How the GOP can save itself from the Tea Party


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
The Morning Plum: How the GOP can save itself from the Tea Party

And so, with polls showing the GOP brand has cratered, the focus should come back to a reality-based assessment of whether Republicans think they need to show they can govern again. The answer to that may be No, they don’t, because their House majority is invulnerable. If so, we won’t get immigration reform, and there will be no budget deal, and we’ll get another chaotic battle over another clean CR, and possibly (but far less likely) one over the next debt limit hike. We’ll continue lurching from crisis to crisis, and we’ll find out in November 2014 what it all means politically.

But if the answer is Yes, you’d think that at some point, this has to stop being all about Obama all the time, and more about how Republicans are going to find their way back to entering into basic policy give and take with Democrats. This will require accepting as a given that Tea Party conservatives will probably never accept anything that results from compromises reached within conventional governing norms, and shaping the party’s approach around that reality.

This is a life lesson they have yet to learn. If your happiness is predicated on somebody else's behavior, you just declared yourself powerless with regard to your happiness. Because you can't control other people, no matter how hard you try. And they've been trying (unsuccessfully) to sink Obama since Day One.

If the GOP is going to be saved (HUGE "IF"), then they will need to start working with Democrats, against the TPM members. And I don't think it will take much for the sane members of the GOP to find a middle ground project they can get behind.

Infrastructure could be a very good starting point. Get some bills, get some jobs, rebuild some will with the people who sent them to Washington to govern.

In other words, stop trying to kill government and start making it effective again.
GOP is not going to be destroyed, and the TPM is beginning to subside.

Republicans have learned the old crazy John Birch Society and Freeman Institute approach won't work.

Many of the 32 TeaP congressmen will be primaried out next fall.

Crazy Cruz may survive; he has a crazy clowns circus network in Texas. Although the state is growing bluer with each election. By 2020 it will be purple.
The Morning Plum: How the GOP can save itself from the Tea Party

And so, with polls showing the GOP brand has cratered, the focus should come back to a reality-based assessment of whether Republicans think they need to show they can govern again. The answer to that may be No, they don’t, because their House majority is invulnerable. If so, we won’t get immigration reform, and there will be no budget deal, and we’ll get another chaotic battle over another clean CR, and possibly (but far less likely) one over the next debt limit hike. We’ll continue lurching from crisis to crisis, and we’ll find out in November 2014 what it all means politically.

But if the answer is Yes, you’d think that at some point, this has to stop being all about Obama all the time, and more about how Republicans are going to find their way back to entering into basic policy give and take with Democrats. This will require accepting as a given that Tea Party conservatives will probably never accept anything that results from compromises reached within conventional governing norms, and shaping the party’s approach around that reality.

This is a life lesson they have yet to learn. If your happiness is predicated on somebody else's behavior, you just declared yourself powerless with regard to your happiness. Because you can't control other people, no matter how hard you try. And they've been trying (unsuccessfully) to sink Obama since Day One.

If the GOP is going to be saved (HUGE "IF"), then they will need to start working with Democrats, against the TPM members. And I don't think it will take much for the sane members of the GOP to find a middle ground project they can get behind.

Infrastructure could be a very good starting point. Get some bills, get some jobs, rebuild some will with the people who sent them to Washington to govern.

In other words, stop trying to kill government and start making it effective again.

There are some GOP lawmakers who have expressed this view, but not in so many words.

But TPM members in the House will remain the problem, in their red gerrymandered districts, fearful of being primaried. They’re literally not being held accountable by voters who support the extremism and scorched earth policies of the radical right.
How the GOP can save itself from the Tea Party

The GOP --surrender caucus - will merge with the democrats and will then become the NEW American Socialist Party

the GOP -- Tea Partyers - will merge with the Libertarians

Next elections will be the Socialists vs Libertarians

The GOP is not going to die.

This nation's faux political parties are the UNDEAD.
How the GOP can save itself from the Tea Party

The GOP --surrender caucus - will merge with the democrats and will then become the NEW American Socialist Party

the GOP -- Tea Partyers - will merge with the Libertarians

Next elections will be the Socialists vs Libertarians


I would need to see some empirical evidence that leads anyone to believe that the Tea Party/Libertarians would be able to come even close to getting enough votes to win on any significant scale, outside of a few specific deep red pockets.

Real data. Not like the GOP's 2012 poll analysis or something someone said on the radio. Otherwise, this is just wishful thinking that's killing a party.

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The Morning Plum: How the GOP can save itself from the Tea Party

And so, with polls showing the GOP brand has cratered, the focus should come back to a reality-based assessment of whether Republicans think they need to show they can govern again. The answer to that may be No, they don’t, because their House majority is invulnerable. If so, we won’t get immigration reform, and there will be no budget deal, and we’ll get another chaotic battle over another clean CR, and possibly (but far less likely) one over the next debt limit hike. We’ll continue lurching from crisis to crisis, and we’ll find out in November 2014 what it all means politically.

But if the answer is Yes, you’d think that at some point, this has to stop being all about Obama all the time, and more about how Republicans are going to find their way back to entering into basic policy give and take with Democrats. This will require accepting as a given that Tea Party conservatives will probably never accept anything that results from compromises reached within conventional governing norms, and shaping the party’s approach around that reality.

This is a life lesson they have yet to learn. If your happiness is predicated on somebody else's behavior, you just declared yourself powerless with regard to your happiness. Because you can't control other people, no matter how hard you try. And they've been trying (unsuccessfully) to sink Obama since Day One.

If the GOP is going to be saved (HUGE "IF"), then they will need to start working with Democrats, against the TPM members. And I don't think it will take much for the sane members of the GOP to find a middle ground project they can get behind.

Infrastructure could be a very good starting point. Get some bills, get some jobs, rebuild some will with the people who sent them to Washington to govern.

In other words, stop trying to kill government and start making it effective again.

The RINO republicans are going to be purged from the party. Conservative organizations are already lining up the funds and manpower to get them booted during the primaries. The TEA Party isn't going away. Get used to it.
The Morning Plum: How the GOP can save itself from the Tea Party

And so, with polls showing the GOP brand has cratered, the focus should come back to a reality-based assessment of whether Republicans think they need to show they can govern again. The answer to that may be No, they don’t, because their House majority is invulnerable. If so, we won’t get immigration reform, and there will be no budget deal, and we’ll get another chaotic battle over another clean CR, and possibly (but far less likely) one over the next debt limit hike. We’ll continue lurching from crisis to crisis, and we’ll find out in November 2014 what it all means politically.

But if the answer is Yes, you’d think that at some point, this has to stop being all about Obama all the time, and more about how Republicans are going to find their way back to entering into basic policy give and take with Democrats. This will require accepting as a given that Tea Party conservatives will probably never accept anything that results from compromises reached within conventional governing norms, and shaping the party’s approach around that reality.

This is a life lesson they have yet to learn. If your happiness is predicated on somebody else's behavior, you just declared yourself powerless with regard to your happiness. Because you can't control other people, no matter how hard you try. And they've been trying (unsuccessfully) to sink Obama since Day One.

If the GOP is going to be saved (HUGE "IF"), then they will need to start working with Democrats, against the TPM members. And I don't think it will take much for the sane members of the GOP to find a middle ground project they can get behind.

Infrastructure could be a very good starting point. Get some bills, get some jobs, rebuild some will with the people who sent them to Washington to govern.

In other words, stop trying to kill government and start making it effective again.

The RINO republicans are going to be purged from the party. Conservative organizations are already lining up the funds and manpower to get them booted during the primaries. The TEA Party isn't going away. Get used to it.

it has become bigger then the tea party

whatever you do do not donate funds to the gop dry em up

pick and choose who you fund
How the GOP can save itself from the Tea Party

The GOP --surrender caucus - will merge with the democrats and will then become the NEW American Socialist Party

the GOP -- Tea Partyers - will merge with the Libertarians

Next elections will be the Socialists vs Libertarians


I would need to see some empirical evidence that leads anyone to believe that the Tea Party/Libertarians would be able to come even close to getting enough votes to win on any significant scale, outside of a few specific deep red pockets.

Real data. Not like the GOP's 2012 poll analysis or something someone said on the radio. Otherwise, this is just wishful thinking that's killing a party.


They won't.

No party which just promises freedom will ever win an election,

No party will ever be able to win an election who does not promise more FREE lunches, more freebies. So if winning an election is important to you join the socialists.

If principles are what matters then join the Libertarian Party.


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hey, why don't you just suggest they round them all up and gas their asses

I mean they are only your fellow country men and women you all feel a need to get rid of them so badly
Why is it the morons on the left seem to think they have a better idea of whats good for the right than anyone else. It's so stupid it's almost comical
Why is it the morons on the left seem to think they have a better idea of whats good for the right than anyone else. It's so stupid it's almost comical

they think they are THE ONES and how dare anyone stand up to them and their VIEWS in this country

so they need to be saved from them
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Why is it the morons on the left seem to think they have a better idea of whats good for the right than anyone else. It's so stupid it's almost comical

Here's what I don't understand: If the Tea Party/GOP gets rid of people on their side of the middle, how are they going to capture enough votes to win anywhere outside of deep red areas?

Isn't this a reasonable question? I assume there must be a clear answer, I assume this question has been thought through. What's the answer? Where do the votes come from, precisely?

How the GOP can save itself from the Tea Party

The GOP --surrender caucus - will merge with the democrats and will then become the NEW American Socialist Party

the GOP -- Tea Partyers - will merge with the Libertarians

Next elections will be the Socialists vs Libertarians


As a libertarian, I can assure you, we want little to do with the Tea Party.
Why is it the morons on the left seem to think they have a better idea of whats good for the right than anyone else. It's so stupid it's almost comical

Here's what I don't understand: If the Tea Party/GOP gets rid of people on their side of the middle, how are they going to capture enough votes to win anywhere outside of deep red areas?

Isn't this a reasonable question? I assume there must be a clear answer, I assume this question has been thought through. What's the answer? Where do the votes come from, precisely?


I feel it's useless anymore, the DNC has captured the lamestream media in their pockets, they have most of the hate sites on the Internet, and their base will pass their hateful message along like obedient sheep
Unless they send a message of how we are all victims and need government to care for us and pander like the Democrat party, they will lose...
so why bother having TWO parties
I don't believe the GOP is capable of being saved

They have staked out a small, loyal segment of the society and seem content to no longer compete on a national level
There is always the Zen Solution;


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