How the BIASED MSM and Obama present Conservatives as: "Anti-IMMIGRATION"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Below is an article from the widely known biased left wing Slate Magazine regarding their portrayal of GOP conservatives "ANTI-ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION position.
Scott Walker is now against legal immigration The Wisconsin governor s new position could have huge implications for the GOP presidential primary race.

Scott Walker’s Anti-Immigration Epiphany
The Wisconsin governor’s new position against legal immigration could have huge implications for the GOP race.
On Monday, in an interview with Glenn Beck, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker staked a new position in the Republican Party argument over immigration. “In terms of legal immigration, how we need to approach that going forward is saying—the next president and the next Congress need to make decisions about a legal immigration system that’s based on, first and foremost, on protecting American workers and American wages,” he said, “It is a fundamentally lost issue by many in elected positions today—is what is this doing for American workers looking for jobs, what is this doing to wages, and we need to have that be at the forefront of our discussion going forward.”

Explain to me HOW THE above position is "ANTI-IMMIGRATION"???
NOT ONE conservative/GOP truly believe ALL IMMIGRANTS are illegal!
But ALL conservatives/GOP are against ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!

But how many FFOs, LIPs, basically UNINFORMED people think Conservatives/GOP are against

This is another gross and clear MISREPRESENTATION by the MSM and most grossly ignorant people.
I have a daughter-in-law who IS a naturalized citizen now but before was a "LEGAL immigrant"!
So consequently I like MOST Conservatives/GOP gladly encourage "LEGAL" immigrants.
But when was the last time you heard the MSM show this distinction...
Here is what YOUR idiot President SAID about conservatives,etc. position on "immigration"!!!

"Because the demographics of the country are such that you will lose a generation of immigrants which says, 'That party doesn't seem to care about me,'" he said. "In the short term, they have a problem with the tea party and others who often express virulently anti-immigrant sentiment."

This is what Obama SAID... we in the TEA PARTY and others have
virulently anti-immigrant sentiment."

And this is so far from the truth! UGLY UGLY LIE!
Now before the ignorant LIPs,FFOs, jump up and down and say....
But the CIS report written by Steven A. Camarota, director of research, found that illegal immigration was higher under former President George W. Bush, potentially undermining the GOP's bid to sound tough on the issue. Under Bush, 500,000-600,000 illegals surged in a year.
Report 2.5 million illegal immigrants under Obama 400 000 yearly Washington Examiner
THIS IS TRUE!!! NO question....
And for THAT reason Bush43 encouraged securing the border with the following actions..
The Administration Is Strengthening Border Security With Additional Personnel, Technology And Infrastructure

The Administration has increased funding for border security and immigration enforcement by 159 percent, including emergency funds, since the President took office - from $4.8 billion in 2001 to $12.3 billion in 2008.

The Administration has expanded the Border Patrol from approximately 9,000 agents in 2001 to more than 15,000 agents today. By the end of 2008, we will have more than 18,000 agents, doubling the size of the Border Patrol under the President's leadership.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is on track to complete 370 miles of pedestrian fencing along the southwest border by the end of calendar year 2008. As of this month, we have completed a total of 165 miles of pedestrian fence along the southwest border, giving us a total of 290 miles of pedestrian and vehicle fence already in place at the border. We expect to have 670 total miles of pedestrian and vehicle fence by the end of 2008, and have begun obtaining land to make this a reality.
Comprehensive Immigration Reform

So even with that effort to HELP Obama... Obama's administration thumbs it's nose at securing the border and according to these Central American newspapers,
the USA encourages "illegal immigration".
Despite this stern warning, Obama has done a decent job of enticing illegal immigrants into the country via his Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivalsprogram. This system allows children under 16 to request a two-year waiting period (subject to renewal) before they are shipped home.

In the midst of the recently exposed Border Patrol warehouses, which confine newly apprehended illegal immigrant children in chain-linked cages, Obama has asked Congress for more than $2 billion to help expedite the children's return home.

Fifty-three percent of voters believe Mexico and Central American countries should foot the bill for the flood of illegal immigrants currently consuming taxpayer money.
Poll Obama is Encouraging Illegal Immigrants to Cross the Border - Sarah Jean Seman
Now before the ignorant LIPs,FFOs, jump up and down and say....
But the CIS report written by Steven A. Camarota, director of research, found that illegal immigration was higher under former President George W. Bush, potentially undermining the GOP's bid to sound tough on the issue. Under Bush, 500,000-600,000 illegals surged in a year.
Report 2.5 million illegal immigrants under Obama 400 000 yearly Washington Examiner
THIS IS TRUE!!! NO question....
And for THAT reason Bush43 encouraged securing the border with the following actions..
The Administration Is Strengthening Border Security With Additional Personnel, Technology And Infrastructure

The Administration has increased funding for border security and immigration enforcement by 159 percent, including emergency funds, since the President took office - from $4.8 billion in 2001 to $12.3 billion in 2008.

The Administration has expanded the Border Patrol from approximately 9,000 agents in 2001 to more than 15,000 agents today. By the end of 2008, we will have more than 18,000 agents, doubling the size of the Border Patrol under the President's leadership.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is on track to complete 370 miles of pedestrian fencing along the southwest border by the end of calendar year 2008. As of this month, we have completed a total of 165 miles of pedestrian fence along the southwest border, giving us a total of 290 miles of pedestrian and vehicle fence already in place at the border. We expect to have 670 total miles of pedestrian and vehicle fence by the end of 2008, and have begun obtaining land to make this a reality.
Comprehensive Immigration Reform

So even with that effort to HELP Obama... Obama's administration thumbs it's nose at securing the border and according to these Central American newspapers,
the USA encourages "illegal immigration".
Despite this stern warning, Obama has done a decent job of enticing illegal immigrants into the country via his Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivalsprogram. This system allows children under 16 to request a two-year waiting period (subject to renewal) before they are shipped home.

In the midst of the recently exposed Border Patrol warehouses, which confine newly apprehended illegal immigrant children in chain-linked cages, Obama has asked Congress for more than $2 billion to help expedite the children's return home.

Fifty-three percent of voters believe Mexico and Central American countries should foot the bill for the flood of illegal immigrants currently consuming taxpayer money.
Poll Obama is Encouraging Illegal Immigrants to Cross the Border - Sarah Jean Seman
article said Congress need to make decisions about a legal immigration system not illegal try again..
It does get insulting, the way they so blatantly choose to not differentiate immigration from illegal immigration.

But something could be done about that - in every interview and roundtable discussion, those who are against illegal immigration should strongly point out the dishonesty.

Why don't they? Probably because they're afraid they'll annoy the host or the network and won't be invited back for another interview or roundtable discussion.

This is all pretty fucked up. Dishonesty is controlling this important conversation.

It does get insulting, the way they so blatantly choose to not differentiate immigration from illegal immigration.

But something could be done about that - in every interview and roundtable discussion, those who are against illegal immigration should strongly point out the dishonesty.

Why don't they? Probably because they're afraid they'll annoy the host or the network and won't be invited back for another interview or roundtable discussion.

This is all pretty fucked up. Dishonesty is controlling this important conversation.

Just like the Democrats lie about the Bush tax-cuts being only for the rich.

If you want to be misrepresented in Washington....keep voting for these lying assholes.
It's because they HAVE nothing else. the people KICKED their Party out of control of congress. so it's back to their one standard of politics they know.

DIRTY and lowdown snake crawling politics. We saw it with Obama and HERE it is again.

hopefully the people are have woken up this
It does get insulting, the way they so blatantly choose to not differentiate immigration from illegal immigration.

But something could be done about that - in every interview and roundtable discussion, those who are against illegal immigration should strongly point out the dishonesty.

Why don't they? Probably because they're afraid they'll annoy the host or the network and won't be invited back for another interview or roundtable discussion.

This is all pretty fucked up. Dishonesty is controlling this important conversation.


Very GOOD point! If those people called "anti-immigrants" by MSM, immediately correct then maybe be more responsible reporting... naw!!!
Now before the ignorant LIPs,FFOs, jump up and down and say....
But the CIS report written by Steven A. Camarota, director of research, found that illegal immigration was higher under former President George W. Bush, potentially undermining the GOP's bid to sound tough on the issue. Under Bush, 500,000-600,000 illegals surged in a year.
Report 2.5 million illegal immigrants under Obama 400 000 yearly Washington Examiner
THIS IS TRUE!!! NO question....
And for THAT reason Bush43 encouraged securing the border with the following actions..
The Administration Is Strengthening Border Security With Additional Personnel, Technology And Infrastructure

The Administration has increased funding for border security and immigration enforcement by 159 percent, including emergency funds, since the President took office - from $4.8 billion in 2001 to $12.3 billion in 2008.

The Administration has expanded the Border Patrol from approximately 9,000 agents in 2001 to more than 15,000 agents today. By the end of 2008, we will have more than 18,000 agents, doubling the size of the Border Patrol under the President's leadership.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is on track to complete 370 miles of pedestrian fencing along the southwest border by the end of calendar year 2008. As of this month, we have completed a total of 165 miles of pedestrian fence along the southwest border, giving us a total of 290 miles of pedestrian and vehicle fence already in place at the border. We expect to have 670 total miles of pedestrian and vehicle fence by the end of 2008, and have begun obtaining land to make this a reality.
Comprehensive Immigration Reform

So even with that effort to HELP Obama... Obama's administration thumbs it's nose at securing the border and according to these Central American newspapers,
the USA encourages "illegal immigration".
Despite this stern warning, Obama has done a decent job of enticing illegal immigrants into the country via his Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivalsprogram. This system allows children under 16 to request a two-year waiting period (subject to renewal) before they are shipped home.

In the midst of the recently exposed Border Patrol warehouses, which confine newly apprehended illegal immigrant children in chain-linked cages, Obama has asked Congress for more than $2 billion to help expedite the children's return home.

Fifty-three percent of voters believe Mexico and Central American countries should foot the bill for the flood of illegal immigrants currently consuming taxpayer money.
Poll Obama is Encouraging Illegal Immigrants to Cross the Border - Sarah Jean Seman
article said Congress need to make decisions about a legal immigration system not illegal try again..

Correct... but the MISPERCEPTION feed is All Conservatives/GOP against immigration is the point!
And Obama reinforces that by saying "the tea party and others who often express virulently anti-immigrant sentiment."
Just a blatant out right LIE!!!
It does get insulting, the way they so blatantly choose to not differentiate immigration from illegal immigration.

But something could be done about that - in every interview and roundtable discussion, those who are against illegal immigration should strongly point out the dishonesty.

Why don't they? Probably because they're afraid they'll annoy the host or the network and won't be invited back for another interview or roundtable discussion.

This is all pretty fucked up. Dishonesty is controlling this important conversation.


Very GOOD point! If those people called "anti-immigrants" by MSM, immediately correct then maybe be more responsible reporting... naw!!!
Don't hold your breath on the responsible reporting. This has to be done every last goddamn time there is a microphone or a camera, and it's pretty clear that people are just too afraid to do it. For whatever reason.


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