How to Talk to a Veteran


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by NavyOne at The Mellow Jihadi blog gives us this:

Amanda C., a U.S. Army Disabled Veteran, has some great advice on how to talk to a veteran. On what is appropriate and what is not in conversation: Veterans appreciate acknowledgement - Lake County News-Sun

She says: Those of us with disabilities appreciate light conversation and assistance if we look like we are in need. It was my pleasure to serve our country.

And it's my pleasure to pass on posts like this! :clap2:
I remember when I was a kid going to my Uncles house in the early 70's and he had a friend there who said he was an Army Vet and had been to Vietnam. The only question I could think to ask him was "Did you kill anyone?"

He just sorta' smiled and said "Yeah".

If he'd have been a Pilot or a Mechanic I'd have asked him all about the planes but with this guy, he was a Soldier so I just asked what I thought was the obvious.

Of course now I never bring up the subject or talk about it unless the Vet brings it up first.
In my experience Veterans are people with a certain type of experience. The generic Hollywood veteran is not the real guys I interact with. The people I deal with have the same life issues paying rent, buying food, unemployment with a sprinkling of what their military lives left them with. They also have dreams and hopes and strive to reach them.

Some need help to advocate for their health care, some need vocational rehab, some need to time to readjust to civilian life, but, they all have a need for the same respect we would afford anyone else..
oddly enough i tend to treat handicap vets just like handicap civilians....i offer help....they can reply...i got this or accept the help....i dont need a primer on how to deal with vets....or anyone else...

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