How much of this socializing of America can be undone in 2010?


Jul 29, 2009
Can any of these budget deficit, borrowing, taxing actions of the lefty administration and congress be undone? I assume some of it but not all of it. How about this healthcare debacle? Can it be set right in 2010? I don't know. Help me out here, please.
Can any of these budget deficit, borrowing, taxing actions of the lefty administration and congress be undone? I assume some of it but not all of it. How about this healthcare debacle? Can it be set right in 2010? I don't know. Help me out here, please.

Any permanent program will never be undone under Obama as it is highly unlikely that even if the Republicans regain both the House and the Senate they will have 2/3rds majorities to over ride a veto by Obama.
Yeah, there's far too much socializing going on in America these days.
:razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz: And it's getting ugly...

Can any of these budget deficit, borrowing, taxing actions of the lefty administration and congress be undone? I assume some of it but not all of it. How about this healthcare debacle? Can it be set right in 2010? I don't know. Help me out here, please.

It will never be undone. It will only grow, eventually bankrupting the country.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
And we have loonies on this board coming up with even more "wealth spread" ideas for spending. Free college! Free cell phones! Free internet! 12 month schools! Scary that they don't get that there's no uch thing as a free lunch. Even a fifth grader knows that.
None. The filibuster will be back in the Republican's pocket but I think the Dem's will still retain either the House or Senate.

Unless maybe there are a few Dem defections. With all the heat the Blue Dogs are taking some might decide to just say "fuck it" and jump ship.
never will be undone, just like the patriot act, fisa, etc. if dems try to remove the Rs will blame them for being weak on national security, the glenn beck minnions will be mobilized etc. if the Rs try to get rid of any of the social programs (not that they ever try b/c they are just as much for big gov as the Ds) the left will revolt in a similar manner and the Rs will cave.
It will never be undone. It will only grow, eventually bankrupting the country.

U.S. National Debt Graph: Since Great Depression

The Debt is getting to be a problem. With our permanent Cold then Terrorism war footing Earth is an expensive place for America to live.

What are you gonna do about it? I don't know. Never electing another Reagan or Bush would be one.

So if you're worried about the debt, even during not the best of economic times it did not increase as a percentage of GDP during the Carter years. Then Clinton is your man! he actually balanced the budget.

Obama has a different set of worries. He's using credit card like deficit spending to maintain our standard of living. IF it goes to infrastructure or something that improves the ability of the U.S. to function after its done then the spending is WAY better than a money pit like an individual taking out a 80% loan to buy a new car just to maintain their standard of living.
It will never be undone. It will only grow, eventually bankrupting the country.

U.S. National Debt Graph: Since Great Depression

The Debt is getting to be a problem. With our permanent Cold then Terrorism war footing Earth is an expensive place for America to live. What are you gonna do about it? I don't know. Never electing another Reagan or Bush would be one.

So if you're worried about the debt, even during not the best of economic times it did not increase as a percentage of GDP during the Carter years. Then Clinton is your man! he actually balanced the budget.

Obama has a different set of worries. He's using credit card like deficit spending to maintain our standard of living. IF it goes to infrastructure or something that improves the ability of the U.S. to function after its done then the spending is WAY better than a money pit like an individual taking out a 80% loan to buy a new car just to maintain their standard of living.

I recall how the GOP whined about how raising taxes would be disaster, it wasn't, it generated a surplus. The problem was that Clinton didn't do anything to eliminate the dual threats of AQ and Saddam's regime, nor did he do anything to keep US factories here, in fact he setup the financial crisis by his promoting loads to the unqualified.
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending - The New York Times
All in all, his negatives outweigh his positives by a wide margin. Most of Obama's new debt can be shared with Clinton, (the financial mess cleanup costs).

Bush eliminated Saddam, but AQ is still there. I hope Obama and the Paks can finally eliminate that threat. Then and only then could we take a "peace dividend" and cut the defense budget ~25% or so. Bush also added a pharm entitlement which hurt. Bush's tax cut only went to accelerate the moving of factories & jobs overseas. The financial collapse occurred on his watch, he helped it grow, and he was generally asleep at the wheel.

Obama has a problem similar to Bush-1 after Reagan's spending spree ended the Cold War. Anything he does will be like planting seeds. It will be many years until they could bear fruit. There are no good quick fixes to anything. IMHO he needs to stop the outflow of jobs "called protectionism", and then slowly start building new industries, like HSR, alternate energy, and other labor intensive industries to put people back to work. Replacing our aging nuke plants comes to mind, new public transportation systems, etc.

All he wants to do is add non-value added entitlements and C+T. Moronic. Palin would be better with "drill baby drill".
Unfortunately by the time these four years are up it will have been twelve straight years of incompetent Socialist madness. So i'm not sure if their awful damage can be undone. All Socialists in both Parties will have to go before any real change and healing can begin. Just vote out all incompetent Socialists and that will be a good start on the road to recovery. Lets do it before it is too late.
The last twelve years is only part of the story. The USA has been moving towards a type of socialism for about a hundred years under the guise of the progressive movement. That movement really gained steam when the 17th amendment was passed. That did more to empower the federal government than anything else. We should repeal the 17th amendment and return the power of government to the states.
I don't believe the economic problems Obama is causing will ever be able to be corrected. He's printing money off as fast as the presses can crank it out. After a while our dollar is going to be completely worthless - but we're going to have several trillion dollar do nothing programs in place and brought to us all by the Democrats. Already there is talk of another big stimulus bill. The first one didn't work. Wonder what makes them think the second one will? Keep them presses rolling...
All in all, his negatives outweigh his positives by a wide margin. Most of Obama's new debt can be shared with Clinton, (the financial mess cleanup costs).

Interesting even if you view the cause of the financial meltdown as Clinton's fault because he didn't foresee the problem with legislation meant to help the lowest 5% get homes got applied to about 70% of the population, Bush W didn't change it when he had the chance.

Obama just better get our money's worth out of the deficit spending not to borrow something I read, just pay people to dig ditches then refill them.
Can any of these budget deficit, borrowing, taxing actions of the lefty administration and congress be undone? I assume some of it but not all of it. How about this healthcare debacle? Can it be set right in 2010? I don't know. Help me out here, please.

All of the Marxists programs have remained; ie, Federal reserve Board, the "income tax" , the massive welfare/warfare programs adopted in 1935, medicare, medicaid, ....once the program develops a parastic following the congresscritters will not abolish them.

It will take 60 votes in the Senate to turn this thing back. Don't think it will happen in 2010.

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