CDZ Is There a Political Spectrum?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Simple question take the AGW. The debate there is how much fraud is being used to support this hypothesis. The whole settled science oxymoron has ended debate scientific debate and brought back partisan science of the Lysenko model.

There are a bunch of increasingly predictive rules of thumb but no settled issues in science. That is why Bayseian probability, Fuzzy logic and Chaos theory exist and are used to implement scientific theories. They all assume that scientific theory is wrong at the margins but do so in different ways: lack of knowledge, misidentification of the data and the limits of extrapolation; are the ways they deal with error.

This also applies to the economy where increasingly failed states such as Japan and the EU have resulted from applying economic without regard to edge effects.

So is there a political spectrum, where everyone at least has a clue as to what opponents are saying? My answer is no and not just in the US.
The last thing any power structure ever wanted/wants to face is a calm, clear, coherent human being; much less a united collection of clear, coherent human beings. The power structure knows full well it has lost all semblance of legitimacy. At this point the masses must be kept seething at each other and distracted with false rage, fear, and scape goated targets for emotional release. That chaos is orchestrated in large part through the coporate state controlled media - at least in the US. Actually listening to each other is the last thing the system wants of its public. There were no issues really discussed in our last pageant. It was all about personalities and cultish behaviour.
Trying to reduce complex issues to two-dimensional graphs is as fraught with mendacity as hanging labels on them. Inevitably some context is lost through being paved over. It requests the user to think in absolutes, which is simply not how the world works.

I like the thoughts in this treatise. It's a long read but it's worth the thought provocation. The writer analyzes several political spectra individually and eventually combines them into something like:

>> The Political Compass system can be thought of as a "folded up" version of the Rational Spectrum. By "unfolding" the Political Compass as shown below, you get an idea of how these two spectrums relate. In the "unfolded" spectrum below, the terms "Left" and "Right" from the original spectrum no longer hold their meaning. The word "Right" can be replaced with "laissez-faire", while the word "Left" can be replaced with "regulated". The word "Libertarian" should be replaced with the word "Liberal". <<​

And still, at the end of the day, whoever controls the monetary system is still in control.
Idiotic/arrogant works like "What's Wrong With Kansas" have really poisoned the well.

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