Hunter Biden makes a statement but lawyers say he won't show up for deposition

You're not very bright, are you? Biden did that long before Trump was accused of it.

"They said you don't have the authority you're not the President. I said call him......"

Loan Guarantees are not like Congressionally approved military aid. The president has near complete control over them, not Congress.

You've been groomed to swallow whatever propaganda they feed you haven't you?
That s where we differ…

There are thousands of pages of evidence, witness testimony, Trumps own statements … know…EVIDENCE

Something you have nothing against Biden
LOL When Dems voted on the Trump inquiry, all you had was the transcript of the phone call. Which Trump gave us voluntarily.

The Biden administration has stonewalled and blocked this investigation at every single turn. Which is why the impeachment inquiry needs to be opened.
You mean President Obama whom Joe Biden urged the Ukrainians to call to verify it was his policy to clean up corruption before we guaranteed any loans to the fledgling Democracy. Also, the IMF and our EU allied were willing to withhold their loan guarantees until the corruption was cleaned up as well. Furthermore, the loan guarantees for economic development are not subject to Congressional Approval like Military Aid is and the President has wide discretion on how they are used.
President. Not the VP.
That s where we differ…

There are thousands of pages of evidence, witness testimony, Trumps own statements … know…EVIDENCE

Something you have nothing against Biden

That's what Hunter's deposition was supposed to be about: Getting more evidence of Joe Biden's corrupt and criminal dealings, so we can move this impeachment process forward. Are you afraid or something? If Joe Biden hasn't done anything illegal, Congress won't have a case.

What is delegation of authority, Alex.

Delegation of authority simply means assigning tasks or responsibilities to another person and giving them the right to perform those tasks autonomously.
You get a quote from Obama saying he delegated the authority to Joey to withhold the billion dollars and I'll call you "My Master, my God" for the rest of my time here.

You cannot. Because he never did. Because he withheld the US taxpayers' dollars at the request of his sons' corrupt bosses, not at Obama's request.

I would not doubt that Obama will be called as a witness in Joey's impeachment inquiry to answer that very question.
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he will testify in public. is that what comer and jordan want to avoid. why? is there classified material involved that trump has not already compromised?
Are you truly ignorant of how the process works? Or are you simply a partisan repeating your party's particularly lame talking point?
That's what Hunter's deposition was supposed to be about: Getting more evidence of Joe Biden's corrupt and criminal dealings, so we can move this impeachment process forward. Are you afraid or something? If Joe Biden hasn't done anything illegal, Congress won't have a case.

Looks like Hunter just gave you that evidence

My Father was not involved in my business dealings
Oh stop, the whole family is no better than a crime syndicate, mobsters blush when they hear what they have done, absolute crime family, and that little piece of excrement needs buried under the prison so Biden DNA can never mix with another human being! His anger towards people getting to the bottom of all his crimes, is a absolute joke!
Your thots and feels are not proof.
US government foreign policy in the Ukraine will be Hunter's cover.

No matter whether his father and him should be hung at the Hague for crimes against humanity.

Hunter is as invulnerable as Trump was when he attempted the coup.
Are you truly ignorant of how the process works? Or are you simply a partisan repeating your party's particularly lame talking point?
i know exactly how the process works.; we subpoena jordan and the insurrection caucus they do not show and have no consequences.

i'd like to hear hunter's answers, not some trumpist interpretive spin based in "alternate facts."

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