Hussein Obama: "I did not have sex, I mean leaks...


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
...with any news outlet regarding classified CIA sources." He doth surely protest too much. It's only a matter of time before it comes out that the leaks came from him and sources close to him. Is there anybody this president won't throw under the bus to further his career? This time he has put in danger covert operatives (and their families), who are working on behalf of US interests, not to mention compromised our ability to use certain techniques in the future in order to save American lives. And to top it off, he's caused the identity of the Pakistani doctor who helped locate Bin Laden, all to make him look like some tough terrorist fighter. What a pathetic egotistic asshole.

But then again, after today's press conference where Hussien admits "the private sector is doing good, we need more govt. jobs..." I don't think he's going to occupy the Whitehouse much longer. He just committed political suicide.
...with any news outlet regarding classified CIA sources." He doth surely protest too much. It's only a matter of time before it comes out that the leaks came from him and sources close to him. Is there anybody this president won't throw under the bus to further his career? This time he has put in danger covert operatives (and their families), who are working on behalf of US interests, not to mention compromised our ability to use certain techniques in the future in order to save American lives. And to top it off, he's caused the identity of the Pakistani doctor who helped locate Bin Laden, all to make him look like some tough terrorist fighter. What a pathetic egotistic asshole.

But then again, after today's press conference where Hussien admits "the private sector is doing good, we need more govt. jobs..." I don't think he's going to occupy the Whitehouse much longer. He just committed political suicide.

Yeah, I think the ONLY thing Mr. Soetoro will be "occupying" come January will be a Tent on Wall Street.
Apparently Barry Hussein thinks the "private sector" is doin' just fine? Makes me wonder, which planet does he live on?

There are dozens of scandals which could bring down the administration but as long as Barry has the liberal media playing pocket pool he is relatively safe.

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