Howard Johnson Crusade: TV Vigilante


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a commerce-fable inspired by Fresh.

Signing off,



"Americans loved Howard Johnson hotels/motels across the great land. The franchise offered nice amenities, satisfying service, very fair rates, and comfortable and well-maintained rooms with TVs and decent food. However, not all was well in Camelot (as the saying goes), since, of course, after 9/11, the world became on edge about who exactly was optimistic about commerce and tourism. That's where a new 'breed' of patriot was needed."


"America is a land of great pluralism, traffic, drama, and of course, crime. Criminals are either romanticized (e.g., Bonnie and Clyde) or demonized (e.g., Charles Manson). Such a 'complex' country obviously inspires all kinds of 'colourful folklore' and superstitions, which is why Americans love horror-films arguably more than any one else in the world! Howard Johnson hotels/motels represent the best features of American hospitality, and American politicians (especially those touting the virtue of capitalism) wanted to 'market' America as a sort of 'commercial hostel' for the wanderer, vagrant, or, yes, even...orphan."


"Americans make the best toys in the world too. American kids love toy-companies based in the USA such as Fisher-Price, Mattel, and Hasbro, and Toys 'R Us is the largest toy-store chain in the world. American kids purchase toy water-guns in the summer to revel in the heat with some cool fights involving cold water in the hot country! Howard Johnson hotels/motels represent hospitality and culture, and water-guns represent American fun and imagination, so don't be surprised if you find kids at a Howard Johnson backyard playing with water-guns (or by the pool perhaps!). However, anti-American and anti-capitalist terrorists are well aware of this 'fun-fact' as well."


"Why do Americans make films about the 'intrigue' of civics and commerce? Films such as Oliver Stone's Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, Steven Spielberg's Catch Me If You Can, Ben Affleck's The Town, Alan J. Pakula's All the President's Men, and Woody Allen's Small Time Crooks all symbolize 'American idealism.' People around the world see these films and realize that American capitalism/democracy reflect a sociocultural fascination with commercial behaviors, which is why terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11 (as many social critics have theorized). How then should a capitalism-oriented American President such as Donald Trump hype the Howard Johnson franchise? Should he tout commerce as a 'signpost' for new age aesthetics?"


"Ajay Satan was a self-proclaimed 'vigilante' blogging on the Internet about the virtue of democracy in a world basically cynical about friendship and trust. Ajay was chasing a terrible homegrown terrorist calling himself 'Scarecrow' (and dressing up as one) and threatening to poison Hollywood's water-reservoir/drinking-water with deadly amounts of LSD (a potent hallucinogen!). Ajay symbolized American pride, while Scarecrow obviously symbolized modern anarchy. Ajay wanted 'TrumpUSA' to reveal the 'basic glory' of American psychology, while Scarecrow wanted to unleash the hell of commercial corruption. Fortunately, Ajay was a real fan of the Howard Johnson franchise, praising its suites since they offered the modern beautiful amenity of cable-TV!"


AJAY: Why do you want to destroy America?
SCARECROW: I hate capitalism...
AJAY: You hate everything.
SCARECROW: Well, I'm not a Howard Johnson cheerleader...sorry.
AJAY: You don't have to be a 'cheerleader' to be civil.
SCARECROW: No, but you end up becoming a naïve puppet of the state.
AJAY: Sounds like Marxist garbage to me.
SCARECROW: What's wrong with Marxism when capitalism creates war?
AJAY: People who don't trust capitalism simply hate social contracts and trade.
SCARECROW: What's so 'noble' about the World Bank?
AJAY: It promotes hospitality.
SCARECROW: I suppose you watch TV in a Howard Johnson suite...
AJAY: Who doesn't?
SCARECROW: You should find an Internet mail-order-bride.
AJAY: Maybe I will...
SCARECROW: Maybe you should!
AJAY: I don't have to be a 'fanatic' to embrace American hospitality.
SCARECROW: You do have to be an economics-angel, however.
AJAY: Perhaps that's true, but Howard Johnson symbolizes true sanity!
SCARECROW: I think you're one of those TV junkies.
AJAY: Do you think you'll be martyrized as a 'prophetic Benedict Arnold'?


"After Ajay arrested Scarecrow and turned him over to the authorities, he began studying all kinds of history about Israel-Palestine relations and how Howard Johnson was expanding into other countries under the modern 'umbrella' of globalizing capitalism. Ajay watched Arab-politics films --- Lawrence of Arabia and The Wind and the Lion. He contemplated what Scarecrow said about the 'basic vanity' of America's fascination with consumerism, television, and merchandising (and toys). Ajay wondered if anti-American sentiments (and modern terrorism) would ultimately be characterized as...toxic."


"Ajay decided to write a book titled Howard Johnson: TV, Commerce, and Reason. It won him the Pulitzer Prize. When asked if this was his proudest achievement, he replied, 'I'm even prouder to have downed the ominous Scarecrow, since he simply threatened Americans' basic optimism towards commercial institutions such as Howard Johnson! Ajay retired to Denver, Colorado where he began painting and skiing and meditating about the magic of American hospitality. He never forgot Scarecrow's eerie omen (however) that capitalism was somehow...juvenile!"


GOD: I liked Ajay Satan's book...
SATAN: It won him the Pulitzer.
GOD: He was a real vigilante.
SATAN: Yes, perhaps the 'real Batman.'
GOD: I was wary of the Scarecrow...
SATAN: Scarecrow despised America.
GOD: Is Howard Johnson worth the sweat?
SATAN: Ajay believed so...
GOD: I'm glad Ajay was able to retire comfortably.
SATAN: Maybe he'll write another book someday!
GOD: Maybe he'll read G.I. Joe patriotism-comics.
SATAN: Who knows?
GOD: Howard Johnson symbolizes modest commercial glories.
SATAN: After 9/11, the world's been on edge about commerce (in general).
GOD: Maybe that will change during the Presidency of Donald Trump.
SATAN: Maybe...
GOD: I like the fact that American kids like LEGO city-models and SimCity (video-game).
SATAN: Capitalism could have opened up the hellgates to pure anarchy...
GOD: You're referring to the Los Angeles Race Riots of 1992 and 9/11?
SATAN: Yes. However, Howard Johnson just might make...the grade.
GOD: We'll see...




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