Huge forest fires and huge pollution


Active Member
Dec 14, 2019
California was covered in smoke in November 2019 from all the forest fires.

Now there are huge forest fires in Australia. Amazon/Brazil rain forest fires shocked the whole world in 2019.

All the pollution smoke/carbon dioxide from these huge forest fires, the CO2 levels on Earth now must be 10 times more after all the emission controls done by industries worldwide in past 5 years.
California was covered in smoke in November 2019 from all the forest fires.

Now there are huge forest fires in Australia. Amazon/Brazil rain forest fires shocked the whole world in 2019.

All the pollution smoke/carbon dioxide from these huge forest fires, the CO2 levels on Earth now must be 10 times more after all the emission controls done by industries worldwide in past 5 years.
Need link proving your assertions..or you are full of shit.

Guess which option I'm banking on?
Need link proving your assertions..or you are full of shit.Guess which option I'm banking on?

You live in your mother's basement
Not very good at this, are you? To be precise, my Mother lives in MY basement...and my house..that I bought 30 years ago and Lease to her. 1$ per annum--she was born in i guess I'll stick with those rents. LOL!

BTW..still no link, right?
Need link proving your assertions..or you are full of shit.Guess which option I'm banking on?

You live in your mother's basement
Not very good at this, are you? To be precise, my Mother lives in MY basement...and my house..that I bought 30 years ago and Lease to her. 1$ per annum--she was born in i guess I'll stick with those rents. LOL!

BTW..still no link, right?
She should have just found a meme picture to post. Nobody expects much reality out of memes.
California was covered in smoke in November 2019 from all the forest fires.

Now there are huge forest fires in Australia. Amazon/Brazil rain forest fires shocked the whole world in 2019.

All the pollution smoke/carbon dioxide from these huge forest fires, the CO2 levels on Earth now must be 10 times more after all the emission controls done by industries worldwide in past 5 years.

There are less forest fires now than in 1900.
Wanna guess why?
Although I will point out that the California fire problem could be greatly reduced if it wasnt for enviro wackos.
Trees are made from carbon dioxide ... every carbon atom in the tallest tree was once atmospheric carbon dioxide ... trees take carbon out of the atmosphere to grow, and then return the carbon when it burns ... no net increase in atmospheric carbon ... it's called the "carbon cycle" by the egg-heads ...

California is supposed to burn, and has been since the breaking up of Gowana 75 million years ago (or so) ... now add 40 million semi-evolved hairless rodents playing with matches and maybe you have a bit of a problem ... but maybe not ... it's just them filthy rat-wanna-be's who seem to have the problem ...
California was covered in smoke in November 2019 from all the forest fires.

Now there are huge forest fires in Australia. Amazon/Brazil rain forest fires shocked the whole world in 2019.

All the pollution smoke/carbon dioxide from these huge forest fires, the CO2 levels on Earth now must be 10 times more after all the emission controls done by industries worldwide in past 5 years.

And your butthole was invested with fleas....
Have you seen your vet?
my Mother lives in MY basement

Thanks for the info, Norman.

California was covered in smoke in November 2019 from all the forest fires.

Now there are huge forest fires in Australia. Amazon/Brazil rain forest fires shocked the whole world in 2019.

All the pollution smoke/carbon dioxide from these huge forest fires, the CO2 levels on Earth now must be 10 times more after all the emission controls done by industries worldwide in past 5 years.

The fact is that our contribution to the total atmospheric CO2 is so vanishingly small that it is the next thing to undetectable. I can provide plenty of published peer reviewed science based on empirical evidence to support that much can you provide that says otherwise?
Trees are made from carbon dioxide ...

Last time I checked, trees were made up mostly of cellulose and water...(C6H10O5)n...while you can derive CO2 from amount of CO2 can form cellulose...or water.

Just my biological 2 cents....
The fact is that our contribution to the total atmospheric CO2 is so vanishingly small that it is the next thing to undetectable. I can provide plenty of published peer reviewed science based on empirical evidence to support that much can you provide that says otherwise?

I'll bite ... go ahead and post the links ... try to focus on the ones that explain the isotope ratios ...

Last time I checked, trees were made up mostly of cellulose and water...(C6H10O5)n...while you can derive CO2 from amount of CO2 can form cellulose...or water.

Just my biological 2 cents....

Well ... you got water right ... and that's a place that cellulose gets it's hydrogen and oxygen atoms ... the problem is where does the carbon atoms come from? ... I suppose oxygen could emit an alpha particle and transmute into carbon, but then there'd be more helium in our atmosphere ... which there isn't ...

Can't speak to the rigor of Sciencing Magazine ... just that they agree with what I just said ... "Photosynthesis acts as an important factor that sustains life on Earth. Plants take in carbon dioxide, sunlight, water, and nutrients from the Earth and turn it into sugar and oxygen, which many species need to breathe." ... Link

"Ask the Experts" article in SciAm ...

Plenty of articles about how to improve marijuana growth with carbon dioxide from places that sell marijuana-growing-carbon-dioxide equipment ...
California was covered in smoke in November 2019 from all the forest fires.

Now there are huge forest fires in Australia. Amazon/Brazil rain forest fires shocked the whole world in 2019.

All the pollution smoke/carbon dioxide from these huge forest fires, the CO2 levels on Earth now must be 10 times more after all the emission controls done by industries worldwide in past 5 years.

Only those who tend to the hysterical are "shocked". Most people dont care.
The fact is that our contribution to the total atmospheric CO2 is so vanishingly small that it is the next thing to undetectable. I can provide plenty of published peer reviewed science based on empirical evidence to support that much can you provide that says otherwise?

I'll bite ... go ahead and post the links ... try to focus on the ones that explain the isotope ratios ...

They are already posted around..not to difficult to find...and the isotope ratios are very misleading, and of essentially no use in determining which CO2 comes from our activities and which comes from nature.. The nature of plant decay makes it impossible to say that this CO2 molecule is natural and this molecule is the product of human activities...just one more bogus claim from climate science. The question is did they make it due to incompetence or was it a deliberate effort to defraud?

The claim was that the 13C isotope was distinctive in prehistoric plants and based on that, climate science said that they could determine how much atmospheric CO2 comes from us. Another part of the claim was that the C3 type plants no longer exist. The fact is that C3 type plants still make up better than 90% of the plant life on earth...which means that the decay of 95% of modern plants is still releasing 13C deficient CO2...a claimed characteristic of coal combustion...

Well ... you got water right ... and that's a place that cellulose gets it's hydrogen and oxygen atoms ... the problem is where does the carbon atoms come from? ... I suppose oxygen could emit an alpha particle and transmute into carbon, but then there'd be more helium in our atmosphere ... which there isn't ...

You said that trees were made of CO2 in post 8. Demonstrably false. They may require CO2, but they are not "made" of CO2.
They are already posted around..not to difficult to find...and the isotope ratios are very misleading, and of essentially no use in determining which CO2 comes from our activities and which comes from nature.. The nature of plant decay makes it impossible to say that this CO2 molecule is natural and this molecule is the product of human activities...just one more bogus claim from climate science. The question is did they make it due to incompetence or was it a deliberate effort to defraud?

The claim was that the 13C isotope was distinctive in prehistoric plants and based on that, climate science said that they could determine how much atmospheric CO2 comes from us. Another part of the claim was that the C3 type plants no longer exist. The fact is that C3 type plants still make up better than 90% of the plant life on earth...which means that the decay of 95% of modern plants is still releasing 13C deficient CO2...a claimed characteristic of coal combustion...

I sense your biology is weak as well ... we use carbon-14 for carbon dating ... it's a longer lived isotope thus more useful for our purposes ... no doubt you've been mislead in any number of things, especially the part where photosynthesis is a nuclear reaction (it's not btw) ... anyone at just about any university can make dry ice out of atmospheric carbon dioxide and run it through a mass spectrometer ... everybody's results are consistent with 280 ppm with natural levels of carbon-14 and 125 ppm of strictly carbon-12 ... just because you don't understand the physics doesn't mean everybody else in the world is wrong ...

You said that trees were made of CO2 in post 8. Demonstrably false. They may require CO2, but they are not "made" of CO2.

You took the trouble to look up my statements in post #8 and then purposely misquoted me ... that's rude ... I expect an apology and a withdrawal of your lies about me ...

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