I am starting a new party ...the conservative JFK Democratic

Conservative & democratic are viewed mutually exclusive , better to name it the Cognitive Dissonance party....
And your principle declaration is what.................please list..............
Ok everyone knows JFK was a conservative Democrat..the commies and socialist took over it.uhm..i am thinking..
That's the name discuss

So we all get to fuck a movie star while cheating on our wives, and start a movement to overthrow a commie government then back down because you find out, that would take a spine? No thank you, seen what it does in the end and we dont need to get involved in another Vietnam....
That's the name discuss


About as dumb as "The Ronald Reagan Liberal Republican Party"

Of course, Ronald Reagan gave Amnesty to illegals, supported the Brady Bill, appointed moderates to the courts, increased government spending, you'd wonder why Republicans want anything to do with him.

Oh yeah... because he's the only Republican since Ike who didn't get voted out of office, forced to resign or left the economy in flaming ruins....
That's the name discuss


About as dumb as "The Ronald Reagan Liberal Republican Party"

Of course, Ronald Reagan gave Amnesty to illegals, supported the Brady Bill, appointed moderates to the courts, increased government spending, you'd wonder why Republicans want anything to do with him.

Oh yeah... because he's the only Republican since Ike who didn't get voted out of office, forced to resign or left the economy in flaming ruins....

reagan also banned assault weapons & reduced our nuke stockpile AND helped tear down a wall instead of wanting to build one.............
Ok everyone knows JFK was a conservative Democrat..the commies and socialist took over it.uhm..i am thinking..

Again, as stated above, it's kind of hard to measure that, as Ike wouldn't recognize today's GOP, either.



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The Asshole Party..............

We the of the Asshole Party are fed up with the 2 party system in America. Who have for far too long ignored the wishes of the people of the United States. Have enriched themselves via their Sponsors and who have enacted laws to do the bidding of those who give them the most money. The Asshole Party believes that no form of gov't can succeed with unethical people running the country. We are determined to be Complete and Total Assholes to the Democratic and Republican Parties..

Core Principles.

1. We will be complete Assholes to the career politicians who have gotten this nation into this mess.

2. We will prosecute those who have abused their powers and used the government for self gain, and put them in jail where they belong.

3. We believe in One vote per American and that one must prove they are a citizen in order to vote through a voter I.D. system. It will also require you
to verify your residence periodically to ensure proper voter records to prevent voting in multiple States or counties. That time period will be tied to the
regular periods of Driver's License scheduling.

4. All businesses will be required to check that all employees have the legal right to work in the United States. That they are a citizen, and or have the proper
work visa's or Green Cards to work in this country. Such as the Department of Labor Agriculture program. Any business that fails to do this check will be
subject to fines, removal of business licenses, and/or prison time.

5. All subsidies to companies in this country are hereby ended. Private companies and businesses will stand or fall on their own merit from here on out.

6. The Glass Steagall Act will be put back into place. Not allowing Banks to use assets to gamble on the markets with FDIC backed assets under
Fractional Banking. If they will want to Gamble in the Markets they will do so with only real assets with investment funds not backed by the FDIC.

7. The United States under the Enumerated Powers of the Constitution isn't supposed to be in the business of Real Estate. Banks will loan to individuals who
they deem able to pay these loans. Any loses from these risks are their responsibility and not the Federal Government's Responsibility. The loan
guarantees from the Federal Government allow the Banks to gamble on high risk assets with the Taxpayer on the hook for gambling losses. This
ponzi scheme ends in this party. Those who gamble in the housing market are responsible for their own risks. Not the American taxpayer.

8.. The constitution of the United States allows our gov't to print currency and make loans based on this countries ability to pay them back. The Federal
Reserve loans banks money at near 0% interest rates and then buys bonds from the Treasury with 5 to 6% interest in order to fund the endless debt
our elected officials have run up. This ponzi scheme is hereby ended. The FED will be ABOLISHED. No longer will they destroy the value of the
dollar with their ponzi schemes.

kinda of a starter to be an asshole party member. ..........should tick some people off here. LOL
The Asshole Party..............

We the of the Asshole Party are fed up with the 2 party system in America. Who have for far too long ignored the wishes of the people of the United States. Have enriched themselves via their Sponsors and who have enacted laws to do the bidding of those who give them the most money. The Asshole Party believes that no form of gov't can succeed with unethical people running the country. We are determined to be Complete and Total Assholes to the Democratic and Republican Parties..

Core Principles.

1. We will be complete Assholes to the career politicians who have gotten this nation into this mess.

2. We will prosecute those who have abused their powers and used the government for self gain, and put them in jail where they belong.

3. We believe in One vote per American and that one must prove they are a citizen in order to vote through a voter I.D. system. It will also require you
to verify your residence periodically to ensure proper voter records to prevent voting in multiple States or counties. That time period will be tied to the
regular periods of Driver's License scheduling.

4. All businesses will be required to check that all employees have the legal right to work in the United States. That they are a citizen, and or have the proper
work visa's or Green Cards to work in this country. Such as the Department of Labor Agriculture program. Any business that fails to do this check will be
subject to fines, removal of business licenses, and/or prison time.

5. All subsidies to companies in this country are hereby ended. Private companies and businesses will stand or fall on their own merit from here on out.

6. The Glass Steagall Act will be put back into place. Not allowing Banks to use assets to gamble on the markets with FDIC backed assets under
Fractional Banking. If they will want to Gamble in the Markets they will do so with only real assets with investment funds not backed by the FDIC.

7. The United States under the Enumerated Powers of the Constitution isn't supposed to be in the business of Real Estate. Banks will loan to individuals who
they deem able to pay these loans. Any loses from these risks are their responsibility and not the Federal Government's Responsibility. The loan
guarantees from the Federal Government allow the Banks to gamble on high risk assets with the Taxpayer on the hook for gambling losses. This
ponzi scheme ends in this party. Those who gamble in the housing market are responsible for their own risks. Not the American taxpayer.

8.. The constitution of the United States allows our gov't to print currency and make loans based on this countries ability to pay them back. The Federal
Reserve loans banks money at near 0% interest rates and then buys bonds from the Treasury with 5 to 6% interest in order to fund the endless debt
our elected officials have run up. This ponzi scheme is hereby ended. The FED will be ABOLISHED. No longer will they destroy the value of the
dollar with their ponzi schemes.

kinda of a starter to be an asshole party member. ..........should tick some people off here. LOL
I would give you more awards, but I can only give one.

The Asshole Party..............

We the of the Asshole Party are fed up with the 2 party system in America. Who have for far too long ignored the wishes of the people of the United States. Have enriched themselves via their Sponsors and who have enacted laws to do the bidding of those who give them the most money. The Asshole Party believes that no form of gov't can succeed with unethical people running the country. We are determined to be Complete and Total Assholes to the Democratic and Republican Parties..

Core Principles.

1. We will be complete Assholes to the career politicians who have gotten this nation into this mess.

2. We will prosecute those who have abused their powers and used the government for self gain, and put them in jail where they belong.

3. We believe in One vote per American and that one must prove they are a citizen in order to vote through a voter I.D. system. It will also require you
to verify your residence periodically to ensure proper voter records to prevent voting in multiple States or counties. That time period will be tied to the
regular periods of Driver's License scheduling.

4. All businesses will be required to check that all employees have the legal right to work in the United States. That they are a citizen, and or have the proper
work visa's or Green Cards to work in this country. Such as the Department of Labor Agriculture program. Any business that fails to do this check will be
subject to fines, removal of business licenses, and/or prison time.

5. All subsidies to companies in this country are hereby ended. Private companies and businesses will stand or fall on their own merit from here on out.

6. The Glass Steagall Act will be put back into place. Not allowing Banks to use assets to gamble on the markets with FDIC backed assets under
Fractional Banking. If they will want to Gamble in the Markets they will do so with only real assets with investment funds not backed by the FDIC.

7. The United States under the Enumerated Powers of the Constitution isn't supposed to be in the business of Real Estate. Banks will loan to individuals who
they deem able to pay these loans. Any loses from these risks are their responsibility and not the Federal Government's Responsibility. The loan
guarantees from the Federal Government allow the Banks to gamble on high risk assets with the Taxpayer on the hook for gambling losses. This
ponzi scheme ends in this party. Those who gamble in the housing market are responsible for their own risks. Not the American taxpayer.

8.. The constitution of the United States allows our gov't to print currency and make loans based on this countries ability to pay them back. The Federal
Reserve loans banks money at near 0% interest rates and then buys bonds from the Treasury with 5 to 6% interest in order to fund the endless debt
our elected officials have run up. This ponzi scheme is hereby ended. The FED will be ABOLISHED. No longer will they destroy the value of the
dollar with their ponzi schemes.

kinda of a starter to be an asshole party member. ..........should tick some people off here. LOL
This is a party platform I can endorse 100%.
Like to see more conservatives adopt JFK policies
I am telling you straight up I never liked the Republicans..

I was way more than a Democrat..

A conservative JFK Democrat.


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