I am legal and i can prove it.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Amnesty or path to citizenship. No matter what you prefer to call it, it means the same. If you are here, you can stay. And it send the message that if you get here and stay under the shadows long enough, there will be another amnesty. They do not want citizenship or path to citizenship. They only want legalization that allow them to stay here and work and benefits from the freebies we have to offer them.

Feds do not enforce any immigration laws against illegal aliens. They only go after employers and criminal illegal aliens. Illegal aliens are not targeted until they commit a crime. The Feds need to go after all illegal aliens to prevent the crimes. Feds, Obama and Napolitano refuse to target illegal aliens and don’t want anyone else to target them.
Immigration Reform will eliminate ( the status) 20 million illegal aliens but will do nothing to stop illegal immigration or secure the border and stop illegal aliens crime.
Attrition by enforcement will bring them out of the shadows and send them home. They must get in the back of those waiting enter legally. “It takes too long” Tough tatty.” That’s the law and we should not have to change our laws to fit their inability to wait. We don’t reward those who break the law and punish those who follow the law. That the American way and what America stand for.

Federal Immigration and Nationality Act target illegal aliens. So how is it enforced without targeting illegal aliens when 80% of illegal alien are Hispanic. I prefer to use the word “target” rather than “profile.” or if a black man who is 5feet tall robs a bank who is targeted?
I am an American citizen and if I am stopped on a traffic violation, I can prove I am legal by showing a driver license or social security care. If I don’t have it on my person, the officer can call and verify that I do have one. Every American have a social security. I am legal and I do not have to carry a briefcase of documents to prove it.

It does not matter how much illegal aliens contribute to this country, the point is they are in this country illegally.
If Immigration Reform is on hold until the border is secure then it’s never going to happen.
I'm legal but I cannot prove it. I have no copy of my birth certificate. Least-a-ways, none I can find.

And while I agree with some of what you wrote, LilOlLady, I disagree that immigration and employment laws are enforced against American businesses.
Enforcement against businesses are the only thing that can work, short of raiding and deporting. 400,000 were deported and cost millions. This way they will eventually get the message and self deport, costing us nothing. Businesses will get the message, from the fines, and will not hire illegals.
I'm legal but I cannot prove it. I have no copy of my birth certificate. Least-a-ways, none I can find.

And while I agree with some of what you wrote, LilOlLady, I disagree that immigration and employment laws are enforced against American businesses.

You don't have a social security number, driver's license or DMV identification, never been to school, a greed card a work permit? In some instances, only a name is required. Records can prove I am legal. Everyone that is legal CAN prove it.:eusa_hand:
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Ya, I have tons of ID, but not a birth certificate that I can find. What else would prove where I was born?

Tons of IDs? Did you have to show a birthcertificate to get any of them? Order a replacement of your birthcertificate. Your name also must be in the system some where. Where did you start school? I have to show birth certificate to enter my children in school. Don't remember if I did. Too long ago. Do you have a social security number? Voter's registration card?
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Ya, I need to re-order my birth certificate. I have resisted doing so because I put it someplace where I wouldn't lose it -- and I am stubbornly refusing to admit I dun know where in the hell that is.

Anyway, I suppose all this is about the AZ law. Given the level of identity theft that seems to be going on, surely just whipping out a SSN card or a DL ain't enough in the way of proof, is it?
Ya, I need to re-order my birth certificate. I have resisted doing so because I put it someplace where I wouldn't lose it -- and I am stubbornly refusing to admit I dun know where in the hell that is.

Anyway, I suppose all this is about the AZ law. Given the level of identity theft that seems to be going on, surely just whipping out a SSN card or a DL ain't enough in the way of proof, is it?

If it is legit, it is in the system somewhere. I never carry my BC with me but my name and other document prove I am legal.
If you are stopped and show a driver's license the office will call in and see if there are any outstanding ticket or warrents and he can also find out if your DL is legit are store bought.

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