* Hundreds of Thousands Died, They Didn't Have Too*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. The Chi-Com-Virus killed thousand that needed not die.
2. The media and the medical industry colluded to allow hundreds of thousands of sick people to die, to pile on contempt too President Trump.
3. Hydroxychloroquine is effective, and has been denied thousand upon thousands of sick people who ended up dying, cause they were refused this drug.
4. They were murdered.
5. Wrongful death law suits should be immediate.
6. Poor sick people who went to an early grave, and the families who lost their loved ones.
7. The politicians in DC had a hand in it, guess who?
8. It wasn't Trump, he was saying, "Take it". it was denied these people, because Trump was saying, "Take it".
9. Class action law suits would be normal.
10. These politicians need to be sued too.

Sorry bout that,

1. The Chi-Com-Virus killed thousand that needed not die.
2. The media and the medical industry colluded to allow hundreds of thousands of sick people to die, to pile on contempt too President Trump.
3. Hydroxychloroquine is effective, and has been denied thousand upon thousands of sick people who ended up dying, cause they were refused this drug.
4. They were murdered.
5. Wrongful death law suits should be immediate.
6. Poor sick people who went to an early grave, and the families who lost their loved ones.
7. The politicians in DC had a hand in it, guess who?
8. It wasn't Trump, he was saying, "Take it". it was denied these people, because Trump was saying, "Take it".
9. Class action law suits would be normal.
10. These politicians need to be sued too.


This belongs in the Rubber Room. Stop sniffing glue. :)
Sorry bout that,

1. The Chi-Com-Virus killed thousand that needed not die.
2. The media and the medical industry colluded to allow hundreds of thousands of sick people to die, to pile on contempt too President Trump.
3. Hydroxychloroquine is effective, and has been denied thousand upon thousands of sick people who ended up dying, cause they were refused this drug.
4. They were murdered.
5. Wrongful death law suits should be immediate.
6. Poor sick people who went to an early grave, and the families who lost their loved ones.
7. The politicians in DC had a hand in it, guess who?
8. It wasn't Trump, he was saying, "Take it". it was denied these people, because Trump was saying, "Take it".
9. Class action law suits would be normal.
10. These politicians need to be sued too.


Hydroxychloroquine is not an anti-viral. It is a disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) used in the treatment of auto-immune disease.
Sorry bout that,

1. The Chi-Com-Virus killed thousand that needed not die.
2. The media and the medical industry colluded to allow hundreds of thousands of sick people to die, to pile on contempt too President Trump.
3. Hydroxychloroquine is effective, and has been denied thousand upon thousands of sick people who ended up dying, cause they were refused this drug.
4. They were murdered.
5. Wrongful death law suits should be immediate.
6. Poor sick people who went to an early grave, and the families who lost their loved ones.
7. The politicians in DC had a hand in it, guess who?
8. It wasn't Trump, he was saying, "Take it". it was denied these people, because Trump was saying, "Take it".
9. Class action law suits would be normal.
10. These politicians need to be sued too.

Move this to conspiracy theory where it belongs
Sorry bout that,

1. Read the link.
2. Now its effective, before it was not.
3. Explain that, or try.
4. Those people who died deserves to be spoken for.

Sorry bout that,

1. The truth is coming, I'm just ushering it in faster.
2. Matters not if this thread gets flung into the rubber room.
3. The truth is coming, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Sorry bout that,

1. The Chi-Com-Virus killed thousand that needed not die.
2. The media and the medical industry colluded to allow hundreds of thousands of sick people to die, to pile on contempt too President Trump.
3. Hydroxychloroquine is effective, and has been denied thousand upon thousands of sick people who ended up dying, cause they were refused this drug.
4. They were murdered.
5. Wrongful death law suits should be immediate.
6. Poor sick people who went to an early grave, and the families who lost their loved ones.
7. The politicians in DC had a hand in it, guess who?
8. It wasn't Trump, he was saying, "Take it". it was denied these people, because Trump was saying, "Take it".
9. Class action law suits would be normal.
10. These politicians need to be sued too.


This belongs in the Rubber Room. Stop sniffing glue. :)
No it does not. People died because the media had to discredit Trump.
Sorry bout that,

1. Read the link.
2. Now its effective, before it was not.
3. Explain that, or try.
4. Those people who died deserves to be spoken for.

Actually the article does not address its effectiveness. Basically it only says their thumbs down was due to lack of information, and they retract the thumbs down.

If you want to know the current American and Brazil studies on it, here they are. Randomized clinical trials of hundreds of patients.

They both came to the same conclusion. A 14 day treatment of non-critical patients resulted in no improved outcome.
Sorry bout that,

1. Stay on topic or get the fuck out of my thread, and yes that *is* an order.


Tough shit. You put it here.
Trump owns the carnage. Both the virus and the economic.
I suggest you deal with it. No "truth" is coming out.
The only things that will be coming out will be uncovering the absolute
flaming incompetence of the Trump administration.
Conclusions and Relevance Among adults hospitalized with respiratory illness from COVID-19, treatment with hydroxychloroquine, compared with placebo, did not significantly improve clinical status at day 14. These findings do not support the use of hydroxychloroquine for treatment of COVID-19 among hospitalized adults.

Among patients hospitalized with mild-to-moderate Covid-19, the use of hydroxychloroquine, alone or with azithromycin, did not improve clinical status at 15 days as compared with standard care. (Funded by the Coalition Covid-19 Brazil and EMS Pharma; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT04322123. opens in new tab.)
Cuba used hydroxichloroquine extensively during the China virus pandemic.
Their death toll is particularly low.
The media wanted carnage in the U.S for election year. They literally sacrificed elderly people to further their agenda.
Sorry bout that,

1. The law suits are coming, and I will stand watching with my arms crossed shaking my head, all to smear a President.
2. These people should not of died.
3. Think of what your supporting, you had better step the fuck back!
4. All perspectives will change, some of those changes will reveal the truth, I see its being shown.

Conclusions and Relevance Among adults hospitalized with respiratory illness from COVID-19, treatment with hydroxychloroquine, compared with placebo, did not significantly improve clinical status at day 14. These findings do not support the use of hydroxychloroquine for treatment of COVID-19 among hospitalized adults.

Among patients hospitalized with mild-to-moderate Covid-19, the use of hydroxychloroquine, alone or with azithromycin, did not improve clinical status at 15 days as compared with standard care. (Funded by the Coalition Covid-19 Brazil and EMS Pharma; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT04322123. opens in new tab.)
Nobody said it was a cure at Day 14 or 15.
It is to be taken as a preventative treatment or used in the early stages.
In other words, it's best taken to prevent it's effect much like taking Vitamin C to prevent scurvy.
My partner is a Doctor outside the U.S and she said it's used by a lot of frontline doctors.
Cuba used hydroxichloroquine extensively during the China virus pandemic.
Their death toll is particularly low.
The media wanted carnage in the U.S for election year. They literally sacrificed elderly people to further their agenda.
Why spread that "myth", the facts are Cuba used hydroxychloroquine as part of a 6 drug regiment.

Praising BioCubaFarma's role in battling the disease, Dr. Davila emphasized that hydroxychloroquine is only one of several drugs used in the protocol to treat coronavirus patients, and five other key drugs they use are unique to Cuba.

He said Cuba will continue to use hydroxychloroquine on the "few active patients" left in the country, although it is "not the main" component of the Cuban protocol.
Sorry bout that,

1. The Chi-Com-Virus killed thousand that needed not die.
2. The media and the medical industry colluded to allow hundreds of thousands of sick people to die, to pile on contempt too President Trump.
3. Hydroxychloroquine is effective, and has been denied thousand upon thousands of sick people who ended up dying, cause they were refused this drug.
4. They were murdered.
5. Wrongful death law suits should be immediate.
6. Poor sick people who went to an early grave, and the families who lost their loved ones.
7. The politicians in DC had a hand in it, guess who?
8. It wasn't Trump, he was saying, "Take it". it was denied these people, because Trump was saying, "Take it".
9. Class action law suits would be normal.
10. These politicians need to be sued too.

And just yesterday, Fauci the clown was on national television from Europe saying Trump was wrong to promote hydroxychloroquine because it did not work. This charlatan has contradicted EVERY statement he has ever made regarding covid.

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