Human head transplant possible in just two years....


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Double our current lifespan? ^
According to Italian surgeon Sergio Canavero, from the Turin Advanced Neuromodulation Group, the Frankenstein-style procedure to graft a living person's head on to a donor body will soon be available. The surgery is intended to help extend the lives of people who have suffered degeneration of the muscles and nerves or those who have advanced cancer. Canavero plans to announce the project at the American Academy of Neurological and Orthopedic Surgeons conference in Annapolis, Maryland, in June. The doctor published a paper on the technique that he will use in the Surgical Neurology International journal this month. In the procedure,...
But we will never be free of Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, George Soros, or the Koch Brothers.

God save us. :haha:
So once we get cloning perfected and head transplants worked out, we'll just clone a perfect body for everyone and move heads as needed.

You're thinking about this all wrong. Some nights you need your girl to have big breasts, other night not so much. Just have her switch heads as needed. Maybe your husband is putting on a little weight. You don't want to wait for diet and exercise to pay off, so you just graft his head onto Fabio's body. Lemmy can abuse his body with gallons of booze and miles of coke every day, yet thanks to the ability to switch to a new body once a year, he can keep on rocking for ever.

The future is a neat time to be alive!
Double our current lifespan? ^
According to Italian surgeon Sergio Canavero, from the Turin Advanced Neuromodulation Group, the Frankenstein-style procedure to graft a living person's head on to a donor body will soon be available. The surgery is intended to help extend the lives of people who have suffered degeneration of the muscles and nerves or those who have advanced cancer. Canavero plans to announce the project at the American Academy of Neurological and Orthopedic Surgeons conference in Annapolis, Maryland, in June. The doctor published a paper on the technique that he will use in the Surgical Neurology International journal this month. In the procedure,...

Did this successfully with a Rheese's monkey in the 70s. Since learning of it I've wondered if they ever tried it with a human. Application of virtual immortality occuring. Since most deaths are the result of the body not working right any more, if you took the head (and brain which makes us individuals) and just stuck it onto a younger healthier body, shouldn't that work?

May sound like sci-fi but it's not.

"As was often the case during the mid-20th century, dogs and monkeys wound up making some huge sacrifices for human science. U.S. surgeon Charles Guthrie transplanted one dog's head onto the neck of another in 1908 and, with government funding, the Soviet surgeon Vladimir Demikhov attempted a canine upper body transplant in 1951.

Not to be outdone, the United States funded the work of neurosurgeon Robert J. White in the mid-1960s. White experimented with the transplantation of dog and monkey brains into the necks and abdomens of other animals. His work culminated with a 1970 experiment that saw the head of one living rhesus monkey transplanted onto the headless body of another."
Top 5 Crazy Government Experiments - HowStuffWorks
So once we get cloning perfected and head transplants worked out, we'll just clone a perfect body for everyone and move heads as needed.


Prospect of this was expressed well, and quite disturbing in "The Island" Wont spoil it for anyone, but it's about this sort of thing. :)
Double our current lifespan? ^
According to Italian surgeon Sergio Canavero, from the Turin Advanced Neuromodulation Group, the Frankenstein-style procedure to graft a living person's head on to a donor body will soon be available. The surgery is intended to help extend the lives of people who have suffered degeneration of the muscles and nerves or those who have advanced cancer. Canavero plans to announce the project at the American Academy of Neurological and Orthopedic Surgeons conference in Annapolis, Maryland, in June. The doctor published a paper on the technique that he will use in the Surgical Neurology International journal this month. In the procedure,...
See Controversial surgeon brings push for world's first head transplant to Annapolis
Perhaps this experimental surgical equipment at Baltimore's Johns Hopkins University, shown below, could be put to use in this project? ;)

Double our current lifespan? ^
According to Italian surgeon Sergio Canavero, from the Turin Advanced Neuromodulation Group, the Frankenstein-style procedure to graft a living person's head on to a donor body will soon be available. The surgery is intended to help extend the lives of people who have suffered degeneration of the muscles and nerves or those who have advanced cancer. Canavero plans to announce the project at the American Academy of Neurological and Orthopedic Surgeons conference in Annapolis, Maryland, in June. The doctor published a paper on the technique that he will use in the Surgical Neurology International journal this month. In the procedure,...

Transplanted the head of a Rheese's monkey like 50 years ago. Been wondering when they'd start doing this for people. Since the ultimate cause of death for even the very old is organ failure, why not just transplant their head (along with their brain and everything that makes them them) onto a younger fresh body? Virtual immortality.
I suppose you could change to the opposite sex. But what happens if you forget to take the anti rejection drugs. Does your head fall off ?
Mebbe dey could transplant Dr. Steven Hawking's head onna new body?...

First Human Head Transplant Planned for 2017
April 29, 2016 | Italian neurosurgeon, assisted by team of 100 medical staff, to perform 36-hour surgery on Russian man with debilitating muscle-wasting disease
Many prominent surgeons think the idea is crazy and will not work, but Italian neurosurgeon Sergio Canavero says he still plans to attempt the first human head transplant late next year. He even has a volunteer, 31-year-old Russian software development manager Valery Spiridonov, who suffers from a debilitating muscle-wasting disease.

Canavero's project does have supporters in the medical community, including Dr. Michael Sarr, professor emeritus of surgery at the Mayo Clinic. He said the procedure is very risky, but experiments show that reconnected spinal cord nerves may actually function. During the procedure, estimated to last about 36 hours, Spiridonov’s head will be cooled to around 12 degrees Celsius, cut from his body and, as quickly as possible, connected to a donated body of a brain-dead person.


Valery Spiridonov, who has volunteered to be the first person to undergo a head transplant, attends a news conference in Vladimir, Russia​

Canavero will be assisted by a team of 100 surgeons and other medical staff, including some who have experience in head transplants on animals. After surgery, Spiridonov will be kept in an artificially-induced coma for 3 to 4 weeks while doctors stimulate his spinal cord nerves to reconnect and start functioning.

Transplants of various organs are now routinely done on human patients in many parts of the world, but all attempts at head transplants done on monkeys quickly resulted in death. However, Canavero predicts that Spiridonov will not only live with his new body, but be able to walk within a year of the operation.

First Human Head Transplant Planned for 2017[/quote]

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