"I Am Bradley Manning"


Platinum Member
Apr 9, 2012
Great video, great site. Spread the word via Twitter, FB Instagram and other social networks you are a part of.

The accusation that purports Manning knew he’d be giving intelligence to Al Qaeda by leaking sensitive information to Wikileaks is nothing but trumped-up, fear-mongering, fraudulent bullshit.

I Am Bradley Manning

Bradley Manning defense rests in WikiLeaks case

The defense closed with testimony from Harvard Law Professor Yochai Benkler, who said that WikiLeaks was performing a journalistic function at the time Manning gave them archives of classified documents.

Benkler, who wrote a widely cited academic paper about WikiLeaks and watchdog journalism on the Internet, testified that at the time of Manning's leaks the organization had established itself as a reputable journalistic organ.

Although WikiLeaks was initially regarded with skepticism, it published accurate information without having to retract anything, and by the time Manning leaked the documents in 2010, WikiLeaks had a reputation as a legitimate organization.

U.S. officials and lawmakers immediately began denouncing WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange after it published video of a Baghdad airstrike showing an American helicopter firing on Reuters journalists, obtained through Manning.

The New York Times, The Guardian, and Der Spiegel then went on to publish excerpts from the Afghan War logs, Iraq War logs, diplomatic cables and Guantanamo Bay files which had been sent to WikiLeaks by Manning.

Prosecutor Capt. Joe Morrow asked Benkler whether he agreed that the release of documents in bulk was not journalism, and Benkler disagreed. He said that sometimes a database can hold important information even when no single document is newsworthy on its own.

He cited an analysis of the Iraq War logs that showed civilian casualties had been far higher than official estimates.

Read more: Bradley Manning defense rests in WikiLeaks case - UPI.com

Harvard Professor Yochai Benkler Is Star Witness At Bradley Manning Trial


FORT MEADE, Md. -- A Harvard law professor is taking center stage in the court-martial of an Army private who gave classified information to WikiLeaks.

Yochai Benkler is the star defense witness Wednesday in the trial of Pfc. Bradley Manning at Fort Meade, near Baltimore.

Benkler has praised the anti-secrecy website as a new-media watchdog. He calls the prosecution of Manning part of a broader attack on WikiLeaks aimed at crippling its ability to function.

He says the attack is inconsistent with America's commitment to a free press and free speech.

Manning is charged with aiding the enemy for admittedly sending reams of classified information to WikiLeaks while working as an intelligence analyst in Iraq.
Great video, great site. Spread the word via Twitter, FB Instagram and other social networks you are a part of.

The accusation that purports Manning knew he’d be giving intelligence to Al Qaeda by leaking sensitive information to Wikileaks is nothing but trumped-up, fear-mongering, fraudulent bullshit.

I Am Bradley Manning
CK, I didn't know you had it in ya!

But hey, I'm no kiss-ass!
I am a member of the Bradley Manning Facebook group, and they post dozens of images of regular, everyday people holding up signs saying 'I Am Bradley Manning'.

I hope he is released.
Great video, great site. Spread the word via Twitter, FB Instagram and other social networks you are a part of.

The accusation that purports Manning knew he’d be giving intelligence to Al Qaeda by leaking sensitive information to Wikileaks is nothing but trumped-up, fear-mongering, fraudulent bullshit.

I Am Bradley Manning
Yes, because everyone knows terrorists don't use the internet.

Wikileaks Afghanistan: Taliban 'hunting down informants' - Telegraph

Further, Wikileaks edited the "Collateral Murder" video.

Collateral Murder - The WikiLeaks Deception | Telling the Whole Story

Video: Colbert smacks down Wikileaks founder over ?Collateral Murder? video « Hot Air

Bradley Manning 'Approved' Edits To 'Collateral Murder' Video, Witness Says
You know, maybe this whole fiasco might have been avoided if that horrid policy of "embedded" journalists had been avoided. As it was, this is what we get.

When President Bush declared, "They hate us because of our freedoms," who would have thought that the political elites had a sinister solution for us. What was that solution? It wasn't to fight for our freedoms. It was to pass laws like the Patriot Act and the NDAA and take those freedoms away.

When folks on the left bemoan the numbers of innocents that die monthly in our nation because of our right to bear arms, I don't look at it as something wrong with our Bill of Rights, I look at it as the price of freedom. When folks say, the release of classified information about corruption within government and the military-industrial complex is going to cost the lives of service men, well. . . that too is the price of freedom.

Sometimes when my son was eight years old and he got in trouble in school, or got a bad grade, I would ground him. He would blame that grounding on me. That was his thinking. It is very immature thinking to blame the consequences of bad behavior on others. If Robert Gates wants to blame "whistle blowers" who shed light on corrupt behavior for the blow back that occurs afterward, that is his unenlightened right, and his point of view. Those of us who know how the elites work, know their game. We see through their charade. THEY are the ones responsible for all the death, war and destruction in the world, for all of our military deaths, including the ones caused by their corruption.

What I know is that I have more in common with the average person from Europe, Africa, Asia or Australia then the elites who seek to lord over us, steal from us, imprison us, and yes, kill us, to maintain their positions of power.

Once we were a nation of truth, justice, laws, and ethics. Now, our government is out of our control, doing things in secret, not in our name. This is just one more example.

Bradley Manning Trial FAQ
Monday June 3rd 2013, 16:00 GMT

Who is Bradley Manning?

When is the trial?

How long is the trial?

What is Bradley Manning accused of?

What is the potential sentence?

What is the status of the federal investigation against Julian Assange and six other ’founders, owners or administrators of WikiLeaks’?

WikiLeaks Grand Jury 10-GJ-3-793

FBI Criminal investigation against WikiLeaks

What is the scope of the WikiLeaks/Manning investigation, which US officials have described as “unprecedented both in its scale and nature”

How does secrecy in the Manning trial compare to secret trials in Guantanamo Bay?

What legal actions has WikiLeaks taken in relation to BM?

How can Manning be charged with ’Aiding the Enemy’?

What does the Manning trial mean for press freedoms?

Where can I find Bradley Manning’s plea statement?


Bradley Manning trial verdict: Acquitted of aiding the enemy, convicted on lesser charges

FORT MEADE, Md. — A military judge Tuesday acquitted Pfc. Bradley Manning of aiding the enemy — the most serious charge the Army intelligence analyst faced for leaking hundreds of thousands of classified military reports and diplomatic cables.

Manning was convicted on all but one of the lesser charges considered by the judge, Army Col. Denise Lind, in connection with the website WikiLeaks’s receipt of the largest breach of classified material in U.S. history.

Defense attorney David Coombs also argued that Manning leaked the reports, cables and some other material because he grew angry about what he saw as U.S. military indifference to civilian casualties.

“We won the battle, now we need to go win the war,” Coombs told reporters Tuesday, referring to the upcoming sentencing phase. “Today is a good day, but Bradley is by no means out of the fire.”

Prosecutors contend that Manning was guilty of aiding the enemy because knew what he sent to WikiLeaks would wind up in the hands of Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups.

However, Manning’s defense and First Amendment advocates expressed concern about the aiding-the-enemy charge, saying it could convert almost any leak of classified information to the media into an aiding-the-enemy case since terrorist groups have access to most media reports and websites via the Internet.

The Army intelligence analyst was arrested in May 2010 at a forward operating base in Iraq where he studied threats in a section of Baghdad. Manning, now 25, has been in custody since.

More at. . .

After this whole fiasco is over, he ought to just get time served and then released. What a nightmare. It's going to end up being at least four years of his life just so he can shed a spot light on what really went on with the malfeasance with in the military and among contractors in Iraq. And Blackwater didn't change their name for no reason. It was the efforts of individuals such as this, shining a light on what the military and the contractors were doing that helped to wake up the public, at least those who cared, to get the government out of the nation building business.

One can't help but wonder, if it hadn't been for his brave efforts, and others like him, would we be in Afghanistan indefinitely?

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