Hunting season nears

Auld Phart

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 3, 2013
Make sure your property is well posted.

I was golfing with some guys, and they claimed ( ya know how that goes)
that a guy took his wife hunting and she shot a horse out under from some guy
But what was worse is the guy was a fish and game warden
As a kid, I watched the neighbors clean rabbits and squirrels.
I was also taught to shoot a gun at a very early age, with the caveat "you eat what you shoot".
That cured me of any hunting aspirations. :lol:
As a kid, I watched the neighbors clean rabbits and squirrels.
I was also taught to shoot a gun at a very early age, with the caveat "you eat what you shoot".
That cured me of any hunting aspirations. :lol:

That cured me of fishing
As a kid, I watched the neighbors clean rabbits and squirrels.
I was also taught to shoot a gun at a very early age, with the caveat "you eat what you shoot".
That cured me of any hunting aspirations. :lol:

dont do it as much anymore

when i was a kid i would shoot up a dozen or more of squirrels

in a session

some soulless creatures that they are

pop one everyone squatters a few minutes later they are back

crawling over the dead bodies of their buddies after the acorns


they are good eating though
Make sure your property is well posted.


Where I work my co- workers get off a day here and a day there. They get shift trades......or call off for some ignorant reason.

Shift trades are supposed to be a thing of the past..... Our new Site Supervisor for the company we are contracted for ( a former State Trooper ) basically stopped shift trades ( a person works for me, then I pay them back = no lost pay ) but some people still get by with it.

I like to camp in the spring and fall...... So we shall see if I get to this month, and get a few days of hunting in. Or will preference go to those employees in my department who can call off for no reason - have someone work for them - or be able to take time off and not work any overtime .

I have really been screwed over - cheated and stabbed in the back the past 14.5 years I have worked at this instillation. I have really been done wrong and as I believe , have had excessive and tremendous amounts if stress intentionally placed upon me. 2nd and 4th shift foreman who previous worked with me ..... But has since retired - really " worked me over " . I believe human resources knew and let them get by with it .

At first I could not leave where I work, I had a niece to help support ..... I had a good pay ; her parents divorced and did not have exceptionally good jobs. So in her younger years I put money in her pocket and took her out for her birthday.

Now with my service time and I am in my upper 40s in age....... I am stuck and cannot leave.

Some people do not know what stress - being done wrong - and " stabbed " really is. I do.

Shadow 355
I was golfing with some guys, and they claimed ( ya know how that goes)
that a guy took his wife hunting and she shot a horse out under from some guy
But what was worse is the guy was a fish and game warden

Pretty typical of chicken shit "hunters". The damn fools can't tell a horse from a deer or from a human being. (a woman was just shot in my area, by hunters, many footprints showing they watched her bleed to death - fucking murderous cowards) They shoot a lot of cows too. Idiots get a bad case of buck fever and shoot at anything that moves.

Amazingly, they will put out corn, hide in tree stands - cowards, through and through.

Years ago, I was one of the first members of the Hunt The Hunter Hunt Club that celebrated every time one of these jackasses was shot and killed. They're not REAL hunters and the more we can kill off, the better.
I was golfing with some guys, and they claimed ( ya know how that goes)
that a guy took his wife hunting and she shot a horse out under from some guy
But what was worse is the guy was a fish and game warden

Pretty typical of chicken shit "hunters". The damn fools can't tell a horse from a deer or from a human being. (a woman was just shot in my area, by hunters, many footprints showing they watched her bleed to death - fucking murderous cowards) They shoot a lot of cows too. Idiots get a bad case of buck fever and shoot at anything that moves.

Amazingly, they will put out corn, hide in tree stands - cowards, through and through.

Years ago, I was one of the first members of the Hunt The Hunter Hunt Club that celebrated every time one of these jackasses was shot and killed. They're not REAL hunters and the more we can kill off, the better.
Hey Neddy,
Since I'm your favorite poster, I gotta birthday coming up; how about buying me one of these:

As a kid, I watched the neighbors clean rabbits and squirrels.
I was also taught to shoot a gun at a very early age, with the caveat "you eat what you shoot".
That cured me of any hunting aspirations. :lol:

That cured me of fishing
Fish I have no trouble cleaning and filleting.
It's eating I have a problem with. Unless you batter and tartar sauce it. But that's not healthy. Deer meat is and its delicious
I was golfing with some guys, and they claimed ( ya know how that goes)
that a guy took his wife hunting and she shot a horse out under from some guy
But what was worse is the guy was a fish and game warden

Pretty typical of chicken shit "hunters". The damn fools can't tell a horse from a deer or from a human being. (a woman was just shot in my area, by hunters, many footprints showing they watched her bleed to death - fucking murderous cowards) They shoot a lot of cows too. Idiots get a bad case of buck fever and shoot at anything that moves.

Amazingly, they will put out corn, hide in tree stands - cowards, through and through.

Years ago, I was one of the first members of the Hunt The Hunter Hunt Club that celebrated every time one of these jackasses was shot and killed. They're not REAL hunters and the more we can kill off, the better.
Hey Neddy,
Since I'm your favorite poster, I gotta birthday coming up; how about buying me one of these:

Holy Shit That Is A Thing Of Beauty !!!!!!!
Make sure your property is well posted.

Yesterday I saw a doe and her mature baby. She didn’t come close enough for me to shoot but the baby did. Fun and exciting to watch. Plus you always hope a big buck might be right behind.

Then I saw a solo doe. She kept her distance too.

Then 2 hours from dark I have to take a shit so I go to the house and I don’t go back out. Right before dark a buck 3 doe and 2 babies were surrounding my box blind. Damn it!

Well, back in my blind
I was golfing with some guys, and they claimed ( ya know how that goes)
that a guy took his wife hunting and she shot a horse out under from some guy
But what was worse is the guy was a fish and game warden

Pretty typical of chicken shit "hunters". The damn fools can't tell a horse from a deer or from a human being. (a woman was just shot in my area, by hunters, many footprints showing they watched her bleed to death - fucking murderous cowards) They shoot a lot of cows too. Idiots get a bad case of buck fever and shoot at anything that moves.

Amazingly, they will put out corn, hide in tree stands - cowards, through and through.

Years ago, I was one of the first members of the Hunt The Hunter Hunt Club that celebrated every time one of these jackasses was shot and killed. They're not REAL hunters and the more we can kill off, the better.
Do you eat cow?


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