully get those smart heads in Washington D.C., who approved that crazy bill to send 40% of corn crop to produce that damned biofuel! Imo that's been bathos of stupidity!
The climate on the whole globe tends to be more and more unpredictable with each passing year, this country as well. A whopping 65% of the USA is now in a drought, the unprecedented one in 50 last years! Food prices are on the rise and my brother engaged in raising diary cows is greatly alarmed fearing his business may soon be absolutely broken!
Perhaps due to that biofuel we'll be able to escape energy crisis (still there's no 100% guarantee) but I'm dead sure we'll find ourselves in midst of a whopping food crisis here and in other countries too, which in its turn is going to heighten anti-American sentiment worldwide, terrorism threat as well!! At least the UN experts and other warn of such things you know... Mind this country is a major world supplier of corn, wheat and beans!
And all those challenges are due to those fools in the congress who set off that 40% bill! I guess smb has enormous profits due to it and smb has to die of hunger just!!
Biofuel will absolutely not end America's energy crisis, which anyway is self inflicted by horribly overblown excessive use.
The idea is, was and will be dumb on any large scale. It could be useful somewhere for someone in some situation, but as a national program, be it in the US or Europe, it is ridiculous. France is the most agriculturally productive nation in the EU, and if it used the entirety of its cultivation for biofuel, it would amount to 10% of its use, and their cars are much smaller and more reasonable than in America.
Farmers in these countries pushed for it and politicians, not knowing very much about other than getting re-elected, catered to the lobby.

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