Hundreds of Illegals in NYC line up for free phones, healthcare, food, school supplies


This tells me more about what a fuck you are than what a fuck Biden is. The length you right winger go to show your hatred for BIden in rather disturbing. In the same breathe you love Jesus and hate Biden. I show my dislike by voting.


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As long as the jobs are here there is very little the government can do to stop them.

But you know this already.
We can do what the liberal hypocrites in Martha‘s Vineyard did. Call in the National Guard to keep them away.
These people are not here illegally. We seem to have to cover this weekly. Not that it matters, facts are strangers to many.
Bullshit. Most probably have to go to a hearing and most will never show up.
If they have turned themselves into the government for asylum they are NOT here illegally. You (and others) are the ones that want definitions to be something they are not.
Asylum has to be determined by an immigration judge and the courts are so backed up many of these people will be waiting many months and many won't show up for their court date. These 'migrants' are given cards to read by the cartel and the coyotes that have all the legal words to use to claim asylum however their individual claims have to be vetted and there are just too many to do it quickly an efficiently. Biden is failing us at the border as evidenced by the huge increase in illegal crossings.
Asylum has to be determined by an immigration judge and the courts are so backed up many of these people will be waiting many months and many won't show up for their court date.

Probably years.

These 'migrants' are given cards to read by the cartel and the coyotes that have all the legal words to use to claim asylum however their individual claims have to be vetted and there are just too many to do it quickly an efficiently. Biden is failing us at the border as evidenced by the huge increase in illegal crossings.

Biden can't ignore our laws any more than anyone else.
Which at that point would make them having run afoul of the law.
Yes, and most will never be tracked down. There are just too many because our border is wide open. Biden can claim the border is closed all he wants but videos show hundreds crossing illegally every day and overwhelming border patrol and immigration. 4.9 million in 18 months.
Yes, and most will never be tracked down. There are just too many because our border is wide open. Biden can claim the border is closed all he wants but videos show hundreds crossing illegally every day and overwhelming border patrol and immigration. 4.9 million in 18 months.

First off, I care less what Biden claims.
First off, I care less what Biden claims.
Biden is failing US in so many ways and the border is one of them. You can ignore it all you want, many won't and will blame him and the Democrats come election day.
Biden is failing US in so many ways and the border is one of them. You can ignore it all you want, many won't and will blame him and the Democrats come election day.

Biden has little to nothing to do with me.

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