How Obamacare Will Harm Cancer Patients


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
The hits just keep coming:eusa_eh:

We’re at a turning point in battling cancer. Doctors are finally able to reliably tailor treatments to the unique genetic composition of each patient’s tumor rather than by its location in the body alone. Other new drugs are able to prime our own immune cells to attack cancers. But Obamacare puts access to this progress at risk.

First, Obamacare is going to block the ability of patients to seek out the specialist doctors who are most likely to prescribe these cutting edge treatments.

Obamacare coaxes health plans to reduce spending and healthcare utilization by limiting the choices patients will have of doctors. This is the primary way that health plans are being cheapened enough to meet Obamacare’s strict guidelines on the low value of the coverage that the plans can offer.

Insurers are barred from using the other tools that they’ve traditionally employed to keep the costs of policies in check: cost sharing, underwriting risk, adjusting premiums and benefits. The only thing that health plans are permitted to do under Obamacare is narrow the networks of providers that they contract with. So that’s precisely what they’re doing. By contracting with fewer providers, insurers can cheapen their coverage by clamping down on what doctors prescribe.

This will hit cancer patients especially hard.

If consumers go outside the narrow network of doctors that their plans offer, patients will be saddled with heavy co-insurance that can make these options absurdly expensive.

How Obamacare Will Harm Cancer Patients - Forbes
and if this IS the case.... i hope anyone who voted for this dies a long slow horribly painful death... by cancer

after all, they did want it.
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and if this IS the case.... i hope anyone who voted for this dies a long slow horribly painful death... by cancer

after all, they did want it.

If you're in the political class with connections to government you'll get the best of care it's the rest of us who will suffer :evil:
and if this IS the case.... i hope anyone who voted for this dies a long slow horribly painful death... by cancer

after all, they did want it.

If you're in the political class with connections to government you'll get the best of care it's the rest of us who will suffer :evil:

That's the broader trend that's really disturbing. Corporatism is replacing equal rights in a free market with government granted privilege. Instead of earning money to get the things we want, we now lobby government.
Republicans are now leaving the party over its position on healthcare.

The Republican 'position' on healthcare is one of the reasons I've never been able to take them seriously as liberty advocates. Romney's initiative in Massachusetts was no fluke and set the stage for the corporatist takeover of health care nationally. The libertarian reform movement is promising, but I have no delusions that the establishment core of the Republican party intends any serious opposition to ACA. They like the added power it gives them just as much as the Democrats.
And, another --

Obamacare A Big Help for Black Women with Breast Cancer

“I am emotional about the Affordable Care Act,” Nix told BET. “Now, I don’t have to be scared about how my pre-existing condition will affect my ability to be insured. This provides me comfort. It’s exciting and life changing.”

Nix, who is a fifth-generation breast cancer survivor, said the ban on lifetime caps is important for a relatively young woman like herself.

“I have a strong family history of breast cancer,” she said. “And, when there are caps, you don’t know how long you’ll be able to get insurance coverage.”

Nix is so passionate about helping women that she co-founded the Breast Cancer Comfort Site, which provides support and guidance to women with breast cancer.
I don't know where you all think that the young can pay for this Health Care bill
How are they going to get the money to pay down the debt, pay off their college loans and help to subsidize the Health Care?
They can't even afford to live on their own let alone pay their college debt.
If they don't have the money to rent or buy a home or pay off loans, how will they pay huge taxes to pay off almost 17 trillion dollars and thousands of dollars for Health Care that they don't need or want.
And, another --

Obamacare A Big Help for Black Women with Breast Cancer

“I am emotional about the Affordable Care Act,” Nix told BET. “Now, I don’t have to be scared about how my pre-existing condition will affect my ability to be insured. This provides me comfort. It’s exciting and life changing.”

Nix, who is a fifth-generation breast cancer survivor, said the ban on lifetime caps is important for a relatively young woman like herself.

“I have a strong family history of breast cancer,” she said. “And, when there are caps, you don’t know how long you’ll be able to get insurance coverage.”

Nix is so passionate about helping women that she co-founded the Breast Cancer Comfort Site, which provides support and guidance to women with breast cancer.

It's not even in affect yet what's the point of your stupid link? To show that some people have high hopes?:confused:

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