How is the boycott going?

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Another step in the right direction. Veolia sells its shares in the Jerusalem Light Rail and pulls out of Israel entirely.
And tomorrow, Israel will still be successful, you and the Pali terrorists will still be a fraud and your self-hate will still be the object of ridicule.

Allah has played a cruel joke on you islamos.
Your words sound hollow, Hollie.
Phoenall, et al,

I really don't see what the complaint is all about.

Another step in the right direction. Veolia sells its shares in the Jerusalem Light Rail and pulls out of Israel entirely.
More of your islamonazi propaganda that amounts to Jew hatred

The Israelis are building up the infrastructure. Most cities would kill for a Light Rail System. Most major cities of the industrial world have a light rail system. Eventually, the this rail system will benefit both cultures.

Are the Palestinians complaining that the city should not have a light rail system?

Most Respectfully,
Phoenall, et al,

I really don't see what the complaint is all about.

Another step in the right direction. Veolia sells its shares in the Jerusalem Light Rail and pulls out of Israel entirely.
More of your islamonazi propaganda that amounts to Jew hatred

The Israelis are building up the infrastructure. Most cities would kill for a Light Rail System. Most major cities of the industrial world have a light rail system. Eventually, the this rail system will benefit both cultures.

Are the Palestinians complaining that the city should not have a light rail system?

Most Respectfully,

If the Nazis had brought in a light rail system would it have been ok for them to say, 'Don't the Jews want a light rail, it will benefit everyone '?

The Zionists are todays Nazis, see?
Phoenall, et al,

I really don't see what the complaint is all about.

Another step in the right direction. Veolia sells its shares in the Jerusalem Light Rail and pulls out of Israel entirely.
More of your islamonazi propaganda that amounts to Jew hatred

The Israelis are building up the infrastructure. Most cities would kill for a Light Rail System. Most major cities of the industrial world have a light rail system. Eventually, the this rail system will benefit both cultures.

Are the Palestinians complaining that the city should not have a light rail system?

Most Respectfully,

No, but the Nazi-types here certainly are.
Another step in the right direction. Veolia sells its shares in the Jerusalem Light Rail and pulls out of Israel entirely.

Excellent, c-nt idiot. 20 companies will step in and take their place.

Keep the jew-hatred flowing you dogshit, and every day the bds fraud is exposed for exactly what it is, a modern day kristallnacht attacking jews.

Death to bds and all of its supporters and apologists. May the fakestinians vanish in the same way they appeared, out of thin air.
Phoenall, et al,

I really don't see what the complaint is all about.

Another step in the right direction. Veolia sells its shares in the Jerusalem Light Rail and pulls out of Israel entirely.
More of your islamonazi propaganda that amounts to Jew hatred

The Israelis are building up the infrastructure. Most cities would kill for a Light Rail System. Most major cities of the industrial world have a light rail system. Eventually, the this rail system will benefit both cultures.

Are the Palestinians complaining that the city should not have a light rail system?

Most Respectfully,

If the Nazis had brought in a light rail system would it have been ok for them to say, 'Don't the Jews want a light rail, it will benefit everyone '?

The Zionists are todays Nazis, see?

No I don't see the Zionists as todays Nazis, that would be like saying that the Americans were Nazis when they were in Vietnam. They had a mantra out there " If it moves it is V.C." and they practised this very often in the An Lao valley, how many millions did the Americans murder those few short years ?

Is that your problem guilt for the innocents raped, brutalised and mass murdered in the name of democracy.
Phoenall, et al,

I really don't see what the complaint is all about.

Another step in the right direction. Veolia sells its shares in the Jerusalem Light Rail and pulls out of Israel entirely.
More of your islamonazi propaganda that amounts to Jew hatred

The Israelis are building up the infrastructure. Most cities would kill for a Light Rail System. Most major cities of the industrial world have a light rail system. Eventually, the this rail system will benefit both cultures.

Are the Palestinians complaining that the city should not have a light rail system?

Most Respectfully,

If the Nazis had brought in a light rail system would it have been ok for them to say, 'Don't the Jews want a light rail, it will benefit everyone '?

The Zionists are todays Nazis, see?

Wrong. Islamists are today's nazis and the Paleshitians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Arab Islamic Nationalism.
Phoenall, et al,

I really don't see what the complaint is all about.

Another step in the right direction. Veolia sells its shares in the Jerusalem Light Rail and pulls out of Israel entirely.
More of your islamonazi propaganda that amounts to Jew hatred

The Israelis are building up the infrastructure. Most cities would kill for a Light Rail System. Most major cities of the industrial world have a light rail system. Eventually, the this rail system will benefit both cultures.

Are the Palestinians complaining that the city should not have a light rail system?

Most Respectfully,

If the Nazis had brought in a light rail system would it have been ok for them to say, 'Don't the Jews want a light rail, it will benefit everyone '?

The Zionists are todays Nazis, see?

Wrong. Islamists are today's nazis and the Paleshitians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Arab Islamic Nationalism.

The Zionists are todays Nazis, see?
Phoenall, et al,

I really don't see what the complaint is all about.

Another step in the right direction. Veolia sells its shares in the Jerusalem Light Rail and pulls out of Israel entirely.
More of your islamonazi propaganda that amounts to Jew hatred

The Israelis are building up the infrastructure. Most cities would kill for a Light Rail System. Most major cities of the industrial world have a light rail system. Eventually, the this rail system will benefit both cultures.

Are the Palestinians complaining that the city should not have a light rail system?

Most Respectfully,

If the Nazis had brought in a light rail system would it have been ok for them to say, 'Don't the Jews want a light rail, it will benefit everyone '?

The Zionists are todays Nazis, see?

No I don't see the Zionists as todays Nazis, that would be like saying that the Americans were Nazis when they were in Vietnam. They had a mantra out there " If it moves it is V.C." and they practised this very often in the An Lao valley, how many millions did the Americans murder those few short years ?

Is that your problem guilt for the innocents raped, brutalised and mass murdered in the name of democracy.

No that's not my problem, it's the fact that the US supports a regime that practices lebensraum, apartheid, mass murder and ethnic cleansing.
Another step in the right direction. Veolia sells its shares in the Jerusalem Light Rail and pulls out of Israel entirely.
And tomorrow, Israel will still be successful, you and the Pali terrorists will still be a fraud and your self-hate will still be the object of ridicule.

Allah has played a cruel joke on you islamos.
Your words sound hollow, Hollie.
Typically pointless, Habib.

Your words are not your own, just childish name-calling you plagiarized from another islamist on the board.

The last decade thereabouts, since Israel withdrew from Gaza, has shown exactly what "Palestinian" self government is capable of achieving: fomenting an islamist terrorist enclave. Such behavior simply doesn't speak to giving them more land for an even more despicable islamo-terror state. Establishing a "Palestinian" state just reeks of creating a new Al Qaeda nation.

At some point, Hamas needs to be separated from international welfare dollars as that money only goes to further an already entrenched group of swine suckling at the nipple of the free world. Hamas needs to be removed from Gaza, prevented from re-establishing their arsenal and the rational world needs to end the welfare fraud that defines "Palestinian" arabs. If the free world wont do it, maybe ISIS will.

At any rate, the start-and-stop Israeli responses to the attacks from Gaza are insufficient, and the difficult task of reversing the Hamas coup of 2007 needs to be undertaken. In the event that ISIS does enter Gaza and puts the Hamas terrorists in leading rolls within those lovely videos that ISIS produces: head-chopping, burning, smooshing, drowing, pushing off building rooftops, etc., that may well be the upset point where Israel decides to get serious about eliminating the moslem savages and lets loose with a campaign to make Gaza an islamist terrorist free zone.
Phoenall, et al,

I really don't see what the complaint is all about.

Another step in the right direction. Veolia sells its shares in the Jerusalem Light Rail and pulls out of Israel entirely.
More of your islamonazi propaganda that amounts to Jew hatred

The Israelis are building up the infrastructure. Most cities would kill for a Light Rail System. Most major cities of the industrial world have a light rail system. Eventually, the this rail system will benefit both cultures.

Are the Palestinians complaining that the city should not have a light rail system?

Most Respectfully,

If the Nazis had brought in a light rail system would it have been ok for them to say, 'Don't the Jews want a light rail, it will benefit everyone '?

The Zionists are todays Nazis, see?

No I don't see the Zionists as todays Nazis, that would be like saying that the Americans were Nazis when they were in Vietnam. They had a mantra out there " If it moves it is V.C." and they practised this very often in the An Lao valley, how many millions did the Americans murder those few short years ?

Is that your problem guilt for the innocents raped, brutalised and mass murdered in the name of democracy.

No that's not my problem, it's the fact that the US supports a regime that practices lebensraum, apartheid, mass murder and ethnic cleansing.
That's a load of lizard crap.
Phoenall, et al,

I really don't see what the complaint is all about.

Another step in the right direction. Veolia sells its shares in the Jerusalem Light Rail and pulls out of Israel entirely.
More of your islamonazi propaganda that amounts to Jew hatred

The Israelis are building up the infrastructure. Most cities would kill for a Light Rail System. Most major cities of the industrial world have a light rail system. Eventually, the this rail system will benefit both cultures.

Are the Palestinians complaining that the city should not have a light rail system?

Most Respectfully,

If the Nazis had brought in a light rail system would it have been ok for them to say, 'Don't the Jews want a light rail, it will benefit everyone '?

The Zionists are todays Nazis, see?

Wrong. Islamists are today's nazis and the Paleshitians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Arab Islamic Nationalism.

The Zionists are todays Nazis, see?

Bzzzzzz...wrong. Quite the opposite. Like I said, the so called "Palestinians" are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Arab Islamic nationalism.

True story. :cool:

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.
Phoenall, et al,

I really don't see what the complaint is all about.

Another step in the right direction. Veolia sells its shares in the Jerusalem Light Rail and pulls out of Israel entirely.
More of your islamonazi propaganda that amounts to Jew hatred

The Israelis are building up the infrastructure. Most cities would kill for a Light Rail System. Most major cities of the industrial world have a light rail system. Eventually, the this rail system will benefit both cultures.

Are the Palestinians complaining that the city should not have a light rail system?

Most Respectfully,

If the Nazis had brought in a light rail system would it have been ok for them to say, 'Don't the Jews want a light rail, it will benefit everyone '?

The Zionists are todays Nazis, see?

No I don't see the Zionists as todays Nazis, that would be like saying that the Americans were Nazis when they were in Vietnam. They had a mantra out there " If it moves it is V.C." and they practised this very often in the An Lao valley, how many millions did the Americans murder those few short years ?

Is that your problem guilt for the innocents raped, brutalised and mass murdered in the name of democracy.

No that's not my problem, it's the fact that the US supports a regime that practices lebensraum, apartheid, mass murder and ethnic cleansing.

Gee, you just described most Muslim countries and societies including the Palestinians to the T. But of course you're too much of an ignorant knucklehead to realize it.
No that's not my problem, it's the fact that the US supports a regime that practices lebensraum, apartheid, mass murder and ethnic cleansing.

Is that the iranian regime? The syrian? Or the iraqi?
All of the above but you still missed the majority of Muslim shitholes which openly practice govt sanctioned apartheid, mass murder, persecution of non Muslim minorities, and ethnic cleansing.
Last edited:
Phoenall, et al,

I really don't see what the complaint is all about.

Another step in the right direction. Veolia sells its shares in the Jerusalem Light Rail and pulls out of Israel entirely.
More of your islamonazi propaganda that amounts to Jew hatred

The Israelis are building up the infrastructure. Most cities would kill for a Light Rail System. Most major cities of the industrial world have a light rail system. Eventually, the this rail system will benefit both cultures.

Are the Palestinians complaining that the city should not have a light rail system?

Most Respectfully,

If the Nazis had brought in a light rail system would it have been ok for them to say, 'Don't the Jews want a light rail, it will benefit everyone '?

The Zionists are todays Nazis, see?

Wrong. Islamists are today's nazis and the Paleshitians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Arab Islamic Nationalism.

The Zionists are todays Nazis, see?

Care to prove this using unbiased and non partisan sources ?
Phoenall, et al,

I really don't see what the complaint is all about.

Another step in the right direction. Veolia sells its shares in the Jerusalem Light Rail and pulls out of Israel entirely.
More of your islamonazi propaganda that amounts to Jew hatred

The Israelis are building up the infrastructure. Most cities would kill for a Light Rail System. Most major cities of the industrial world have a light rail system. Eventually, the this rail system will benefit both cultures.

Are the Palestinians complaining that the city should not have a light rail system?

Most Respectfully,

If the Nazis had brought in a light rail system would it have been ok for them to say, 'Don't the Jews want a light rail, it will benefit everyone '?

The Zionists are todays Nazis, see?

No I don't see the Zionists as todays Nazis, that would be like saying that the Americans were Nazis when they were in Vietnam. They had a mantra out there " If it moves it is V.C." and they practised this very often in the An Lao valley, how many millions did the Americans murder those few short years ?

Is that your problem guilt for the innocents raped, brutalised and mass murdered in the name of democracy.

No that's not my problem, it's the fact that the US supports a regime that practices lebensraum, apartheid, mass murder and ethnic cleansing.

None of which have been proven outside of your fantasy world have they. In one breath you claim that the west bank is Israel and is apartheid in the next you state it is Palestine. It cant be both. You have been talking to too many islamonazi peropagandists
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