I believe the Dems: Sessions need to go


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
How many times can Sessions's memory fail him? He needs to go as AG. There are too many questions around his Russian involvement. He met the Ambassador, what do you think they discussed, vodka?

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions, testifying before the House Judiciary Committee, showed selective recall on the Trump campaign’s Russia contacts."

Jeff Sessions Displays Unsteady Recall on Trump-Russia Matters
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I didn't know much about him before his appointment to AG. He does not strike me as the right person for the job, regardless of his performance in these hearings. He appears to be a weak 'don't make waves' kind of guy. In other words, the classic career politician who plays the game and ends up in a very powerful and profitable position.
How many times can Sessions's memory fail him? He needs to go as AG. There are too many questions around his Russian involvement. He met the Ambassador, what do you think they discussed, vodka?

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions, testifying before the House Judiciary Committee, showed selective recall on the Trump campaign’s Russia contacts."

Jeff Sessions Displays Unsteady Recall on Trump-Russia Matters
Get Gowdy or Rudy G in there and clean house.
Alabama NEEDS Sessions as a write-in candidate to replace Moore....we all know that Sessions' AG days are numbered.
I didn't know much about him before his appointment to AG. He does not strike me as the right person for the job, regardless of his performance in these hearings. He appears to be a weak 'don't make waves' kind of guy. In other words, the classic career politician who plays the game and ends up in a very powerful and profitable position.
That’s why Trump appointed him. He wanted a tool. A puppet.
How many times can Sessions's memory fail him? He needs to go as AG. There are too many questions around his Russian involvement. He met the Ambassador, what do you think they discussed, vodka?

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions, testifying before the House Judiciary Committee, showed selective recall on the Trump campaign’s Russia contacts."

Jeff Sessions Displays Unsteady Recall on Trump-Russia Matters
Get Gowdy or Rudy G in there and clean house.
Trump can’t tell them what to do and when. Never happen.
I believe the Dems: Sessions need to go

Why, so Trump can't nominate a new AG who will terminate or stifle Robert Mueller's investigations?

Actually, my friend, Sessions will do ANYTHING that the Trumpster would dictate to him.....The orange clown has refrained from asking Sessions to fire Mueller more because of the political uproar that firing Mueller would cause.
How many times can Sessions's memory fail him? He needs to go as AG. There are too many questions around his Russian involvement. He met the Ambassador, what do you think they discussed, vodka?

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions, testifying before the House Judiciary Committee, showed selective recall on the Trump campaign’s Russia contacts."

Jeff Sessions Displays Unsteady Recall on Trump-Russia Matters

so even when the whingiest of wingers says something... if it doesn't comport with what the orange sociopath and his fellow white supremacists say then the person needs to go. you don't care when he lies for donald, but okiedokie.

How many times can Sessions's memory fail him? He needs to go as AG. There are too many questions around his Russian involvement. He met the Ambassador, what do you think they discussed, vodka?

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions, testifying before the House Judiciary Committee, showed selective recall on the Trump campaign’s Russia contacts."

Jeff Sessions Displays Unsteady Recall on Trump-Russia Matters
Get Gowdy or Rudy G in there and clean house.

There's always a chance that Rudy G. would show up in women's clothing...LOL
How many times can Sessions's memory fail him? He needs to go as AG. There are too many questions around his Russian involvement. He met the Ambassador, what do you think they discussed, vodka?

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions, testifying before the House Judiciary Committee, showed selective recall on the Trump campaign’s Russia contacts."

Jeff Sessions Displays Unsteady Recall on Trump-Russia Matters
Get Gowdy or Rudy G in there and clean house.

Sessions seems to be siding with the swamp, avoiding any investigation into Hillary, Comey, Lynch, and the rest of those hacks no matter how much evidence of wrong doing surfaces.
How many times can Sessions's memory fail him? He needs to go as AG. There are too many questions around his Russian involvement. He met the Ambassador, what do you think they discussed, vodka?

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions, testifying before the House Judiciary Committee, showed selective recall on the Trump campaign’s Russia contacts."

Jeff Sessions Displays Unsteady Recall on Trump-Russia Matters
Get Gowdy or Rudy G in there and clean house.

There's always a chance that Rudy G. would show up in women's clothing...LOL

Julieannie? Yep, that's a scary thought.
How many times can Sessions's memory fail him? He needs to go as AG. There are too many questions around his Russian involvement. He met the Ambassador, what do you think they discussed, vodka?

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions, testifying before the House Judiciary Committee, showed selective recall on the Trump campaign’s Russia contacts."

Jeff Sessions Displays Unsteady Recall on Trump-Russia Matters
Get Gowdy or Rudy G in there and clean house.

Sessions seems to be siding with the swamp, avoiding any investigation into Hillary, Comey, Lynch, and the rest of those hacks no matter how much evidence of wrong doing surfaces.
He like so many others are swamp dwellers. The left live him now because they love the swamp.
Having taken a cue from good ol' Ronnie, republicans when testifying under oath have figured out that the very "best" way to answer thorny questions is with the trite, "I don't recall"....
How many times can Sessions's memory fail him? He needs to go as AG. There are too many questions around his Russian involvement. He met the Ambassador, what do you think they discussed, vodka?

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions, testifying before the House Judiciary Committee, showed selective recall on the Trump campaign’s Russia contacts."

Jeff Sessions Displays Unsteady Recall on Trump-Russia Matters
Get Gowdy or Rudy G in there and clean house.

There's always a chance that Rudy G. would show up in women's clothing...LOL
Keep your homophobia to yourself.

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