Hyperbole -synonymous (for uneducated Liberals/Progressive-that means "the same"!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Hyperbole is the ONLY way Liberals/Progressives and Obama supporters know how to respond!
Here are several examples from the news and from this forum!
Hyperbole example 1..
Defending the JOB KILLING Obama administration this hyperbolism!
"We have repeatedly seen the carnage that happens when they don't"
"Carnage" in the mining industry??
FACTS are :
“Fishers and related fishing workers” 200 deaths per 100,000 people
For loggers, the fatality rate was 61.8 per 100,000
aircraft pilots and flight engineers, 57.1 per 100,000.

BUT the "Mining industry hyperbole "CARNAGE" --- MINING??
The fatal work injury rate for mining to 19.9 per 100,000 in 2010
Wow miners rate of death 10 times LESS then fishers, 3 times less then loggers/and aircraft pilots!!!
The Most Dangerous Jobs in America - NYTimes.com
I will provide MORE examples of the HYPERBOLE that Obama has used and is 100% INCORRECT!

Hint.. who according to the IRS records paid more in the percent of reported income to the IRS.. Hedge Fund Manager... Plumber... Teacher???

Once again FACTS if you want go to the IRS site and GET THEM like I did!
SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income
For those that couldn't wait:
Hyperbole example 2..
"I reject the idea that asking a hedge fund manager to pay the same tax rate as a plumber or a teacher is class warfare." Obama totally LIED when he said this!

Hedge fund managers only pay 15% income tax.
Crime & Federalism: Hedge Fund Billionaires Pay Lowest Income Tax Rates

ACTUAL REAL NOT MADE UP payments to the IRS in 2008...

A plumber making an average of $50,000 paid 5.6% of income in taxes!
A teacher making an average of $52,000 paid 9.2% of income in taxes!

Source:SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

According to the department of labor: Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters
total plumbers: 358,790 and the Mean annual wage $50,360

11,087,123 Total returns for income reported $40,000 under $50,000 (Plumbers mean annual income $50,360) .
Total TAXABLE returns (meaning they had to pay taxes): 9,308,560
Average Adjusted taxable income: $28,465...(deductions,donations..etc...)
Total TAXES PAID per return $2,832.26 or a TAXABLE RATE OF 5.6%

There are a 1,485,600 Elementary School Teachers,Their Mean Annual Wage:$54,330

After deductions, there were 17,662,044 Total TAXABLE returns meaning they had to pay taxes:
After deductions the Average Adjusted taxable income: $40,599 after deductions,donations..etc...
Total TAXES PAID per return $4,826 A TAXABLE RATE OF 9.2% on gross of $52,000!

HEDGE Fund Managers let just grossly assume they had net taxable income of $1 million!!!

321,294 tptal tax returns over $ 1 million at average of $10,483,240

Total tax payments actual receipts to IRS...$249,019,686,000 on gross income of $1,068,330,120,000

23.14% of Hedge fund manager gross income PAID IN TAXES

I know this is simple but Is 23.14% MORE then 5.6% or 9.2%?

If 23.14% IS MORE THEN 5.6% or 9.2% OBAMA LIED!!!
If you think that right wingers on here do not use hyperbole then you are either blindly partisan or not very bright.
This thread is a hillarious example of irony.

Defensive? Nope please show some examples of my hyperbole please.
Not sarcasm which I am fond of but hyperbole.
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Hey... I'll concede that conservatives use Hyperbole far less then the most liberal/progressives!

But you need to prove it to me!
Show me specific examples Like I just did!
Here is another example a liberal/progressive hyperbolic statement that is also just absolutely WRONG made by Obama!

Obama said:
"And if we are able to slow the growth of health care costs by just one-tenth of 1 percent each year -- one-tenth of 1 percent -- it will actually reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term."

NOT only hyperbolic BUT wrong!
Projections for 2010 from U.S. Census Bureau National Health Expenditures--Summary,
The 2012 Statistical Abstract: Health Expenditures
Health care expenditures 2010 $2.5 Trillion
Obama says "slow 1/10th 1% That would be $2.5 billion!
To reduce $4 trillion at $2.5 billion "over the long term" IS 1,600 YEARS!
Again for people this went way over their heads..
Here we have a President who has NO concept of what "BIG" numbers mean!
Hyperbole at it's best! Stupidity and ignorance at it's worst!
Remember he said reduce the $4 trillion deficit "over the long term"!!! 1,600 YEARS!
You wrote:"This thread is a hillarious example of irony."
Irony : an implied discrepancy between what is said and what is meant.

The statement you wrote is an impossibility.. i.e. as there is NO way short of being mind readers to know what the writer "meant" under the definition of "Irony"!

But here is another example of HYPERBOLE by liberal/progressives/Obamatrons!!!
Obama said: "I reject the idea that asking a hedge fund manager to pay the same tax rate as a plumber or a teacher is class warfare."
Hedge fund managers report to the IRS incomes over $1 million as 321,294 returns showed at an average of $3.3 million per reported gross income
.. they paid $775,000 in taxes or: 23.3%

BUT ...
A plumber making an average of $50,000 paid 5.6% of income in taxes!
A teacher making an average of $52,000 paid 9.2% of income in taxes!

Again.. check out the REAL numbers from the IRS for 2008 tax returns!
SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income
you wrote"shills usually aren't very bright and are always hacks."
BUT you still haven't refuted or provided any retorts other then the hackneyed, cliched very childish action of attacking the messenger!

See this is why more and more people are turning away from liberal/progressives name callers as there is NO substance! All class warfare, divisive, and NO solutions.
Slogans don't put food on the table!
Hyperbole is the ONLY way Liberals/Progressives and Obama supporters know how to respond!
Here are several examples from the news and from this forum!
Hyperbole example 1..
Defending the JOB KILLING Obama administration this hyperbolism!
"We have repeatedly seen the carnage that happens when they don't"
"Carnage" in the mining industry??
FACTS are :
“Fishers and related fishing workers” 200 deaths per 100,000 people
For loggers, the fatality rate was 61.8 per 100,000
aircraft pilots and flight engineers, 57.1 per 100,000.

BUT the "Mining industry hyperbole "CARNAGE" --- MINING??
The fatal work injury rate for mining to 19.9 per 100,000 in 2010
Wow miners rate of death 10 times LESS then fishers, 3 times less then loggers/and aircraft pilots!!!
The Most Dangerous Jobs in America - NYTimes.com
I will provide MORE examples of the HYPERBOLE that Obama has used and is 100% INCORRECT!

Hint.. who according to the IRS records paid more in the percent of reported income to the IRS.. Hedge Fund Manager... Plumber... Teacher???

Once again FACTS if you want go to the IRS site and GET THEM like I did!
SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

hyperbole is not the only way to respond to bullshit like yours.

one other way is to ignore you.

another way is to tell you to fuck yourself.
HOw about the hyperbole of Obama and the ADA in another thread?

The Bushes signed into law both parts of the ADA.
Hyperbole is the ONLY way Liberals/Progressives and Obama supporters know how to respond!
Here are several examples from the news and from this forum!
Hyperbole example 1..
Defending the JOB KILLING Obama administration this hyperbolism!
"We have repeatedly seen the carnage that happens when they don't"
"Carnage" in the mining industry??
FACTS are :
“Fishers and related fishing workers” 200 deaths per 100,000 people
For loggers, the fatality rate was 61.8 per 100,000
aircraft pilots and flight engineers, 57.1 per 100,000.

BUT the "Mining industry hyperbole "CARNAGE" --- MINING??
The fatal work injury rate for mining to 19.9 per 100,000 in 2010
Wow miners rate of death 10 times LESS then fishers, 3 times less then loggers/and aircraft pilots!!!
The Most Dangerous Jobs in America - NYTimes.com
I will provide MORE examples of the HYPERBOLE that Obama has used and is 100% INCORRECT!

Hint.. who according to the IRS records paid more in the percent of reported income to the IRS.. Hedge Fund Manager... Plumber... Teacher???

Once again FACTS if you want go to the IRS site and GET THEM like I did!
SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

hyperbole is not the only way to respond to bullshit like yours.

one other way is to ignore you.

another way is to tell you to fuck yourself.

So Betty Boop responds with insults instead of a rebuttal and you do as well? Why even post if that's all you've got?
Hyperbole is the ONLY way Liberals/Progressives and Obama supporters know how to respond!
Here are several examples from the news and from this forum!
Hyperbole example 1..
Defending the JOB KILLING Obama administration this hyperbolism!
"We have repeatedly seen the carnage that happens when they don't"
"Carnage" in the mining industry??
FACTS are :
“Fishers and related fishing workers” 200 deaths per 100,000 people
For loggers, the fatality rate was 61.8 per 100,000
aircraft pilots and flight engineers, 57.1 per 100,000.

BUT the "Mining industry hyperbole "CARNAGE" --- MINING??
The fatal work injury rate for mining to 19.9 per 100,000 in 2010
Wow miners rate of death 10 times LESS then fishers, 3 times less then loggers/and aircraft pilots!!!
The Most Dangerous Jobs in America - NYTimes.com
I will provide MORE examples of the HYPERBOLE that Obama has used and is 100% INCORRECT!

Hint.. who according to the IRS records paid more in the percent of reported income to the IRS.. Hedge Fund Manager... Plumber... Teacher???

Once again FACTS if you want go to the IRS site and GET THEM like I did!
SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

hyperbole is not the only way to respond to bullshit like yours.

one other way is to ignore you.

another way is to tell you to fuck yourself.

So Betty Boop responds with insults instead of a rebuttal and you do as well? Why even post if that's all you've got?

why even address me with your lame shit?

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