CDZ How many of you learned to play card and board games?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
This disappearing experience seems to correlate with a diminution of reasoning ability among the general population, whether it be an "everybody wins" mentality or a lack of negotiating skills. Instead of dealing with the uncertainties of life through probability and experience, many of us prefer to live in a fantasy world of "reality" shows and empty slogans. Why is this?
This disappearing experience seems to correlate with a diminution of reasoning ability among the general population, whether it be an "everybody wins" mentality or a lack of negotiating skills. Instead of dealing with the uncertainties of life through probability and experience, many of us prefer to live in a fantasy world of "reality" shows and empty slogans. Why is this?

many of us prefer to live in a fantasy world of "reality" shows and empty slogans.

How about you share why you do first?

I grew up with board and card games- and so did my kid. We both enjoy 'fantasy' but not 'empty slogans'.

Why do you prefer reality shows and empty slogans?
I am a major play of board/card games. Very few weekends pass without us playing some sort of game. I loving nothing more then sitting around the table with my best friends, some bourbon, and, board games.
This disappearing experience seems to correlate with a diminution of reasoning ability among the general population, whether it be an "everybody wins" mentality or a lack of negotiating skills. Instead of dealing with the uncertainties of life through probability and experience, many of us prefer to live in a fantasy world of "reality" shows and empty slogans. Why is this?

I can play Poker and Strip Poker, the latter I'm excellent at, I am always the only person sitting in my underwear when everyone else perhaps this is the wrong section of the forum to elaborate :smoke:

What was the question again? :eusa_doh:

Oh yes, that's right, I can also play Backgammon and Baccarat, I play most things that involve the Casino, I'm very good at Roulette....I also have a table and a Casino Roulette wheel in the house and I'm teaching my 4 year-old son how to play Roulette.
This disappearing experience seems to correlate with a diminution of reasoning ability among the general population, whether it be an "everybody wins" mentality or a lack of negotiating skills. Instead of dealing with the uncertainties of life through probability and experience, many of us prefer to live in a fantasy world of "reality" shows and empty slogans. Why is this?
They're playing video games. Those probably teach probability and how to deal with losing, too.
This disappearing experience seems to correlate with a diminution of reasoning ability among the general population, whether it be an "everybody wins" mentality or a lack of negotiating skills. Instead of dealing with the uncertainties of life through probability and experience, many of us prefer to live in a fantasy world of "reality" shows and empty slogans. Why is this?

What makes you think it's "disappearing"?
I really think it is all just a matter of what you get used to, jwoodie. There weren't video games when I was a kid, so we played gin rummy and parcheesi. Now they play whatever it is they play. Amusement for the kids on rainy days. They still learn whatever it is we did, which isn't much. At least, I didn't learn much about probability playing gin rummy. Maybe that was just me.
I really think it is okay. Just different.
Do board games have a lot of permanent death in them? Just asking.

I can't think of any board or card games that involve death. Can you?

Yes. Tons of them:

Arkham Horror
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Elder Signs

Ghost Stories
Ca$h 'n Gun$
Last Night on Earth

Secret Hitler

That's just off the top of my head. lol
Do board games have a lot of permanent death in them? Just asking.

I can't think of any board or card games that involve death. Can you?

Yes. Tons of them:

Arkham Horror
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Elder Signs
Ghost Stories
Ca$h 'n Gun$
Last Night on Earth
Secret Hitler

That's just off the top of my head. lol
Where do you find such cool games? Not Toys R Us.
Do board games have a lot of permanent death in them? Just asking.

I can't think of any board or card games that involve death. Can you?

Yes. Tons of them:

Arkham Horror
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Elder Signs
Ghost Stories
Ca$h 'n Gun$
Last Night on Earth
Secret Hitler

That's just off the top of my head. lol
Where do you find such cool games? Not Toys R Us.

The internet.

This is a great site: BoardGameGeek | Gaming Unplugged Since 2000
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We did parcheesi, checkers, monopoly, chinese checkers in the 1950's. I got hooked on the need for speed game for nintendo for awhile in the 90's. I'm trying chess now and see that it too can get you hooked. My grandson is thirteen, and is addicted to games, but he seems to get his school work done and his grades are pretty good, so I'm not certain that gaming is hurting a kid's reasoning ability.
It isn't games dumbing people down, it's the button pushing culture and 'instant gratification' that trains people into accepting quick results. I listened to a scholar studying the effects of I-Phones and computers and how they're making people stupid compared to older generations. One of the obvious conclusions is older generations had to write out everything by hand, which helped with developing memory and precision by repetitive activity in grade school early on, as well as having to read books and study them intensely. nowadays hand many of them a pencil or a pen and they can't even write their own names on a piece of paper, much less do even basic arithmetic without a calculator or make change manually, have no attention spans to speak of, and are pretty much illiterate,, only having to remember which buttons to punch or icons to click on for the most part. They're being fed the BS by the Silly Con Valley hucksters that everybody needs a laptop for school at age 4 and supposedly this develops 'computer literacy' but all it really does is make it too easy on them and the hucksters very rich. People who are addicted to I-Pods and their copycats are particularly at risk for losing IQ points. Don't know what they're going to do when the U.S. is a Third World shithole in 20-30 years and they can't afford batteries phones and tablets at all. They'll be no better than aboriginal tribespeople, and die off by the millions.

Board games are much more about social interaction with family and friends than literal learning a lot; computer games encourage loners and alienation.
I'm not certain that gaming is hurting a kid's reasoning ability.

The issue is not whether (video) gaming is hurting a kid's reasoning ability (although you seem willing to accept that risk), but whether it is adding to it.

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