Huckabee: ‘God’s blessing’ will make me president to stop the atheist ‘secular theocracy’

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Mike Huckabee: ‘God’s blessing’ will make me president to stop the atheist ‘secular theocracy’
David Edwards
22 Jan 2015 at 15:20 ET

Mike Huckabee at CPAC 2014. Image via Gage Skidmore, Creative Commons licensed.

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Former Fox News host Mike Huckabee said on Thursday that if he was elected president then he would have “God’s blessing” to fight a so-called “secular theocracy” that had been imposed by atheists.

During an appearance on the Christian Life Today program, Huckabee told televangelist James Robinson that he was considering a 2016 presidential bid because the country needed to become a “God-centered nation that understands that our laws do not come from man, they come from God.”

“It’s the natural law of God,” the former Arkansas governor said, adding that he was not calling for a theocracy.

“We have a theocracy right now,” Robinson interrupted. “It’s a secular theocracy.”

“That’s it,” Huckabee agreed. “It’s a humanistic, atheistic, even antagonistic toward Christian faith. And that’s what we need to understand. Our basic, fundamental rights are being robbed from us, taken from us piece by piece.”

At the conclusion of the program, Robinson said that people should pray that whoever was president would “keep God in the center of their focal point.”

“Absolutely,” Huckabee remarked. “And whether it’s me or someone else, and I do ask people to pray. For me, this is not just a political or financial decision, it is a spiritual decision.”

“You know, the only thing worse than not being elected president would be to be elected president without God’s blessing,” he observed. “I can’t think of a worse place in the world to be than in the Oval Office without God’s hand upon you. I’d rather not get near the place.”

“But if that’s a purpose, so be it. And that’s my prayer.”

This guy is just plain crazy.

Why does the right hate our Constitution so much?
He's a day late and a dollar short. He's still appealing to a crowd that has gotten smaller. That's what I was saying before. He has spent six years on separation and division and that is going to put him in the dust.
He never appealed to any but a few to begin with.......why he lost first time.........
Would the Founding Fathers denounce Huckabee for his views or would they side with him.Inquiring minds want an opinion.
Would the Founding Fathers denounce Huckabee for his views or would they side with him.Inquiring minds want an opinion.

Let's ask 'em.

Says here... "Congress shall make no Law respecting and establishment of Religion..."

Voilà. The former.
Regardless...the guy is a gasbag....... a blowhard........a sure fire way to lose to democrats
The Title is misleading.
It's subliminal messaging The very same thing that the left on this board accuses Fox News of doing.
Huckabee did not say that God blessings would elect him.
He said that if he got elected he would have Gods blessing to fight the secular theology.
No wonder we have problems understanding each other when we can't even get something simple like this right with our press.
Would the Founding Fathers denounce Huckabee for his views or would they side with him.Inquiring minds want an opinion.

Let's ask 'em.

Says here... "Congress shall make no Law respecting and establishment of Religion..."

Voilà. The former.
Where does it say there shall be no religion? Or that people cant be religious? It says "Congress shall make no laws.....etc." Everybody knows that. Otherwise everybody in America should be stripped of any semblance of religion because religion is evil..
Would the Founding Fathers denounce Huckabee for his views or would they side with him.Inquiring minds want an opinion.

I know that President George Washington knew he had God's blessing when he was fighting in the Revolutionary War. :)
Regardless...the guy is a gasbag....... a blowhard........a sure fire way to lose to democrats
Of course he's a gas bag. He's a preacher. And religious gasbags are an evil according to the heathen progressive populace.

As a conservative...please tell me you dont really think this guy has any more chance than Pat Roberts did. DOnt care if you like the guy...... do you think he could get elected....... BTW he's not that conservative, if memory serves he is as open border as Romney
Regardless...the guy is a gasbag....... a blowhard........a sure fire way to lose to democrats
Of course he's a gas bag. He's a preacher. And religious gasbags are an evil according to the heathen progressive populace.

As a conservative...please tell me you dont really think this guy has any more chance than Pat Roberts did. DOnt care if you like the guy...... do you think he could get elected....... BTW he's not that conservative, if memory serves he is as open border as Romney
I don't think he has a chance even though he would make an outstanding President. We're dealing with the same mindset as the Israelites while Moses was on the mountain. Heathenistic.
I think you would be disappointed, and his being a preacher has nothing to do with my opinion of him.
Mike Huckabee: ‘God’s blessing’ will make me president to stop the atheist ‘secular theocracy’
David Edwards
22 Jan 2015 at 15:20 ET

Mike Huckabee at CPAC 2014. Image via Gage Skidmore, Creative Commons licensed.

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Former Fox News host Mike Huckabee said on Thursday that if he was elected president then he would have “God’s blessing” to fight a so-called “secular theocracy” that had been imposed by atheists.

During an appearance on the Christian Life Today program, Huckabee told televangelist James Robinson that he was considering a 2016 presidential bid because the country needed to become a “God-centered nation that understands that our laws do not come from man, they come from God.”

“It’s the natural law of God,” the former Arkansas governor said, adding that he was not calling for a theocracy.

“We have a theocracy right now,” Robinson interrupted. “It’s a secular theocracy.”

“That’s it,” Huckabee agreed. “It’s a humanistic, atheistic, even antagonistic toward Christian faith. And that’s what we need to understand. Our basic, fundamental rights are being robbed from us, taken from us piece by piece.”

At the conclusion of the program, Robinson said that people should pray that whoever was president would “keep God in the center of their focal point.”

“Absolutely,” Huckabee remarked. “And whether it’s me or someone else, and I do ask people to pray. For me, this is not just a political or financial decision, it is a spiritual decision.”

“You know, the only thing worse than not being elected president would be to be elected president without God’s blessing,” he observed. “I can’t think of a worse place in the world to be than in the Oval Office without God’s hand upon you. I’d rather not get near the place.”

“But if that’s a purpose, so be it. And that’s my prayer.”

This guy is just plain crazy.

Why does the right hate our Constitution so much?

I think he plagiarized his talking points:

"I also have the conviction and the certain feeling that nothing can happen to me, for I know that Providence has chosen me to fulfill my task."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Munich (September 4, 1932)

"Were it not for the pact which the Center and the middle classes have entered into with Marxism as a result of their inner relatedness of character, there would be no red, anti-christian Germany today. Therefore they are the accursed accomplices of Bolshevism."
-- Adolf Hitler; from proclamation to Nazi Party (January 1, 1932)

"We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out."
-- Adolf Hitler, from speech in Berlin (October 24, 1933)
Regardless...the guy is a gasbag....... a blowhard........a sure fire way to lose to democrats
Of course he's a gas bag. He's a preacher. And religious gasbags are an evil according to the heathen progressive populace.

As a conservative...please tell me you dont really think this guy has any more chance than Pat Roberts did. DOnt care if you like the guy...... do you think he could get elected....... BTW he's not that conservative, if memory serves he is as open border as Romney
I don't think he has a chance even though he would make an outstanding President. We're dealing with the same mindset as the Israelites while Moses was on the mountain. Heathenistic.

It doesn't matter how much you've got between your ears. If you've been indoctrinated into believing that there is a god and you refer to said god as the basis for your decision making won't become POTUS. We've moved past that.
Would the Founding Fathers denounce Huckabee for his views or would they side with him.Inquiring minds want an opinion.

"The idea also of a union of all to form one nation under one Govt in acts of devotion to the God of all is an imposing idea. But reason and the principles of the Xn religion require that if all the individuals composing a nation even of the same precise creed & wished to unite in a universal act of religion at the same time, the union ought to be effected thro’ the intervention of their religious not of their political representatives. In a nation composed of various sects, some alienated widely from others, and where no agreement could take place thro’ the former, the interposition of the latter is double wrong"
-- James Madison; from 'Detached Memoranda'

nuff said
Mike Huckabee: ‘God’s blessing’ will make me president to stop the atheist ‘secular theocracy’
David Edwards
22 Jan 2015 at 15:20 ET

Mike Huckabee at CPAC 2014. Image via Gage Skidmore, Creative Commons licensed.

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Former Fox News host Mike Huckabee said on Thursday that if he was elected president then he would have “God’s blessing” to fight a so-called “secular theocracy” that had been imposed by atheists.

During an appearance on the Christian Life Today program, Huckabee told televangelist James Robinson that he was considering a 2016 presidential bid because the country needed to become a “God-centered nation that understands that our laws do not come from man, they come from God.”

“It’s the natural law of God,” the former Arkansas governor said, adding that he was not calling for a theocracy.

“We have a theocracy right now,” Robinson interrupted. “It’s a secular theocracy.”

“That’s it,” Huckabee agreed. “It’s a humanistic, atheistic, even antagonistic toward Christian faith. And that’s what we need to understand. Our basic, fundamental rights are being robbed from us, taken from us piece by piece.”

At the conclusion of the program, Robinson said that people should pray that whoever was president would “keep God in the center of their focal point.”

“Absolutely,” Huckabee remarked. “And whether it’s me or someone else, and I do ask people to pray. For me, this is not just a political or financial decision, it is a spiritual decision.”

“You know, the only thing worse than not being elected president would be to be elected president without God’s blessing,” he observed. “I can’t think of a worse place in the world to be than in the Oval Office without God’s hand upon you. I’d rather not get near the place.”

“But if that’s a purpose, so be it. And that’s my prayer.”

This guy is just plain crazy.

Why does the right hate our Constitution so much?
t's more arrogance than insanity, the errant belief common to many theists that their religion is the 'true religion,' where as a consequence all must be compelled to comply.

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