How to get Hamas to stop killing Palestinian civilians...

Stop giving good press to Hamas.


If you simply tell the truth and blame Hamas for every death and report every death as a death responsible to Hamas, then they will learn that the PR propaganda they are using to turn the world opinion against Israel isn't working.

If that isn't working, that they get no positive PR or press from the killings of these civilians, then maybe they'll stop being the cowards they are and come out and fight like men.

The deaths of civilian Arabs in Gaza are 1000% on Hamas. They bear ALL the responsibility for it.
If you had said killing them all I would have agreed.
We love Freedom Fighters and particularly downtrodden young men who have been trampled on .
So, Allahu Akbar to you even though you were man enough to admit to being simple .
They are NOT Freedom Fighters. They are devils who have been brainwashed into thinking that they do this for a religion when in fact, they just relish in the atrocities they commit. The only resemblance to humanity they have is their shape.
Stop giving good press to Hamas.


If you simply tell the truth and blame Hamas for every death and report every death as a death responsible to Hamas, then they will learn that the PR propaganda they are using to turn the world opinion against Israel isn't working.

If that isn't working, that they get no positive PR or press from the killings of these civilians, then maybe they'll stop being the cowards they are and come out and fight like men.

The deaths of civilian Arabs in Gaza are 1000% on Hamas. They bear ALL the responsibility for it.
Absolutely correct. The U.S. media promotes mass shootings by giving 24/7 coverage to the shooter. Other deranged people see that and want their time of fame and what they perceive to be admiration since the media rarely condemns the shooter for the depraved individual he is or the evil he does.

It is the same with Hamas. The antisemitic people who will blame Israel every single time and always take the side of the Palestinians in every conflict include most of the partisan/leftist MSM. The MSMS greatly emphasizes, even exaggerate the damage/carnage in Gaza or where it it is happening and rarely mention the damage/carnage in Israel.

The angry mobs protesting Israel get massive media coverage while those supporting Israel get maybe a mention if any coverage at all. That is a huge boost in morale to Hamas terrorists as they get the sense the world is uniting behind them against the 'evil' Jews.

So Hamas keeps putting their rocket launchers and other weapons in dense concentrations of civilians, near hospitals and schools and crowded markets so they can point to bleeding and dead civilians when Israel goes after those weapons. There is no downside for Hamas, they don't care about the civilians who they frequently force to stay near those weapons and forbid them to leave the area. But they can count on bleeding heart idiots in the USA to blame everything on Israel.

I recall a commentary by Thomas Sowell one time who had spoken with a high ranking North Vietnamese military officer. The officer told him that we had them defeated when we beat them back against the Tet offensive and there was a growing sense that North Vietnam should just give up and withdraw. What gave them the courage and confidence to keep on fighting were the images on British and American television of people burning their draft cards and American flags and they saw almost nothing re anger toward them. A smiling Jane Fonda was shown as a rock star at the controls of a North Vietnamese tank.

So the North Vietnamese fought on as America became more and more war weary and less effective trying to fight a PC war to appease the angry protesters at home. And in the next major offensive from the North, we gave up and sneaked out of Saigon in the dark of night in the most cowardly fashion leaving many faithful Vietnamese allies behind to be slaughtered.

It was not America's finest hour. And apparently we didn't learn a damn thing.

And the media now seems to expect Israel to do the same.
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It is my opinion, that neither Israelis nor Palestinians are by nature inhuman lying pieces of shit.
The Thread OP is correct (at least) in saying this is what you get when you vote for somebody like HAMAS to represent your interests and direct what government there is, without the people maintaining any control over powers that be. In this case, HAMAS, being ruthless, inhuman, genocidal militaristic assholes, sworn to destroy Israel, and not carrying how many civilian Israeli Jews they murder, rape, torture or take hostage to further their goals and those of countries (suck as Iran) calling the shots and financing the weaponry above them. Sad (to an extent) but many Palestinians will suffer and die, due to having no control over the war making plans and operations of murderous fascists above them. Too bad. They should not have elected them and just gone about their lives with no care as to what that fanatical regime might do, whether they had a chance of success or just killing in spite, without care of what they would bring down upon the Palestinian people, just wanting to go about their life. HAMAS will be destroyed, but many Palestinians on the sidelines being used in hope of shielding HAMAS will suffer and die, when it was not necessary and had no hope of success. Oh well, sucks to be a Palestinian, I guess. Next time they vote for a government, they should vote differently, if they wish to live.
You could say all that for the Likud Party! The Likud Party's origins are with Irgun. That was a Zionist terrorist group. Netanfuckyou is a terrorist and a fascist. Israel is an apartheid state. They have Jew-only roads, Jew-only communities and they want to be known as the Jewish State, no different than the Aryan Nation.

You want to talk inhumanity? How about a brutal occupation that has lasted for 56 years and is making the Palestinian's daily life a living hell! And how about a 16 year blockade of Gaza that collectively punishes 2.2 million Gazans. THAT, my friend, is a war crime!

What about all the targeted assassinations the Mossad does? Every time the Pals even get close to peace, Israel pulls this shit and launches some kind of false flag operation.

The Israeli right can go to hell! I fully support the Israeli left.
You could say all that for the Likud Party! The Likud Party's origins are with Irgun. That was a Zionist terrorist group. Netanfuckyou is a terrorist and a fascist. Israel is an apartheid state. They have Jew-only roads, Jew-only communities and they want to be known as the Jewish State, no different than the Aryan Nation.

You want to talk inhumanity? How about a brutal occupation that has lasted for 56 years and is making the Palestinian's daily life a living hell! And how about a 16 year blockade of Gaza that collectively punishes 2.2 million Gazans. THAT, my friend, is a war crime!

What about all the targeted assassinations the Mossad does? Every time the Pals even get close to peace, Israel pulls this shit and launches some kind of false flag operation.

The Israeli right can go to hell! I fully support the Israeli left.
Occupation would not have been necessary if not attacked Muslims seeking to destroy Israel and Israel needing a buffer zone. To me, the buffer zone deserves to be expanded, to increase flight time of Hamas Missiles directed toward Israel. I don't give a sh#t about the Palestinians. They had 2000 years plus to establish a country where there was none, only a land promised to the Jews, as is written in the Koran, which Hamas only selectively reads.
I fully support the nation of Israel, having the right to exist, defend itself, and the right to kill anybody that attacks it, as their existence is settled international law, and my country, The United States of America, is one of the signature countries that recognized it.
Occupation would not have been necessary if not attacked Muslims seeking to destroy Israel and Israel needing a buffer zone. To me, the buffer zone deserves to be expanded, to increase flight time of Hamas Missiles directed toward Israel. I don't give a sh#t about the Palestinians. They had 2000 years plus to establish a country where there was none, only a land promised to the Jews, as is written in the Koran, which Hamas only selectively reads.
I fully support the nation of Israel, having the right to exist, defend itself, and the right to kill anybody that attacks it, as their existence is settled international law, and my country, The United States of America, is one of the signature countries that recognized it.
Hamas is not 2000 years old----even islam is not 2000
years old. The muslims living in the land called Palestine
were not capable of establishing a country
Hamas is not 2000 years old----even islam is not 2000
years old. The muslims living in the land called Palestine
were not capable of establishing a country
It looks like they still aren't, nor deserve to be one.
You could say all that for the Likud Party! The Likud Party's origins are with Irgun. That was a Zionist terrorist group. Netanfuckyou is a terrorist and a fascist. Israel is an apartheid state. They have Jew-only roads, Jew-only communities and they want to be known as the Jewish State, no different than the Aryan Nation.

You want to talk inhumanity? How about a brutal occupation that has lasted for 56 years and is making the Palestinian's daily life a living hell! And how about a 16 year blockade of Gaza that collectively punishes 2.2 million Gazans. THAT, my friend, is a war crime!

What about all the targeted assassinations the Mossad does? Every time the Pals even get close to peace, Israel pulls this shit and launches some kind of false flag operation.

The Israeli right can go to hell! I fully support the Israeli left.
The Israelis have offered a two-state solution including an independent Palestinian state over and over again. The Palestinian leaders have rejected it every time. The Palestinian/Arab/Muslim position since 1922 has been to exterminate the Jews. The Palestinians became refugees because the Grand Mufti called for them to evacuate their homes and villages in Israel to allow the five Arab armies a clear field to exterminate the Jews. They remain refugees because neither Egypt nor Jordan will accept them as citizens. That practice started when Gaza was annexed by Egypt and the West Bank was annexed by Jordan after the 1948 war. In both cases the Palestinians were denied citizenship and kept as refugees. The Palestinians that ignored the Grand Mufti are full citizens of Israel with the same rights as any other Israeli.
Stop giving good press to Hamas.


If you simply tell the truth and blame Hamas for every death and report every death as a death responsible to Hamas, then they will learn that the PR propaganda they are using to turn the world opinion against Israel isn't working.

If that isn't working, that they get no positive PR or press from the killings of these civilians, then maybe they'll stop being the cowards they are and come out and fight like men.

The deaths of civilian Arabs in Gaza are 1000% on Hamas. They bear ALL the responsibility for it.

Kill Hamas.... exactly what Israel is doing
Occupation would not have been necessary if not attacked Muslims seeking to destroy Israel and Israel needing a buffer zone. To me, the buffer zone deserves to be expanded, to increase flight time of Hamas Missiles directed toward Israel. I don't give a sh#t about the Palestinians. They had 2000 years plus to establish a country where there was none, only a land promised to the Jews, as is written in the Koran, which Hamas only selectively reads.
I fully support the nation of Israel, having the right to exist, defend itself, and the right to kill anybody that attacks it, as their existence is settled international law, and my country, The United States of America, is one of the signature countries that recognized it.
You are so FOS! Do you remember the Balfour Declaration? Do you remember what it said? It said the Zionist terrorists could have that land, provided they did not disenfranchise the EXISTING non-Jewish population. But that's not what they did. They drove out 750,000 Palestinians with Zionist terrorism.

As far as I'm concerned, you're no different than a fucking Nazi! You both hate and scapegoat an entire population of people who have committed no crimes.

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