Howard Schultz Slams Bernie's Medicare for All Proposal


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
I am increasingly impressed with and intrigued by Howard Schultz, the billionaire and former Starbucks CEO who is considering running for president as an independent. Today he released a strongly critical statement on Bernie Sanders' Medicare for All proposal:

Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All proposal would strip health insurance coverage from more than 180 million Americans and cost taxpayers more than $32 trillion to implement. With no way to pay for it, no chance of getting bipartisan support in Congress, and the potential for significant ramifications in treatment and innovation, this proposal confirms what we already knew: Sanders and the far-left wing of the Democratic party are out of touch with reality.

Being a leader requires making hard choices and being honest. Bernie Sanders’ plan does neither and only serves to advance a far-left agenda.​

Schultz is the only candidate sounding the alarm about the dangers posed by our growing national debt, and he agrees that we need to secure the border (though he opposes the wall).

Here is Schultz's website:

Home | Howard Schultz
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