Hydroxychloroquine study MSM kept pushing has been officially retracted for data fraud.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
The "company" that produced it outright refused to provide any access to their data.

Here is a quote from an article on the subject.

"Following the study, the World Health Organization paused enrolling patients in clinical trials testing hydroxychloroquine, although this week the organization said it resumed the trials.

More than 100 researchers have raised questions about the data behind the study and about Surgisphere, which had supplied it."

One week it works the next it doesn't...I don't care how many "reports" and BS studies we get it does work for many patients....the malaria belt has almost zero covid infections...it could be because they all take this drug....okay?...if you don't think it works don't take it....they wouldn't be giving it to world leaders to take if it didn't work....
The only thing treating people for Covid-19 with hydroxychloroquine has done: Shortages of Hydroxychloroquine for Lupus Patients
So... All the doctors that subscribed it are wrong ... Because?
Doctor's can PRESCRIBE anything, dipshit.
Spellchecker.. Bad... But... I notice that you didn't answer the question.
Any doctor prescribing hydroxychloroquine to patients for Covid-19 is doing so with the full knowledge that the drug has not met any standards for claiming ethically that it does anything to help prevent or treat Covid-19. There are zero accepted studies that show hydroxychloroquine can treat Covid-19, and multiple studies that show it does not. If you reject these studies, then you are operating off of zero information.
The only thing treating people for Covid-19 with hydroxychloroquine has done: Shortages of Hydroxychloroquine for Lupus Patients

They make EIGHT METRIC TONS of this drug every month.. Any "shortage" is supply chain or govt/hospital/foreign hoarding -- because they NEED IT and want to use it... I looked up the amount manufactured earlier in this wrestling match..
I'd like to see that link along with a link showing the usage is not on par.
The "company" that produced it outright refused to provide any access to their data.

Here is a quote from an article on the subject.

"Following the study, the World Health Organization paused enrolling patients in clinical trials testing hydroxychloroquine, although this week the organization said it resumed the trials.

More than 100 researchers have raised questions about the data behind the study and about Surgisphere, which had supplied it."

What's clear here is the sudden "double standard" that happened when Remdesivir went into clinical trials.. For HCQuine, the whole debate was about "saving lives"..,. About keeping people from dying.. And the flawed and "financially/politically" motivated studies for HCQuine always focused on the # of folks rescued from death.. AS THO -- people expect a NON EXISTENT CURE for CV 19...

So this QUESTIONABLE STUDY did the "double standard" thing and FOCUSED on "lives saved".. It's even flawed in THAT respect.,.

Then the EARLY trials of Remdesivir turn out luke warm.. NO significant effect on SURVIVAL -- but a "mild" DECREASE in "time to recovery" and the NIH did End Zone dances about that..

Well if it's NOT about "saving lives" or a CURE -- Why not evaluate the $0.30 drug against the new fangled $bill dollar research drug that's gonna cost $3.00 a dose the SAME FUCKING WAY???

It's ALWAYS been about early intervention and "time to recovery" with HCQuine.. There's no "miracle cure" on the horizon...
The only thing treating people for Covid-19 with hydroxychloroquine has done: Shortages of Hydroxychloroquine for Lupus Patients

They make EIGHT METRIC TONS of this drug every month.. Any "shortage" is supply chain or govt/hospital/foreign hoarding -- because they NEED IT and want to use it... I looked up the amount manufactured earlier in this wrestling match..
I'd like to see that link along with a link showing the usage is not on par.

Not sure what ya mean chief.. HCQuine is in the TOP 150 drugs prescribed by volume the world round. MOST of it made in India for some reason.. So to FIND all the "hoarding" would be as hard as finding the toilet paper hoarders.. Except it's USED for Covid, malaria, lupus WORLD WIDE...

So I don't KNOW if it's because of USE or just "stockpiling" by Indian or Spanish or US GOVT FEMA... But there's a SHITLOAD of it made EVERY month.. And the number I gave was JUST for the 2 companies that manufacture in India.. That's about 70% of the market..
The only thing treating people for Covid-19 with hydroxychloroquine has done: Shortages of Hydroxychloroquine for Lupus Patients

They make EIGHT METRIC TONS of this drug every month.. Any "shortage" is supply chain or govt/hospital/foreign hoarding -- because they NEED IT and want to use it... I looked up the amount manufactured earlier in this wrestling match..
I'd like to see that link along with a link showing the usage is not on par.

Not sure what ya mean chief.. HCQuine is in the TOP 150 drugs prescribed by volume the world round. MOST of it made in India for some reason.. So to FIND all the "hoarding" would be as hard as finding the toilet paper hoarders.. Except it's USED for Covid, malaria, lupus WORLD WIDE...

So I don't KNOW if it's because of USE or just "stockpiling" by Indian or Spanish or US GOVT FEMA... But there's a SHITLOAD of it made EVERY month.. And the number I gave was JUST for the 2 companies that manufacture in India.. That's about 70% of the market..
I mean do you have a link to something that supports your claim that 8 metric tons are produced monthly and do you have a link that shows the usage per month is not enough to create a shortage.
because they NEED IT and want to use it
"Needing it" and "wanting to use it" are 2 different things, snowflake. "Wanting to use it" is why patients that actually "need it" are running into shortages.

Number of Rh-Arthritis and Lupus patients is probably a few percent of the people USING it for malaria prevention BEFORE CV 19... So fluctuations would rise/fall with Intl travel or malaria outbreaks.

If there's TEN THOUSAND new COVID cases a week, and the drug was administered to ALL of them for 14 days -- --- That's a "drop in the bucket" with 8 Metric Tons a MONTH being manufactured -- JUST IN INDIA...

And like I said above, that's probably only 70% of world wide manufacture...
The only thing treating people for Covid-19 with hydroxychloroquine has done: Shortages of Hydroxychloroquine for Lupus Patients

They make EIGHT METRIC TONS of this drug every month.. Any "shortage" is supply chain or govt/hospital/foreign hoarding -- because they NEED IT and want to use it... I looked up the amount manufactured earlier in this wrestling match..
I'd like to see that link along with a link showing the usage is not on par.

Not sure what ya mean chief.. HCQuine is in the TOP 150 drugs prescribed by volume the world round. MOST of it made in India for some reason.. So to FIND all the "hoarding" would be as hard as finding the toilet paper hoarders.. Except it's USED for Covid, malaria, lupus WORLD WIDE...

So I don't KNOW if it's because of USE or just "stockpiling" by Indian or Spanish or US GOVT FEMA... But there's a SHITLOAD of it made EVERY month.. And the number I gave was JUST for the 2 companies that manufacture in India.. That's about 70% of the market..
I mean do you have a link to something that supports your claim that 8 metric tons are produced monthly and do you have a link that shows the usage per month is not enough to create a shortage.

I have links for ANYTHING that I assert.. You know that.. But, I'm real sleepy and need to call it a day.. Uh shit man.. You'll call me a racist again.. Waddup...

Key Highlights

Pharma companies to increase production capacity by 5-6 times to 70 MT per month


Means Hydroxycloroquine NORMAL production was 10 MEGATONS per month....

Crap.. my brain is atrophying or something.. Thought it was 8 metric tons.. :up:
The only thing treating people for Covid-19 with hydroxychloroquine has done: Shortages of Hydroxychloroquine for Lupus Patients

They make EIGHT METRIC TONS of this drug every month.. Any "shortage" is supply chain or govt/hospital/foreign hoarding -- because they NEED IT and want to use it... I looked up the amount manufactured earlier in this wrestling match..
I'd like to see that link along with a link showing the usage is not on par.

Not sure what ya mean chief.. HCQuine is in the TOP 150 drugs prescribed by volume the world round. MOST of it made in India for some reason.. So to FIND all the "hoarding" would be as hard as finding the toilet paper hoarders.. Except it's USED for Covid, malaria, lupus WORLD WIDE...

So I don't KNOW if it's because of USE or just "stockpiling" by Indian or Spanish or US GOVT FEMA... But there's a SHITLOAD of it made EVERY month.. And the number I gave was JUST for the 2 companies that manufacture in India.. That's about 70% of the market..
I mean do you have a link to something that supports your claim that 8 metric tons are produced monthly and do you have a link that shows the usage per month is not enough to create a shortage.

I have links for ANYTHING that I assert.. You know that.. But, I'm real sleepy and need to call it a day.. Uh shit man.. You'll call me a racist again.. Waddup...

Key Highlights

Pharma companies to increase production capacity by 5-6 times to 70 MT per month


Means Hydroxycloroquine NORMAL production was 10 MEGATONS per month....

Crap.. my brain is atrophying or something.. Thought it was 8 metric tons.. :up:
What? I didnt call you a racist.

So why are they ramping up production if they already produce 10 metric tons a month? Wouldnt that lead to the assumption that usage is on par and the the ramping up is to accommodate the run on the drug?
Also, contrast that with the MSM coverage of a Remesdevir trial involving a mere 53 patients.


"Early Data from Gilead’s Compassionate Use of Remdesivir for COVID-19 Looks Promising"

Way down at the bottom of the article:

"That being said, about 25% of patients receiving it have severe side effects, including multiple-organ dysfunction syndrome, septic shock, acute kidney injury and low blood pressure. Another 23% demonstrated evidence of liver damage on lab tests."

Yet Hydroxychloroquine, which has been used safely for decades suddenly became dangerous.

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