How Republicans shut down the government


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
Plans to defund the Affordable Care Act began soon after Obama started his second term as President, involving a "loose-knit coalition of conservative activists" led by former Attorney General Edwin Meese III, who is also the Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow Emeritus in the The Heritage Foundation. Meese's coalition, the Conservative Action Project,, produced a "Memo for the Movement" containing a "blueprint to defunding Obamacare", which said "Conservatives should not approve a CR unless it defunds Obamacare."

Supported by funding from the billionaire Koch brothers and conservative political action committees, the activists worked with Tea Party coalition members of Congress to promote passage of an appropriations bill without any funding for the Affordable Care Act. The tax-exempt organization Freedom Partners, linked to the Koch brothers, distributed over $200 million in 2012 to non-profit organizations opposing the Affordable Care Act.

Republican Mark Meadows of North Carolina's 11th congressional district put the federal government on the road to shutdown. Meadows wrote an open letter on August 21, 2013 to House Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor encouraging them to "affirmatively de-fund the implementation and enforcement of ObamaCare in any relevant appropriations bills brought to the House floor in the 113th Congress, including any continuing appropriations bill." The document was signed by 80 of Meadows' Republican colleagues in the House.

United States federal government shutdown of 2013 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
for the record, the republicans in the house do not have the power or authority to shut down any govt functions, only the whitehouse can do that.

the current 15% shutdown was done only by obama. Shit on the vets who want to visit the national monuments but allow illegals to rally on the national mall. sick, sick, sick.
One has to wonder what YOU will say if it turns out the ACA is as bad as some of us think it will be.
What's interesting about this is when you compare the relative size of the Tea Party to their power over the national debate. The reason they are so powerful is because of the think tank and media investments of Movement Conservatism (which were ratched up in the 70s and have only grown since). With their sizeable lead in think tanks, political action committees, publishing groups as well as talk radio, FOX News and the blogosphere, the radical right has created a MASSIVE bullhorn, one that is louder than any other political movement. They have used the concentrated wealth of big business and Koch brothers to create a voice far more powerful than the great bulk of centrists out there, i.e., people who recognize that the government has some role in the destiny of the nation, especially when it comes to creating the advanced industrial infrastructure upon which commerce depends. These are people that understand that government's investment in things like satellite technology pays huge dividends to the private sector. Ask a member of the Tea Party about government lead investment in technology and they will give you a blank stare, and then proceed to hurl angry invectives, followed by empty cliches about freedom. They get away with this because, standing behind them is a massive bullhorn powered a pundit class which feeds them these cliches along with misinformation about who actually owns government .

Movement Conservatism has so completely captured their information sources and loyalty - and has them in a bubble where they are told government has ruined their life, but their concept of government is so simplistic and paranoid. Try asking them about how much life-improving technology came out of the Cold War Space Program and they will give you a blank stare. They have been conditioned to believe that government has done northing to help the economy. (Ask them about the Cold War relationship between Government and MIT or Stanford, and the commercially necessary technology that came out of those relationships, and they give you a blank stare followed by anger). Try asking a Tea Party member about the Patent System - namely the fact that the private sector craves nanny state protection for their investments. You will get a blank stare followed by angry invectives. These people literally don't understand government's productive role in the economy. They only understand the downside, which is admittedly very real.

The Tea Party is not monolithic, but they tend to fit into 2 categories.

1) People who are justifiably angry about what has happened to this nation.

3) People who lack the education and analytical skills to resist the rightwing media bullhorn, which uses the culture war, patriotism and national security to channel their rage and turn them into useful idiots of the concentrated wealth which owns Washington.
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Remind us again how well your past predictions have panned out.

Im not predicting. It's already turning out bad.

LOL. You said it's going to be(gonna) bad. But please move the goal posts. It's what you people do.

Lol. I understand that you are angry that this law has turned out to be a huge travesty....before it really has even begun. This is what you all identify as success when in reality its sub-mediocre at best.
Plans to defund the Affordable Care Act began soon after Obama started his second term as President, involving a "loose-knit coalition of conservative activists" led by former Attorney General Edwin Meese III, who is also the Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow Emeritus in the The Heritage Foundation. Meese's coalition, the Conservative Action Project,, produced a "Memo for the Movement" containing a "blueprint to defunding Obamacare", which said "Conservatives should not approve a CR unless it defunds Obamacare."

Supported by funding from the billionaire Koch brothers and conservative political action committees, the activists worked with Tea Party coalition members of Congress to promote passage of an appropriations bill without any funding for the Affordable Care Act. The tax-exempt organization Freedom Partners, linked to the Koch brothers, distributed over $200 million in 2012 to non-profit organizations opposing the Affordable Care Act.

Republican Mark Meadows of North Carolina's 11th congressional district put the federal government on the road to shutdown. Meadows wrote an open letter on August 21, 2013 to House Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor encouraging them to "affirmatively de-fund the implementation and enforcement of ObamaCare in any relevant appropriations bills brought to the House floor in the 113th Congress, including any continuing appropriations bill." The document was signed by 80 of Meadows' Republican colleagues in the House.

United States federal government shutdown of 2013 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The actual facts are that the House passed three different bills within about a week period to fund the government. Harry and Barry rejected all three. Had they accepted one of them, there would be no government shutdown. Since they rejected each one, the government shut down. So who is responsible? Republicans who passed bills to fund the government or Harry and Barry who rejected the bills? The honest answer is Harry and Barry.
Im not predicting. It's already turning out bad.

LOL. You said it's going to be(gonna) bad. But please move the goal posts. It's what you people do.

Lol. I understand that you are angry that this law has turned out to be a huge travesty....before it really has even begun. This is what you all identify as success when in reality its sub-mediocre at best.

Could you contradict yourself anymore? How can it already be bad when, in your words, "before it really has even begun". You people don't give a shit about facts, consistency or common sense. It's entirely WAY to easy to expose you for the idiots that you are. No wonder you elect people who are willing to shut down the country and go in to default so that you can try and score political points. I say try, because even that half-assed strategy is not working out at all.

I mean, it's obvious what sort of level of intelligence you and the other inbreds possess, so it shouldn't be a surprise that we have low intelligence politicians who are the "leaders" of your failing party.

Garbage in, Garbage out. Be proud of yourselves for being the base of the trash dump.
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