Zone1 How to read a political thinker


Platinum Member
Feb 28, 2023
A political thinker should be read for insight, rather than doctrine. Most people like what a political thinker says, and agree with all of it, or they dislike it, and assume that it is all mistaken.

Edmund Burke and Karl Marx are seen as polar opposites. Burke favored slow, evolutionary changes, respecting what already existed.

Nevertheless, Burke idealized the French aristocracy and monarchy that existed before the French Revolution. When he wrote Reflections on the Revolution in France Louis XVI was still the king of FRance. The Reign of Terror had not begun yet. France was doing what England had accomplished a century earlier: France was developing a representative democracy with a Constitutional monarch.

The execution of Louis XVII and the Reign of Terror happened under the pressure of an invasion of Russia and Austria. If the rest of the world had let the French work out their differences peacefully, I believe that France would still have a Constitutional monarch, and the Napoleonic wars would not have happened.

From Burke I lean that there is often wisdom in tradition, and that we should be pessimistic about human nature and human potential. For a modern treatise on human nature I recommend Sociobiology, the New Synthessis, by E.O.Wilson. For a modern treatise on human potential and its limitations I recommend The Bell Curve, by Professor Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray.

My study of Marx includes a fascinating seminar I took on Das Kapital, under the aegis of the American Communist Party. I think Marx had two valid insights. These explain the Great Depression, and the current rise in economic inequality. First, the natural tendency of un or lightly regulated capitalism is to accumulate wealth and income at the top. Second, partly as a result of this capitalist economies experience increasingly destructive economic downturns.

Everything else Marx asserted was mistaken. His most egregious mistake was to assert that loyalties of class are more powerful than loyalties of race, nation, and ethnicity. For most people, most of the time, the opposite is true. The writings of Marx do not explain the First World War, the rise of Italian Fascism and German Nazism, and the fact that America's white working class is a Republican constituency.
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A political thinker should be read for insight, rather than doctrine. Most people like what a political thinker says, and agree with all of it, or they dislike it, and assume that it is all mistaken.

Edmund Burke and Karl Marx are seen as polar opposites. Burke favored slow, evolutionary changes, respecting what already existed.

From Burke I lean that there is often wisdom in tradition, and that we should be pessimistic about human nature and human potential. For a modern treatise on human nature I recommend Sociobiology, the New Synthessis, by E.O.Wilson. For a modern treatise on human potential and its limitations I recommend The Bell Curve, by Professor Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray.

My study of Marx includes a fascinating seminar I took on Das Kapital, under the aegis of the American Communist Party. I think Marx had two valid insights. These explain the Great Depression, and the current rise in economic inequality. First, the natural tendency of un or lightly regulated capitalism is to accumulate wealth and income at the top. Second, partly as a result of this capitalist economies experience increasingly destructive economic downturns.

Everything else Marx asserted was mistaken. His most egregious mistake was to assert that loyalties of class are more powerful than loyalties of race, nation, and ethnicity. For most people, most of the time, the opposite is true. The writings of Marx do not explain the First World War, the rise of Italian Fascism and German Nazism, and the fact that America's white working class is a Republican constituency.

I suggest you follow up with John Rawls, "A Theory of Justice"
If you have read about, express the argument in your own words.
Like Reagan, Trump appeals to the social concerns of lower middle income whites in order to get the power to make the rich richer.
The execution of Louis XVII and the Reign of Terror happened under the pressure of an invasion of Russia and Austria. If the rest of the world had let the French work out their differences peacefully, I believe that France would still have a Constitutional monarch, and the Napoleonic wars would not have happened.
Had to pick out this little gem just to demonstrate how little Hector knows about history.

Louis the XVI was executed. Louis XVII was his son who died in prison. XVI was going down regardless. It wasn't that the Austrians threatened war, it was that XVI tried to flee the country and rally other Monarchs to put him back on the throne. (He got caught because his image was on all the money and he was recognized.)

France got a Constitutional Monarch in the Person of Louis XVIII (XVI's brother) and then Charles X (another Brother). Charles was forced to Abdicate in the revolution of 1830, to be replaced by Louis Phillipe, a cousin who promised to actually defer to parliament. He was deposed in the revolution of 1848 (revolutions sprung up all over Europe that year, largely due to famines) and eventually, Napoleon III came to power in the Second Empire.

The idea that Monarchy in France would have been 'Just fine" is kind of silly.
Had to pick out this little gem just to demonstrate how little Hector knows about history.

Louis the XVI was executed. Louis XVII was his son who died in prison. XVI was going down regardless. It wasn't that the Austrians threatened war, it was that XVI tried to flee the country and rally other Monarchs to put him back on the throne. (He got caught because his image was on all the money and he was recognized.)
What you say about Louis the XVI is true.


French Revolutionary Wars​

As early as 1791, the other monarchies of Europe looked with outrage at the revolution and its upheavals; and they considered whether they should intervene, either in support of King Louis XVI, to prevent the spread of revolution, or to take advantage of the chaos in France. Austria stationed significant troops on its French border and together with Prussia, issued the Declaration of Pillnitz, which threatened severe consequences should anything happen to King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette.

After Austria refused to recall its troops from the French border and to back down on the perceived threat of using force, France declared war on Austria and Prussia in the spring of 1792; both countries responded with a coordinated invasion that was eventually turned back at the Battle of Valmy in September. This victory emboldened the National Convention to abolish the monarchy.[5

A series of victories by the new French armies abruptly ended with defeat at Neerwinden in the spring of 1793. The French suffered additional defeats in the remainder of the year and these difficult times allowed the Jacobins to rise to power and impose the Reign of Terror to unify the nation.

A workers' party would restrict legal immigration, outlaw sanctuary cities, and deport all illegal immigrants as soon as they are identified. A worker's party would prohibit H1B visas and H2B visas.
A workers' party would restrict legal immigration, outlaw sanctuary cities, and deport all illegal immigrants as soon as they are identified. A worker's party would prohibit H1B visas and H2B visas.
Have you noticed how the Democrat party has its own form of trickle down economics?

They ensure that the technocrats rake in tens and even hundreds of billions of dollars, and in return, the technocrats ensure they stay in power so they can rake in millions of dollars from the game of politics, themselves.

It is all at the expense of working people and small business owners.
A workers' party would restrict legal immigration, outlaw sanctuary cities, and deport all illegal immigrants as soon as they are identified. A worker's party would prohibit H1B visas and H2B visas.

Well, that depends how you see it.

International socialism and workers rights see all men as brothers, so they wouldn't see it that was.

On the other hand 'National Socialism" would only care about workers in their own country.

Hence, the Nazis were called the "National Socialist German Workers' Party"
Have you noticed how the Democrat party has its own form of trickle down economics?

They ensure that the technocrats rake in tens and even hundreds of billions of dollars, and in return, the technocrats ensure they stay in power so they can rake in millions of dollars from the game of politics, themselves.

It is all at the expense of working people and small business owners.

Is it though?
If anything the Technocrats have made it more possible for small businesses to happen.

For instance, I could not have opened my resume business 30 years ago.

MS Office makes it possible for me to write them on Word.
Google, Yelp, and Thumbtack (Well, not so much Thumbtack anymore) made it possible for me to find customers.
Zoom makes it possible for me to meet with them
Grammarly makes it possible for me to quality check my work.
Social Media allows me to market and keep in touch with my customers and get referrals.

The real problem your side has with "Technocrats" is that unlike other rich people, they tend to bend to the left.

Every business benefits greatly from the advance of these technocrats...

Payments for all these services are about 10% of my revenues... That's it.
Have you noticed how the Democrat party has its own form of trickle down economics?

They ensure that the technocrats rake in tens and even hundreds of billions of dollars, and in return, the technocrats ensure they stay in power so they can rake in millions of dollars from the game of politics, themselves.

It is all at the expense of working people and small business owners.
What you say is more true than I wish it was. According to the most recent Gallup Poll only 38% of Americans agree with me that immigration should be restricted. 31% want of maintain our present high level of immigration. 27% want more immigration.

When the elites of both parties are agreed on a policy, the electorate must disagree, and it must disagree strongly.

Donald Trump is a fauz champion of the working class. The first thing he did as president was to cut taxes for the rich. With the Democrats tax increases on the rich are possible. With the Republicans they are not.
Well, that depends how you see it.

International socialism and workers rights see all men as brothers, so they wouldn't see it that was.

On the other hand 'National Socialism" would only care about workers in their own country.

Hence, the Nazis were called the "National Socialist German Workers' Party"
International proletarian solidarity is a myth. An American workers' party must advance policies that benefit American workers, as restrictions on immigration certainly would.

Hitler's insertion of the word "Socialist" in the name of his political party was a cynical marketing ploy. He knew that most German workers favored socialism, and he wanted to attract them.

Joseph Goebbels assured German business men and Junkers that the Nazis would not confiscate their property.

When Hitler talked to German workers he told them that he would raise their wages. When he talked to German business men he told them that he would reduce their employee expenses.
International proletarian solidarity is a myth. An American workers' party must advance policies that benefit American workers, as restrictions on immigration certainly would.

Hitler's insertion of the word "Socialist" in the name of his political party was a cynical marketing ploy. He knew that most German workers favored socialism, and he wanted to attract them.

Not exactly. Early on, the Nazis WERE a socialist party. But Hitler cleverly realized that the Reichswehr and Industrialists wouldn't go along with socialism, so on the night of the long knives, he got rid of Ernst Rohm and all the more socialist elements within his party.

The reality is, we need immigrants because white people aren't reproducing at replacement rates. There are just jobs Americans - not even blacks - want to do. Hence, we need immigrants. We just don't want to admit we need them.

The main reason the Jews were targeted is because they were seen as the Capitalists who were screwing the German Workers... who had profited during the Weimar years while average Germans were eating their dogs and in some cases their neighbors. This is why Germans embraced Hitler, it just got that bad in Germany.

The reality is, we need immigrants because white people aren't reproducing at replacement rates. There are just jobs Americans - not even blacks - want to do. Hence, we need immigrants. We just don't want to admit we need them.
If we eliminated most of the welfare system while increasing the severity of the criminal justice system we would enjoy considerable tax savings and have an easier time policing our borders.

The government should do nothing to support illegitimate children.
If we eliminated most of the welfare system while increasing the severity of the criminal justice system we would enjoy considerable tax savings and have an easier time policing our borders.

Not really. We spend less than 500 billion on a 4 Trillion dollar budget on poverty relief.
We spend over 100 Billion on the Prison industrial Complex, and we really aren't any safer.

The Europeans and Japanese have figured this out... they put the emphasis on social programs instead of criminal sanctions. They have nowhere near the level of crime we do. (And yes, the UK and France have substantial black populations)

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