How to Deport 10 Million Illegal Aliens


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
How to Deport 10 Million Illegal Aliens

For those who doubt that a strict enforcement regime will induce self-repatriation, consider what happened in the wake of the Special Registration program set up after 9/11. Under that program, foreigners from some countries were told they must register with the nearest immigration office or risk certain deportation if caught. Among Pakistanis, for instance, about 1,500 who were here illegally (on expired visas etc.) were caught and deported. Word spread. Before long, some 15,000 illegal Pakistanis hightailed out of the country on their own. They knew that formal deportation would decapitate their ability to obtain a visa in the future.

Needless to say, if illegal Pakistanis could self-repatriate to far-away Pakistan, it makes no sense to say that illegal Mexicans could not self-repatriate to next-door Mexico. The lesson here is that when you enforce the law against a thousand illegal aliens, word spreads, and 10,000 others begin packing their bags on their own.
How to Deport 10-20 Million Illegal Aliens (Self-Deportation)
Most important question is “why don’t our leaders not want them to leave?” I am surprised Obama is not stopping them at the border keeping them from leaving.They are leaving so lets give them a little assistance.
When our "leaders" turn the US into Greece and cut off all social benefits in the name of "austerity", all the Illegal Aliens that had been here getting Welfare in one form or another will mass migrate back to Mexico or whatever Central/South American Country they came from.

I'd be willing to Legalize those that remain afterwards.

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