I am "bad" person because ...


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

  • My initial reaction to any female between the ages of 15 and 50 is whether they would make a desirable sexual partner;
  • When I see a news report about one "Black" gang banger killing another "Black" gang banger, I don't care - it's good for the overall gene pool;
  • I think that the 30 million illegals in this country have made it a worse country; same for immigrants from Islamic shit-holes like Somalia;
  • I think that government schools (K-12) are a net-negative institution in our society;
  • I resent the over-representation of "gay" and otherwise sexually fucked up or confused people in the Media, and wish they would go back in the Closet (they constitute no more than a couple percent of the overall population);
  • I have no compassion or pity for people who are poor and wretched, to the extent that they have made life decisions to put themselves in that condition;
  • I resent the hell out of millionaire "Black" athletes and entertainers who complain about how tough it is to be Black in America today;
  • I think that at least 60% of American voters are too stupid to have a say on anything more important than the choice of what television channel to watch - and we as a society are suffering because of that;
  • I firmly believe that, while all politicians tend to be self-aggrandizing schmucks, most Democrat politicians are basically evil;
  • I believe that "Blacks" in this country will never achieve broad-based statistical "equality," whether it is measured in education, income, wealth, or professional accomplishment, because when you are talking about general statistical reality, their low AVERAGE IQ's will prevent it;
  • I strongly believe that the decades-long assault on the Catholic Church (still ongoing) is mainly about (a) raw, unbridled bigotry, and (b) extracting money from innocent Catholic alms-givers;
So shoot me.

  • My initial reaction to any female between the ages of 15 and 50 is whether they would make a desirable sexual partner;
  • When I see a news report about one "Black" gang banger killing another "Black" gang banger, I don't care - it's good for the overall gene pool;
  • I think that the 30 million illegals in this country have made it a worse country; same for immigrants from Islamic shit-holes like Somalia;
  • I think that government schools (K-12) are a net-negative institution in our society;
  • I resent the over-representation of "gay" and otherwise sexually fucked up or confused people in the Media, and wish they would go back in the Closet (they constitute no more than a couple percent of the overall population);
  • I have no compassion or pity for people who are poor and wretched, to the extent that they have made life decisions to put themselves in that condition;
  • I resent the hell out of millionaire "Black" athletes and entertainers who complain about how tough it is to be Black in America today;
  • I think that at least 60% of American voters are too stupid to have a say on anything more important than the choice of what television channel to watch - and we as a society are suffering because of that;
  • I firmly believe that, while all politicians tend to be self-aggrandizing schmucks, most Democrat politicians are basically evil;
  • I believe that "Blacks" in this country will never achieve broad-based statistical "equality," whether it is measured in education, income, wealth, or professional accomplishment, because when you are talking about general statistical reality, their low AVERAGE IQ's will prevent it;
  • I strongly believe that the decades-long assault on the Catholic Church (still ongoing) is mainly about (a) raw, unbridled bigotry, and (b) extracting money from innocent Catholic alms-givers;
So shoot me.
Liberals all blow. They should be aborted.
Im with you on almost all of them.
I dont think evil politicians are exclusive to the democrats. The corrupt and hacked out republicans are shitty too.

  • My initial reaction to any female between the ages of 15 and 50 is whether they would make a desirable sexual partner;
  • When I see a news report about one "Black" gang banger killing another "Black" gang banger, I don't care - it's good for the overall gene pool;
  • I think that the 30 million illegals in this country have made it a worse country; same for immigrants from Islamic shit-holes like Somalia;
  • I think that government schools (K-12) are a net-negative institution in our society;
  • I resent the over-representation of "gay" and otherwise sexually fucked up or confused people in the Media, and wish they would go back in the Closet (they constitute no more than a couple percent of the overall population);
  • I have no compassion or pity for people who are poor and wretched, to the extent that they have made life decisions to put themselves in that condition;
  • I resent the hell out of millionaire "Black" athletes and entertainers who complain about how tough it is to be Black in America today;
  • I think that at least 60% of American voters are too stupid to have a say on anything more important than the choice of what television channel to watch - and we as a society are suffering because of that;
  • I firmly believe that, while all politicians tend to be self-aggrandizing schmucks, most Democrat politicians are basically evil;
  • I believe that "Blacks" in this country will never achieve broad-based statistical "equality," whether it is measured in education, income, wealth, or professional accomplishment, because when you are talking about general statistical reality, their low AVERAGE IQ's will prevent it;
  • I strongly believe that the decades-long assault on the Catholic Church (still ongoing) is mainly about (a) raw, unbridled bigotry, and (b) extracting money from innocent Catholic alms-givers;
So shoot me.

I disagree somewhat. I tend towards the Mensa pre-PC theory of black problems. Interbreeding with dumb ass whites in order to get lighter skinned will definitely make your offspring stupid.
  • I resent the hell out of millionaire "Black" athletes and entertainers who complain about how tough it is to be Black in America today;

  • I believe that "Blacks" in this country will never achieve broad-based statistical "equality," whether it is measured in education, income, wealth, or professional accomplishment, because when you are talking about general statistical reality, their low AVERAGE IQ's will prevent it;

  • My initial reaction to any female between the ages of 15 and 50 is whether they would make a desirable sexual partner;
  • When I see a news report about one "Black" gang banger killing another "Black" gang banger, I don't care - it's good for the overall gene pool;
  • I think that the 30 million illegals in this country have made it a worse country; same for immigrants from Islamic shit-holes like Somalia;
  • I think that government schools (K-12) are a net-negative institution in our society;
  • I resent the over-representation of "gay" and otherwise sexually fucked up or confused people in the Media, and wish they would go back in the Closet (they constitute no more than a couple percent of the overall population);
  • I have no compassion or pity for people who are poor and wretched, to the extent that they have made life decisions to put themselves in that condition;
  • I resent the hell out of millionaire "Black" athletes and entertainers who complain about how tough it is to be Black in America today;
  • I think that at least 60% of American voters are too stupid to have a say on anything more important than the choice of what television channel to watch - and we as a society are suffering because of that;
  • I firmly believe that, while all politicians tend to be self-aggrandizing schmucks, most Democrat politicians are basically evil;
  • I believe that "Blacks" in this country will never achieve broad-based statistical "equality," whether it is measured in education, income, wealth, or professional accomplishment, because when you are talking about general statistical reality, their low AVERAGE IQ's will prevent it;
  • I strongly believe that the decades-long assault on the Catholic Church (still ongoing) is mainly about (a) raw, unbridled bigotry, and (b) extracting money from innocent Catholic alms-givers;
So shoot me.
I agree on almost all of them!
  • I resent the hell out of millionaire "Black" athletes and entertainers who complain about how tough it is to be Black in America today;

  • I believe that "Blacks" in this country will never achieve broad-based statistical "equality," whether it is measured in education, income, wealth, or professional accomplishment, because when you are talking about general statistical reality, their low AVERAGE IQ's will prevent it;

Why is it?

  • My initial reaction to any female between the ages of 15 and 50 is whether they would make a desirable sexual partner;
  • When I see a news report about one "Black" gang banger killing another "Black" gang banger, I don't care - it's good for the overall gene pool;
  • I think that the 30 million illegals in this country have made it a worse country; same for immigrants from Islamic shit-holes like Somalia;
  • I think that government schools (K-12) are a net-negative institution in our society;
  • I resent the over-representation of "gay" and otherwise sexually fucked up or confused people in the Media, and wish they would go back in the Closet (they constitute no more than a couple percent of the overall population);
  • I have no compassion or pity for people who are poor and wretched, to the extent that they have made life decisions to put themselves in that condition;
  • I resent the hell out of millionaire "Black" athletes and entertainers who complain about how tough it is to be Black in America today;
  • I think that at least 60% of American voters are too stupid to have a say on anything more important than the choice of what television channel to watch - and we as a society are suffering because of that;
  • I firmly believe that, while all politicians tend to be self-aggrandizing schmucks, most Democrat politicians are basically evil;
  • I believe that "Blacks" in this country will never achieve broad-based statistical "equality," whether it is measured in education, income, wealth, or professional accomplishment, because when you are talking about general statistical reality, their low AVERAGE IQ's will prevent it;
  • I strongly believe that the decades-long assault on the Catholic Church (still ongoing) is mainly about (a) raw, unbridled bigotry, and (b) extracting money from innocent Catholic alms-givers;
So shoot me.

30 million illegals?

That many?

  • My initial reaction to any female between the ages of 15 and 50 is whether they would make a desirable sexual partner;
  • When I see a news report about one "Black" gang banger killing another "Black" gang banger, I don't care - it's good for the overall gene pool;
  • I think that the 30 million illegals in this country have made it a worse country; same for immigrants from Islamic shit-holes like Somalia;
  • I think that government schools (K-12) are a net-negative institution in our society;
  • I resent the over-representation of "gay" and otherwise sexually fucked up or confused people in the Media, and wish they would go back in the Closet (they constitute no more than a couple percent of the overall population);
  • I have no compassion or pity for people who are poor and wretched, to the extent that they have made life decisions to put themselves in that condition;
  • I resent the hell out of millionaire "Black" athletes and entertainers who complain about how tough it is to be Black in America today;
  • I think that at least 60% of American voters are too stupid to have a say on anything more important than the choice of what television channel to watch - and we as a society are suffering because of that;
  • I firmly believe that, while all politicians tend to be self-aggrandizing schmucks, most Democrat politicians are basically evil;
  • I believe that "Blacks" in this country will never achieve broad-based statistical "equality," whether it is measured in education, income, wealth, or professional accomplishment, because when you are talking about general statistical reality, their low AVERAGE IQ's will prevent it;
  • I strongly believe that the decades-long assault on the Catholic Church (still ongoing) is mainly about (a) raw, unbridled bigotry, and (b) extracting money from innocent Catholic alms-givers;
So shoot me.

So shoot me.

I am "bad" person because ...

Just invincibly ignorant after years and years of consuming rightarded propaganda, and thus convinced of a myriad of things that aren't so, and a typical case of Dunning-Kruger to fortify your delusional bubble against all intrusion of facts.

Trump supporter, perchance?
The Catholic Church leaders have been getting away with rape and sexual predatory practices on children yet the OP claims they are innocent, fuck the OP.
So you list in bullet points your various biases against others based on race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and national origin, exhibiting an attitude of superiority, which I find laughable. You are just one face in the crowd of humanity.

You need to get over yourself. How about a humility class?
  • My initial reaction to any female between the ages of 15 and 50 is whether they would make a desirable sexual partner;
  • When I see a news report about one "Black" gang banger killing another "Black" gang banger, I don't care - it's good for the overall gene pool;
  • I think that the 30 million illegals in this country have made it a worse country; same for immigrants from Islamic shit-holes like Somalia;
  • I think that government schools (K-12) are a net-negative institution in our society;
  • I resent the over-representation of "gay" and otherwise sexually fucked up or confused people in the Media, and wish they would go back in the Closet (they constitute no more than a couple percent of the overall population);
  • I have no compassion or pity for people who are poor and wretched, to the extent that they have made life decisions to put themselves in that condition;
  • I resent the hell out of millionaire "Black" athletes and entertainers who complain about how tough it is to be Black in America today;
  • I think that at least 60% of American voters are too stupid to have a say on anything more important than the choice of what television channel to watch - and we as a society are suffering because of that;
  • I firmly believe that, while all politicians tend to be self-aggrandizing schmucks, most Democrat politicians are basically evil;
  • I believe that "Blacks" in this country will never achieve broad-based statistical "equality," whether it is measured in education, income, wealth, or professional accomplishment, because when you are talking about general statistical reality, their low AVERAGE IQ's will prevent it;
  • I strongly believe that the decades-long assault on the Catholic Church (still ongoing) is mainly about (a) raw, unbridled bigotry, and (b) extracting money from innocent Catholic alms-givers;
So shoot me.


Different list ...

1. People who drive slow in the fast lane ... they gotta die.

2. People who gab with the check-out clerk at the supermarket ... slow, lingering death

3. People who do a month's worth of banking transactions at the ATM when a dozen people are just waiting to pull out cash ... torture for years, followed by ignominious death.

4. People who put pineapple on pizza ... extremely late term abortion ... in the 360th month
Different list ...

1. People who drive slow in the fast lane ... they gotta die.

2. People who gab with the check-out clerk at the supermarket ... slow, lingering death

3. People who do a month's worth of banking transactions at the ATM when a dozen people are just waiting to pull out cash ... torture for years, followed by ignominious death.

4. People who put pineapple on pizza ... extremely late term abortion ... in the 360th month

5. People who are talking mindless shit on their cellphones, never speaking to the clerk, while watching their groceries be scanned and bagged. After this is done, they suddenly realize that they have to pay for it all and start digging in their purses for their wallets. Instant death by "water-boarding" using orange juice.

  • My initial reaction to any female between the ages of 15 and 50 is whether they would make a desirable sexual partner;
  • When I see a news report about one "Black" gang banger killing another "Black" gang banger, I don't care - it's good for the overall gene pool;
  • I think that the 30 million illegals in this country have made it a worse country; same for immigrants from Islamic shit-holes like Somalia;
  • I think that government schools (K-12) are a net-negative institution in our society;
  • I resent the over-representation of "gay" and otherwise sexually fucked up or confused people in the Media, and wish they would go back in the Closet (they constitute no more than a couple percent of the overall population);
  • I have no compassion or pity for people who are poor and wretched, to the extent that they have made life decisions to put themselves in that condition;
  • I resent the hell out of millionaire "Black" athletes and entertainers who complain about how tough it is to be Black in America today;
  • I think that at least 60% of American voters are too stupid to have a say on anything more important than the choice of what television channel to watch - and we as a society are suffering because of that;
  • I firmly believe that, while all politicians tend to be self-aggrandizing schmucks, most Democrat politicians are basically evil;
  • I believe that "Blacks" in this country will never achieve broad-based statistical "equality," whether it is measured in education, income, wealth, or professional accomplishment, because when you are talking about general statistical reality, their low AVERAGE IQ's will prevent it;
  • I strongly believe that the decades-long assault on the Catholic Church (still ongoing) is mainly about (a) raw, unbridled bigotry, and (b) extracting money from innocent Catholic alms-givers;
So shoot me.

1. Yep, that's bad, and makes me think less of you. Whatever if you want to be a little creepy with grown women, even if you work with them. But really, 15 year old GIRLS? Freshmen in high school? I wouldn't even admit that on an online anonymous forum. Nope. That wasn't just bad but also stupid.

2. Also lamentable. Loss of life is loss of life.

3. Agree

4. Widely varies

5. Generally agree

6. Sometimes agree, though so much of it is generational

7. I don't care about this at all

8. Strongly agree. Too bad you admitted you are pretty stupid in number one, eh?

9. Agree

10. Not sold on that at all

11. No doubt Leftists hate Christianity in all its forms. But the Catholic church has also brought a lot of this on with pervy things they covered up. For a long time. And with great effort.

  • My initial reaction to any female between the ages of 15 and 50 is whether they would make a desirable sexual partner;
  • When I see a news report about one "Black" gang banger killing another "Black" gang banger, I don't care - it's good for the overall gene pool;
  • I think that the 30 million illegals in this country have made it a worse country; same for immigrants from Islamic shit-holes like Somalia;
  • I think that government schools (K-12) are a net-negative institution in our society;
  • I resent the over-representation of "gay" and otherwise sexually fucked up or confused people in the Media, and wish they would go back in the Closet (they constitute no more than a couple percent of the overall population);
  • I have no compassion or pity for people who are poor and wretched, to the extent that they have made life decisions to put themselves in that condition;
  • I resent the hell out of millionaire "Black" athletes and entertainers who complain about how tough it is to be Black in America today;
  • I think that at least 60% of American voters are too stupid to have a say on anything more important than the choice of what television channel to watch - and we as a society are suffering because of that;
  • I firmly believe that, while all politicians tend to be self-aggrandizing schmucks, most Democrat politicians are basically evil;
  • I believe that "Blacks" in this country will never achieve broad-based statistical "equality," whether it is measured in education, income, wealth, or professional accomplishment, because when you are talking about general statistical reality, their low AVERAGE IQ's will prevent it;
  • I strongly believe that the decades-long assault on the Catholic Church (still ongoing) is mainly about (a) raw, unbridled bigotry, and (b) extracting money from innocent Catholic alms-givers;
So shoot me.

1. Yep, that's bad, and makes me think less of you. Whatever if you want to be a little creepy with grown women, even if you work with them. But really, 15 year old GIRLS? Freshmen in high school? I wouldn't even admit that on an online anonymous forum. Nope. That wasn't just bad but also stupid.

2. Also lamentable. Loss of life is loss of life.

3. Agree

4. Widely varies

5. Generally agree

6. Sometimes agree, though so much of it is generational

7. I don't care about this at all

8. Strongly agree. Too bad you admitted you are pretty stupid in number one, eh?

9. Agree

10. Not sold on that at all

11. No doubt Leftists hate Christianity in all its forms. But the Catholic church has also brought a lot of this on with pervy things they covered up. For a long time. And with great effort.

Who are these "Leftists", as opposed to others, who "hate Christianity in all its forms"? Really, you need to define your terms.
Different list ...

1. People who drive slow in the fast lane ... they gotta die.

2. People who gab with the check-out clerk at the supermarket ... slow, lingering death

3. People who do a month's worth of banking transactions at the ATM when a dozen people are just waiting to pull out cash ... torture for years, followed by ignominious death.

4. People who put pineapple on pizza ... extremely late term abortion ... in the 360th month

What's wrong with having a chat with the check-out person?

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