How to become righteous


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Posting out of context unpurposeful bible verses all day and flooding your own posts to cover up suggestions to improve communities is not what makes one righteous.

How to Become Righteous
Righteousness is one who Bestows, cares and sacrifices their own pleasure (I.e.prince) for the sake of others.
Righteousness is in trying to bring about good changes in a decaying society.
It's in being a watcher, a comforter for those who are being misstreated.
It's in being there for people, accessable, helpful, sharing, fighting for freedoms, equal justice, fair Justices in general, mediating and helping things progress, sharing ideas, thoughts, passions for a better future.

It's in working for the Tikkun Olam (the repair of the world.)

· Bikkur Holim - Visiting the sick

· Hachnasat Orchim - Showing hospitality and welcoming strangers

· Bal Tashchit - Preserving the Earth

· Ma'achil R'evim - Feeding the Hungry

· Pidyon Sh'vuyim- Freeing Captives

· Rodef Shalom - Seeking Peace

· Nichum Avelim - Comforting the bereaved

· Tza'ar Ba'alei Hayyim - Compassion to Animals

· Gimilut Hasadim - Acts of Loving kindness

· Tzedakah - Creating justice and righteousness through monetary and in-kind contributions

· Hidur Penei Zaken - Respecting and caring for the elderly

· Talmud Torah - Enabling all members of the community to receive a taste of the Torah's ethos and it's benefits.
It's in actually being the catalyst for the new tommorrow, the Messiah age,
The World to Come" (Olam ha-ba).
Hosea 14:3 , I Samuel 15:22 ,Ezekiel 33:11 , Isaiah 55:7 & Jeremiah 36:3 about the Teshuva

There are MANY means of atonement for sins. 1. Monetary (Ex 30:15) 2. Restitution (Leviticus 5:16, Numbers 5:8) 3. Incense (Numbers 16:47) 4. Loyalty and faithfulness (Proverbs 16:6)5. Jewlery (Numbers 31:50) 6. Prayer (I Kings 8 :46-53, Hosea 14:1-2, Psalm 141:2) 7. Repentance (Hosea 14:3 , I Samuel 15:22 , Isaiah 55:7 , I Kings 8 :46-53, Ezkeiel 18:21-23, 33:11,14-16, Jeremiah 36:3)

A person is still righteous even if he/she occasionally sins: see I Kings 15:5, Num 32:11-12.

attoning for sins is not in blood
Hosea chapter 14 verses 2-3

Teshuva = Return (Isaiah) 55:7 "Let the wicked one leave his way and the sinful man his thoughts; let him return to HaShem and He will show him mercy; [return] to our God for He is abundantly forgiving." The word teshuva means return to G0d. If a person violates one of HaShem's commandments he is required to "return" to God. Teshuva consists of three basic steps:
1)Admitting one's sin(s). This step is called vidui. 2)Feeling regret that one sinned.
3)Making a commitment not to repeat the sin.
4th is to make restitutions when possible
Yes pretty straightforward one is not required to bel lie eve in jesus that is called idolatry... If the churches allowed this simple knowledge to get out into the public realm not only would they have alot of explaining to do but they might have to run for their lives once the sheeple realize how they have been fleeced and deceived by the ones they counted on and respected...
This info does not allow them to sell redemptions nor garnish tithes / seed offerings which is why they always bad mouth and hastle guilds for doing some of these good deeds making the church look bad/ inadequate, but also taking money away from the churches ability to leech onto.
So, it really is about being a 'good' person.

Seems so simple, but,at times, so hard to master.
Letting go of human ego is the hardest but when one does life becomes so much better/easier.
You stop sweating the small stuff, stop with destructive jealousy, stop spending to impress the joneses that requires more work to finance that braggard illusion. With liitle ego left you're less likely to seek vengance, hold grudges, cause uneccessary stress etc.

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