CDZ How Trump Can Ruin His Own Presidency


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Well, I just got back from a short vacation and without internet service of any decent speed I was abandoned to the idiocy of CNN and NBC. Several goofballs asserted that Trump needed to remember that the voters forgive their Presidents if the POTUS has to cut back on promises for Real World issues. One said that Trump could be understood if he delayed tax cuts for the Middle Class as long as the corporate tax cuts were on tie, since the corporate tax cuts are what drive job creation, roflmao. Another said that there will only be av irtual wall and nothing of literal material structure.

Let's make this crystal clear; President -elect Donald J. Trump, if you do not build that Gawd Damned Wall, you will replace George H W Bush as one of the biggest fools on the planet for violating his oath he swore at every campaign stop to never raise taxes; Read My Lips. Buld the freaking Wall, Trump, or die the death of all COWARDS.

But there are several other similar issues he can commit Seppuku with;

1) Any delay in implementing Middle Class tax cuts will be the same as simply deciding not to make the cuts at all, as Congress will find a million excuses to not carry out that promise as time goes on. Cut the Taxes, Donald.

2) Repeal and Replace Obamacare. That one should be as easy to grasp as building the Wall.

3) Countermand all of Obamas offensive EOs on day One.

4) Restrict H1-B visas to legal letter of the law. We do not need 200k more of these serfs coming in when we have several million STEM workers out of jobs. Suspend it for several years so that existing industries will retrain Americans till everyone that wants a job has one, THEN MAYBE reopen the H1-B program.

5) Eradicate ISIS in the first 6 months. It is very doable, Trump, so do it and dont make excuses like your impotent predecessor had.

6) Get a national reciprocity agreement for CCWs through Congress. With a little trouble one can already get the vast majority of states recognizing ones CCW permit, but the country is still full of little Nazi states like New Jersey which will send you to jail for even the most innocent violations.

Donald Trump, if you do these things and keep your promises, you will get re-elected, if you still want to be. I dont see why you would, but that is your choice.

But fail to keep these promises and you will not be anything more than an echo of George H W Bush; a one time loser and a joke in history.
Cut the taxes but close the loop holes. I promise you that the top 1% will be paying more taxes as they cheat like hell(There's corporations that still outsource against this country that pay next to nothing). But on the otherhand the little guy in the middle class will be able to compete better.

I'd go with a public/private like system of healthcare that has proven its self all over the world.

Some should be repealed....Lilly **** butter for one.

Restricting immigration some would help increase wages.

Kill all isis

Well, I don't know if this is a good idea but I guess the gene pool can be thinned.
Well, I just got back from a short vacation and without internet service of any decent speed I was abandoned to the idiocy of CNN and NBC. Several goofballs asserted that Trump needed to remember that the voters forgive their Presidents if the POTUS has to cut back on promises for Real World issues. One said that Trump could be understood if he delayed tax cuts for the Middle Class as long as the corporate tax cuts were on tie, since the corporate tax cuts are what drive job creation, roflmao. Another said that there will only be av irtual wall and nothing of literal material structure.

Let's make this crystal clear; President -elect Donald J. Trump, if you do not build that Gawd Damned Wall, you will replace George H W Bush as one of the biggest fools on the planet for violating his oath he swore at every campaign stop to never raise taxes; Read My Lips. Buld the freaking Wall, Trump, or die the death of all COWARDS.

But there are several other similar issues he can commit Seppuku with;

1) Any delay in implementing Middle Class tax cuts will be the same as simply deciding not to make the cuts at all, as Congress will find a million excuses to not carry out that promise as time goes on. Cut the Taxes, Donald.

2) Repeal and Replace Obamacare. That one should be as easy to grasp as building the Wall.

3) Countermand all of Obamas offensive EOs on day One.

4) Restrict H1-B visas to legal letter of the law. We do not need 200k more of these serfs coming in when we have several million STEM workers out of jobs. Suspend it for several years so that existing industries will retrain Americans till everyone that wants a job has one, THEN MAYBE reopen the H1-B program.

5) Eradicate ISIS in the first 6 months. It is very doable, Trump, so do it and dont make excuses like your impotent predecessor had.

6) Get a national reciprocity agreement for CCWs through Congress. With a little trouble one can already get the vast majority of states recognizing ones CCW permit, but the country is still full of little Nazi states like New Jersey which will send you to jail for even the most innocent violations.

Donald Trump, if you do these things and keep your promises, you will get re-elected, if you still want to be. I dont see why you would, but that is your choice.

But fail to keep these promises and you will not be anything more than an echo of George H W Bush; a one time loser and a joke in history.

Trump will be too busy twittering what a great job he is doing to get anything done on your list.....

Well, I just got back from a short vacation and without internet service of any decent speed I was abandoned to the idiocy of CNN and NBC. Several goofballs asserted that Trump needed to remember that the voters forgive their Presidents if the POTUS has to cut back on promises for Real World issues. One said that Trump could be understood if he delayed tax cuts for the Middle Class as long as the corporate tax cuts were on tie, since the corporate tax cuts are what drive job creation, roflmao. Another said that there will only be av irtual wall and nothing of literal material structure.

Let's make this crystal clear; President -elect Donald J. Trump, if you do not build that Gawd Damned Wall, you will replace George H W Bush as one of the biggest fools on the planet for violating his oath he swore at every campaign stop to never raise taxes; Read My Lips. Buld the freaking Wall, Trump, or die the death of all COWARDS.

But there are several other similar issues he can commit Seppuku with;

1) Any delay in implementing Middle Class tax cuts will be the same as simply deciding not to make the cuts at all, as Congress will find a million excuses to not carry out that promise as time goes on. Cut the Taxes, Donald.

2) Repeal and Replace Obamacare. That one should be as easy to grasp as building the Wall.

3) Countermand all of Obamas offensive EOs on day One.

4) Restrict H1-B visas to legal letter of the law. We do not need 200k more of these serfs coming in when we have several million STEM workers out of jobs. Suspend it for several years so that existing industries will retrain Americans till everyone that wants a job has one, THEN MAYBE reopen the H1-B program.

5) Eradicate ISIS in the first 6 months. It is very doable, Trump, so do it and dont make excuses like your impotent predecessor had.

6) Get a national reciprocity agreement for CCWs through Congress. With a little trouble one can already get the vast majority of states recognizing ones CCW permit, but the country is still full of little Nazi states like New Jersey which will send you to jail for even the most innocent violations.

Donald Trump, if you do these things and keep your promises, you will get re-elected, if you still want to be. I dont see why you would, but that is your choice.

But fail to keep these promises and you will not be anything more than an echo of George H W Bush; a one time loser and a joke in history.

Trump will be too busy twittering what a great job he is doing to get anything done on your list.....

Trump's power at Shitlording is too great for social media to be a problem for him.
Cut off the black ops funding for the mercenaries and their ability to recruit for this CIA funded operation and you wouldn't need Putin to step in and help Assad. Tell the federal reserve international bankers that not only are we going to to a full "front to back" audit of it? But their wealth will be confiscated and put into a trust. The IMF, just another tool of the international bankers that took USA.INC into receivership in 1950 and control the purse strings of all composite, incorporated "governments. Audit the CAFRS (comprehensive annual finance reports) and confiscate that wealth and put that into a trust. This is a worlds wide issue and as to why all countries with a central bank are facing collapse. The time to act is now. The whole globe has been held back and put in financial slavery by a small faction of globalist bankers that have used their wealth (that they have stolen via our sweat equity) to buy up the hard assets of this world with a fiat currency backed by noting of an intrinsic value and an extension of credit using Promissory notes that they then monetize.

We need more people to realize that they have been played for suckers and that we hold the keys to freeing ourselves from the chains that bind us to a financial system that only was always intended to put more power and more wealth into fewer hands. This is a fact and neither political party can do this without an alert and aware public.
6) Get a national reciprocity agreement for CCWs through Congress. With a little trouble one can already get the vast majority of states recognizing ones CCW permit, but the country is still full of little Nazi states like New Jersey which will send you to jail for even the most innocent violations..

So much for Conservatives pretending that they care about state's rights....
Bein' himself should do it.
Nah, because I doubt one electoral massacre is enough for you Dems to learn your lesson and get serious and sober again.

No matter how incompetent you argue Trump is, he did win the election that no one thought he could win, so the Dems are demonstrably at least one step more incompetent than Trump.
Trump's power at Shitlording is too great for social media to be a problem for him.
And the Dinosaur Media hates him for it!

His real problem will be substantial; if he breaks even one of these seven promises, I doubt he can rebuild his electoral win, not at all.
Trump's power at Shitlording is too great for social media to be a problem for him.
And the Dinosaur Media hates him for it!

His real problem will be substantial; if he breaks even one of these seven promises, I doubt he can rebuild his electoral win, not at all.

I disagree. Priority 1 is passing the tax on outsourced goods coming back into this country without a penalty. Jobs, jobs, jobs in Trump speak.

repeal and replace

modernize the military

reduce regulatory burden

Then tax reduction.

Law and order generally, not just at the border.
Trump's power at Shitlording is too great for social media to be a problem for him.
And the Dinosaur Media hates him for it!

His real problem will be substantial; if he breaks even one of these seven promises, I doubt he can rebuild his electoral win, not at all.

I disagree. Priority 1 is passing the tax on outsourced goods coming back into this country without a penalty. Jobs, jobs, jobs in Trump speak.

repeal and replace

modernize the military

reduce regulatory burden

Then tax reduction.

Law and order generally, not just at the border.
I think a critical percentage of Middle Class Americans are hurting bad and need that tax cut.

Screw the rest of it, deliver the jobs, the tax cuts and seal the border, top three.
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Trump needs cloture levels of Republican senators for most, but not all, of his agenda. That will have to wait until after 2018. Given the number of vulnerable D senators that will happen but unless he keeps up his thank you tour through the 2018 election he will not get the needed cloture votes.
Trump needs cloture levels of Republican senators for most, but not all, of his agenda. That will have to wait until after 2018.
I dont think that the Middle Class tax cuts need to be postponed. Plenty of Democrats want to deliver that for their constituents, especially the 23 up for re-election in 2018.
Trump needs cloture levels of Republican senators for most, but not all, of his agenda. That will have to wait until after 2018.
I dont think that the Middle Class tax cuts need to be postponed. Plenty of Democrats want to deliver that for their constituents, especially the 23 up for re-election in 2018.
probably true but not until the primary season kicks in will they vote that way and if they get reelected that will be about the only vote he can get out of them.
I dont think that the Middle Class tax cuts need to be postponed. Plenty of Democrats want to deliver that for their constituents, especially the 23 up for re-election in 2018.
probably true but not until the primary season kicks in will they vote that way and if they get reelected that will be about the only vote he can get out of them.
Yeah, that used to be the case, but today we have a virtual internet mass memory that is far more persistent than it used to be as bloggers and amateur pundits keep things on the front burner now days.

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