How the Big Tech Masters of the Universe imposed their will on the American Electorate


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Many us us who get involved with political boards witnessed how the search engines were manipulated to favor biden as in ....negative things about biden became very scarce and positive stories about him abounded....and of course the reverse was true about Trump.

Most experienced people can see social media's extreme liberal bias and they take that into consideration. But not this new,. easily bamboozled, generation. They're not thinkers because they have been taught to accept what our broken education system tells them without question.
Republicans win their fair share of elections. Trump ran a crappy campaign focused too much on election fraud and came across as a whiner. Blaming others for one's own incompetencies is no path to victory.
Republicans win their fair share of elections. Trump ran a crappy campaign focused too much on election fraud and came across as a whiner. Blaming others for one's own incompetencies is no path to victory.
Trump lost my wife's vote with his 1st debate shit show. WTF, was Trump raised by wolves? Every vote counts, a lesson he needs to learn.
The key to getting positive stories instead of negative ones is to not be an arrogant ass. If trump would try that, I'm sure a lot fewer people would hate him.
Trump would never have won the Republican primary without being an arrogant asshole. That's what makes him marketable. lol
Trump lives for negativity, so no one should be shocked that the King of the tabloids has so many negative articles about him, his company and family and if you are then you haven’t been following Trump career that long!
Dems and the left RIGGED the election in part by RIGGING the election coverage. Nearly everything about Trump was spun negative, his obvious wins were ignored while major Biden bombshells were spun positive, ignored or incredibly in some cases the so called news media actively attacked the story defending Biden and censored the information from the American public like CHINA does.

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