How to cover the 10 million truly uninsured!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
90% of physicians say they KNOW $1 of every $4 is spent by them on defensive medicine, i.e. ordering duplicate tests, MRI, referring to specialists,etc. over $600 billion a year!
Why? Fear of being sued! Fear of having to take time to testify. Time to meet with lawyers.. all of which add up to FEAR of lawsuits!
Solution is a model from Obamacare that taxed tanning salons! Obamacare rationale was tanning caused cancer hence higher costs, therefore tanning salons pay a 10% tax!
True.. it's in PPACA the 2,904 page Patient Protection Affordable Care Act monstrosity!

That and when hospitals have to under EMTALA see uninsured patients, pad and pass the unreimbursed expenses to the insurance companies and Medicare!
$50 billion a year which could be recovered by requiring all uninsured to register at the hospital when claiming "uninsured" and hospital sends claims to the yet to be created federally funded by taxing the $100 billion lawyers get!
The Uninsured Health Insurance Company © would manage and as a result the 10 million truly uninsured would have coverage!
Problem solved and the $600 billion in defensive medicine will reduce easily by $100 billion! And "padding and passing" on by hospitals would decrease in fact they'd be audited to make sure they are complying!
I don't know about this theory.

I don't believe I can sue the VA for iatrogenesis, but their medical approach seems highly defensive to me.
"Go out any buy your own insurance, you miserable fucking failure"
So I take it you believe there are 50 million uninsured?
You believe the lawyers should be tort free?
You believe that the government should cover everyone?

See I don't! I do KNOW more about Medicare/and health insurance then you evidently!
I know lawyers are the # 1 cause of the $600 billion in wasteful defensive costs!
I KNOW from my work experience also that Medicare is overcharged (knowingly by the way.. well here.. for example:
This hospital Univ. Community Hospital
ordered 2,110 CAT scan no contrast.
They billed medicare $2,635 for each scan.
Their costs: $43
Their markup: 6,127.91%

And you think that's OK???
This hospital Univ. Community Hospital
ordered 2,110 CAT scan no contrast.
They billed medicare $2,635 for each scan.
Their costs: $43
Their markup: 6,127.91%

Unless we've traveled back in time forty years, you don't just bill Medicare whatever amount you please. Medicare reimburses according to a fee schedule. And according to this table of 2006 numbers (unadjusted for geographical variation), a hospital outpatient department would've been reimbursed $47.51 for a basic CT scan.
"Go out any buy your own insurance, you miserable fucking failure"
So I take it you believe there are 50 million uninsured?
You believe the lawyers should be tort free?
You believe that the government should cover everyone?

See I don't! I do KNOW more about Medicare/and health insurance then you evidently!
I know lawyers are the # 1 cause of the $600 billion in wasteful defensive costs!
I KNOW from my work experience also that Medicare is overcharged (knowingly by the way.. well here.. for example:
This hospital Univ. Community Hospital
ordered 2,110 CAT scan no contrast.
They billed medicare $2,635 for each scan.
Their costs: $43
Their markup: 6,127.91%

And you think that's OK???

So I take it you believe there are 50 million uninsured?

You can run, but you can't hide...

Thread started by healthmyths

Myth: 46 to 50 million uninsured

The Census Bureau's own numbers show 15.5 million are uninsured.



Table C. People Without Health Insurance Coverage

(Numbers in thousands)

Region Number Percent
U.S. 46,340 15.4

Region Number Percent
U.S. 50,674 16.7

Here is the source for that figure and if you want more:

All information in this report is taken from the Medicare Hospital OPPS Identifiable Data Set which is updated annually by CMS based on the service year (i.e. calendar year).
The file includes hospital outpatient billing data for 100% of all Medicare fee-for-service claims for outpatient services provided during the twelve months ending December 31.
The report is consistent with CMS Data Release policies.

Information is reported for the twenty Ambulatory Payment Classifications (APCs) representing the highest Medicare payment to the hospital.
APCs are defined by the procedures performed according to definitions published by CMS for the corresponding service year. A list of APCs is provided for reference.

* Note that the Number of Patient Claims may be less than the Units of Service provided (i.e. one claim may include multiple units of service for a procedure).
* Average Charges are based on both covered and non-covered charges for all accommodations and services (related to the revenue code) for a billing period before reduction for the deductible and coinsurance amounts and before an adjustment for the cost of services provided.
* Average Costs are based on charges adjusted to cost using the hospital's specific cost center cost-to-charge ratio.

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