Hunter's Laptop Exposes The Fact That President Biden Had Personal Email Addresses As VP


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"As vice president, Joe Biden kept a variety of private e-mail addresses from which he would sometimes forward and receive government correspondence, Hunter Biden’s laptop shows. In a four-week period in 2016, for instance, John Flynn, who worked in the Office of the Vice President, sent Joe his official daily schedule to his private e-mail address [email protected] and copied Hunter. There were 10 such e-mails copied to Hunter between May 18 and June 15, 2016

In one e-mail from Flynn to Joe, a k a Robert Peters, on May 26, 2016, and copied to Hunter, the schedule includes “8.45am prep for 9am phonecall with Pres Poroshenko.” The use of private e-mail not only could represent a conflict of interest with official duties, the services are also more prone to hacking than government accounts.

That is the smoking gun evidence right there.....Sleepy Pedo Joe was so senile that he tried to hide his corrupt plans by sending his son emails from a secret personal email with a made-up name...and in those emails; there is proof that the president of Ukraine paid Hunter and Joe millions of dollars to control US foreign policy and who knows what else. And what is with these made up names? Robert Peters?? What is he trying to hide?? Can you imagine someone who is now the sitting president being crazy enough to give himself fake made-up names?? Next he will parading around as John Barron or David Dennison.

In other words, this Biden presidency has been pretty boring so you gotta make a scandal out of whatever you's tough out here

"As vice president, Joe Biden kept a variety of private e-mail addresses from which he would sometimes forward and receive government correspondence, Hunter Biden’s laptop shows. In a four-week period in 2016, for instance, John Flynn, who worked in the Office of the Vice President, sent Joe his official daily schedule to his private e-mail address [email protected] and copied Hunter. There were 10 such e-mails copied to Hunter between May 18 and June 15, 2016.

In one e-mail from Flynn to Joe, a k a Robert Peters, on May 26, 2016, and copied to Hunter, the schedule includes “8.45am prep for 9am phonecall with Pres Poroshenko.” The use of private e-mail not only could represent a conflict of interest with official duties, the services are also more prone to hacking than government accounts.

That is the smoking gun evidence right there.....Sleepy Pedo Joe was so senile that he tried to hide his corrupt plans by sending his son emails from a secret personal email with a made-up name...and in those emails; there is proof that the president of Ukraine paid Hunter and Joe millions of dollars to control US foreign policy and who knows what else. And what is with these made up names? Robert Peters?? What is he trying to hide?? Can you imagine someone who is now the sitting president being crazy enough to give himself fake made-up names?? Next he will parading around as John Barron or David Dennison.

In other words, this Biden presidency has been pretty boring so you gotta make a scandal out of whatever you's tough out here
Just to be clear. It's illegal for any government employee to use government e-mail for personal use, and the OP link implies it is illegal for a president to use personal e-mail accounts, does that mean a president is disallowed personal communication for the duration of his term?
Just to be clear. It's illegal for any government employee to use government e-mail for personal use, and the OP link implies it is illegal for a president to use personal e-mail accounts, does that mean a president is disallowed personal communication for the duration of his term?

Especially if you have a son named Hunter

Especially if you have a son named Hunter
Thanks for the quick reply. Speaking of Hunter, are there any new developments on his laptop? Everybody had such high hopes for that becoming a thing, but so far nothing. It's as if nobody cares about someone who is not in politics and has no effect on politics any more, even if that someone is the presidents relative. Wasn't like that back when Billy Carter pissed behind that wall.
Another laptop, literally stuffed with compromising materials, was stolen from the son of US President Joe Biden, Hunter. The theft occurred in 2018, Hunter blames russian drug dealers for it.
And who else? Now the main thing is to link these drug dealers with russian intelligence and the democratic press will not be interested in what was on this laptop.

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