How schools are Indoctrinating institutions and deliberately dumbing down the youth.

The American educational system is raising children completely ignorant of all educational subjects save sex. Men and women will be raised from childhood to be talented and facile prostitutes. Americans might end up highly prized.
The American educational system is raising children completely ignorant of all educational subjects save sex. Men and women will be raised from childhood to be talented and facile prostitutes. Americans might end up highly prized.
We're idiots that seem to still be on the bleeding edge of technology. Ok.
Students have been indoctrinated every since the concept of student and teacher were created. Ancient Greek children were taught by their pedagogues that the gods sat upon Olympus and demanded ritual sacrifice. They were taught that slavery was right and natural.

Even in our lifetimes, students have learned that colonialism is right and proper and it was the burden of The White Man to civilize the poorer regions of The Earth.

Every generation for the past dozen millennium or so has been taught some sort of horse shite by their "learned" instructors and the human race manages still to progress and advance.

I wouldn't worry about what kids are taught in school ... the smart ones will see past the indoctrination (just as we did) and the stupid ones will continue to believe whatever they are told, just has stupid people have always done.
The ancient Greek children were taught by Aristotle, Socrates and Plato. The ancient Greek children were better educated than you. Their math teacher was Pythagoras.

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