How long will it take before the next unvetted BOMBSHELL is unveiled?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
The pathetic state of the Media and the Get Trump mob was put on display again. Wrong again. Will it matter? No. Being Liberal and being in the Media means you just move on to the next rock and turn it over.
FYI- all the mainstream media, said they were unable to confirm the Buzzfeed article themselves and continually used the term,


before they continued their speculations...


As far as your question.... my bet is less than 24 hours, and if they don't have a new thing to report on, President Trump, will create another distraction himself.... the news cycle is at lightening speed, since President Trump came on to the scene.... and frankly, that's how he seems to like it....
FYI- all the mainstream media, said they were unable to confirm the Buzzfeed article themselves and continually used the term,


before they continued their speculations...


As far as your question.... my bet is less than 24 hours, and if they don't have a new thing to report on, President Trump, will create another distraction himself.... the news cycle is at lightening speed, since President Trump came on to the scene.... and frankly, that's how he seems to like it....

It was not true according to the Washington Post, who got their report from the Mueller camp:

In a rare move, Mueller’s office denies BuzzFeed report that Trump told Cohen to lie about Moscow project


"Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s office on Friday denied an explosive report by BuzzFeed News that his investigators had gathered evidence showing President Trump directed his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, to lie to Congress about a prospective business deal in Moscow.

“BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the special counsel’s office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s congressional testimony are not accurate,” said Peter Carr, a spokesman for Mueller."
FYI- all the mainstream media, said they were unable to confirm the Buzzfeed article themselves and continually used the term,


before they continued their speculations...


As far as your question.... my bet is less than 24 hours, and if they don't have a new thing to report on, President Trump, will create another distraction himself.... the news cycle is at lightening speed, since President Trump came on to the scene.... and frankly, that's how he seems to like it....

It was not true according to the Washington Post, who got their report from the Mueller camp:

In a rare move, Mueller’s office denies BuzzFeed report that Trump told Cohen to lie about Moscow project


"Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s office on Friday denied an explosive report by BuzzFeed News that his investigators had gathered evidence showing President Trump directed his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, to lie to Congress about a prospective business deal in Moscow.

“BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the special counsel’s office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s congressional testimony are not accurate,” said Peter Carr, a spokesman for Mueller."
yep! 1- Mueller's team was not the federal sources for the leak... which the article seemed to imply or everyone reading it seemed to think.... it was likely federal sources from the Southern District of NY who are known to have loose lips that sink ships so to say, and NOT Mueller's team, and Mueller wanted to make that CLEAR... and the truth is, NOTHING in nearly 2 years, has been leaked by Mueller's team, so them saying this, is totally believable...

2- Some things in the Buzzfeed article are not accurate-
the Mueller response did NOT say that the whole Buzzfeed article was hogwash.... simply that parts of the way they reported it, were inaccurate... there was no complete denial of the story, simply parts of it, were reported inaccurately.
Oh my you are still not keeping up, the Buzzfeed claims are in conflict by the very authors who wrote it!


Buzzfeed News Bombshell Reporter: No We Have Not Seen the Evidence Supporting Our Report

Anthony Cormier is one of the two investigative reporter at BuzzfeedNews who co-authored the bombshell report published Thursday night — a report which claimed President Donald Trump directed his former lawyer Michael Cohen to lie during Congressional testimony over discussions between the Trump Organization and Russian authorities about a Trump Tower Moscow project.

Cormier appeared on CNN’s New Day and revealed that he had not seen the evidence underlying his report.


‘Off we go again’! Co-authors of sketchy BuzzFeed report can’t even get their stories straight
Oh my you are still not keeping up, the Buzzfeed claims are in conflict by the very authors who wrote it!


Buzzfeed News Bombshell Reporter: No We Have Not Seen the Evidence Supporting Our Report

Anthony Cormier is one of the two investigative reporter at BuzzfeedNews who co-authored the bombshell report published Thursday night — a report which claimed President Donald Trump directed his former lawyer Michael Cohen to lie during Congressional testimony over discussions between the Trump Organization and Russian authorities about a Trump Tower Moscow project.

Cormier appeared on CNN’s New Day and revealed that he had not seen the evidence underlying his report.
right... they relied on Fed Law enforcement sources.... likely from the Southern District of NY.... who they obviously should not have trusted! After all, these same Feds agents or prosecutors are the ones who continually leaked on Hillary's investigation, about Weiner's laptop having Hillary emails etc.... they made a mountain out of a molehill on it....

maybe the president did not order Cohen to lie about the Moscow Project, and that part was wrong? I can accept that! What I can not accept, is President Trump not knowing about Cohen lying to congress about the timing of the Moscow Project. President Trump KNEW he continued past January 2016 in his pursuit of the Moscow project, and so did his children... so he HAD TO KNOW Cohen lied about it to Congress.... ??

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