Hussein wants another Exxon Valdez appears to be the ONLY reason for his opposing Keystone!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Hussein has said the MAJOR reason he is against Keystone :
Understand what this project is: It is providing the ability of Canada to pump their oil, send it through our land, down to the Gulf, where it will be sold everywhere else. It doesn't have an impact on US gas prices,” he said, according to ABC News.
Obama Makes a Strong Argument Against the Keystone XL Pipeline The New Republic

I've searched asking this simple google question: Why Obama opposes Keystone
But there is NOT ONE simple reason Hussein gives for opposing it!
Now if Hussein is ONLY driven by environmentalist... Here are pictures that are worth a thousand words
as to WHY it makes the MOST sense to ship 860,000 barrels in each day on dry land versus
1 million barrels on the open ocean in ONE tanker traveling one mile

Screen Shot 2015-01-14 at 9.48.49 AM.png

The ONLY conclusion I have is Hussein wants another Exxon Valdez moment!
Pure and simple.
Keystone oil will flow to the Gulf of Mexico where it will be shipped by oil tanker

Hurricane Katrina anyone?
Keystone oil will flow to the Gulf of Mexico where it will be shipped by oil tanker

Hurricane Katrina anyone?
AND NOT ONE oil tanker problem because they had time to re-route and traffic!
But as history has shown with the weather pattern in the Northwest pacific... read below the FACTS!!!

But if Keystone is killed, the oil still will flow—and more of it might be transported by ship through dangerous waters.
Tankers carrying the oil would join the heavy marine traffic that already churns through America's Gulf of Alaska and close to the Aleutian Islands, areas with rough seas and abundant marine life. The Gulf of Alaska is where a Shell oil rig recently ran aground. After crossing that region, the tankers would then have to navigate some of the most dangerous waters in the
North Pacific, including Unimak Pass, a harrowing 10-mile-wide passage in the Aleutian Islands that is an important habitat for sea lions, gray whales, tens of millions of seabirds, and other species.
Tankers at sea are more accident-prone than pipelines on dry land. And if a spill occurs at sea, it can be difficult to contain and is nearly impossible to clean up.
"People remember the Exxon Valdez and worry that sort of thing can happen again if these pipelines are built," Byers says. "Imagine oil-laden tankers passing through one of the richest fisheries in the United States. That will raise many concerns."
Unimak Pass is about 800 miles southwest of Anchorage. David Mosley, public affairs specialist for the U.S. Coast Guard in Alaska, says that the thousands of ships that already navigate its waters each year face "winter hurricanes" with 40-foot seas and 100-knot winds that appear with little advanced notice. Large ships must ride out the storms in sheltered coves in the Aleutians. In a typical year, at least one ship gets into trouble. "A vessel will have some sort of mechanical or physical issue that then puts them at the mercy of the weather and the waves."
The Environmental Dangers of em Not em Building Keystone XL - Popular Mechanics
Again what would you prefer 1 million barrels floating in the above "winter hurricane" area or 700 barrels flowing in one mile of pipe???
BS the Canadians will have to build a pipeline to the Pacific to do that. Better for them to wait anyway, with the price of Obamagas (opps I mean crude oil prices) falling like a rock, who wants to buy their expensive Tar Sands anyway. Leave that shit in the ground until it becomes economical again. Who knows, maybe someday a republican will win the WH again and invade and occupy a few more Arab countries.........
The vast majority of any crudes sent through the KXL will be used within our borders. Anything else is a lie.
Quit fucking lying.

Actually, it is targeted for the global market
The US is now an oil exporter, we do not need Keystone
The vast majority of any crudes sent through the KXL will be used within our borders. Anything else is a lie.
Quit fucking lying.

Actually, it is targeted for the global market
The US is now an oil exporter, we do not need Keystone

FACTS some research before making to stupid statements...!

While federal law bars overseas shipments of most U.S.-produced oil, refiners can export petroleum products created from that crude, including gasoline, diesel and jet fuel.
In July, U.S. refiners shipped a record 3.8 million barrels of products a day to places as far flung as Africa and the Middle East, according to the latest monthly data from the Energy Information Administration.
That volume is nearly 65% above the 2010 export level, when the U.S. oil boom was still in its infancy.

U.S. Refiners Export More Fuel Than Ever - WSJ

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