How is the boycott going?

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Meanwhile... the boycott is a Circus Flea.

So why are all you Zionist hasbarists so terrified of it?

Are you saying they're terrified of around a 50%+ increase in exports since 2004? Don't know when this 'boycott' started, but if that is the result then Israel should be calling for an even bigger boycott, and get that number up to +150%. That'll really terrify them ...
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Meanwhile... the boycott is a Circus Flea.

So why are all you Zionist hasbarists so terrified of it?

Are you saying they're terrified of around a 50%+ increase in exports since 2004? Don't know when this 'boycott' started, but if that is the result then Israel should be calling for an even bigger boycott, and get that number up to +150%. That'll really terrify them ...
Palestinian sympathizers / BDS advocates remind me of my sister-in-law, who used to love to play the old board-game 'Risk' with us, years ago...

She did her share of losing - usually and famously ending-up with a few armies (board-markers) defending the game-board continent of Australia...

And, when cornered, and being assaulted with rolls of the dice against long odds, she would oftentimes smile, reach over to her pitifully small pile of armies on New Guinea (the game board map's gateway into Australia), and clump them together or pile them on top of each other to make the pile look bigger, and say...

"There, OK, let's roll the dice, I just needed to fluff 'em up a bit."

Palestinian sympathizers / BDS advocates, in promoting the BDS, remind me of my sister-in-law playing that board-game...

They've got sooooo little to be positive about that they inflate the BDS far beyond its Real World impact or prospects...

"Fluffing-up" the BDS before each roll of the dice, to make it look bigger than it actually is.

When it's all you've got going for you, even an errant straw seems worth grasping.
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[ame=]BDS Co-founder Omar Barghouti's interview on SABC, 08 July 2014 - YouTube[/ame]
Meanwhile... the boycott is a Circus Flea.

So why are all you Zionist hasbarists so terrified of it?

Are you saying they're terrified of around a 50%+ increase in exports since 2004? Don't know when this 'boycott' started, but if that is the result then Israel should be calling for an even bigger boycott, and get that number up to +150%. That'll really terrify them ...

The South African economy was booming....right until the regime collapsed, means nothing.

Palestinian BDS started in 2005 and has been going for less than nine years. The BDS movement against South Africa started in 1959 and finally achieved success in 1989; it took 30 years for the world to come round but eventually governments and businesses took heed of their voters and customers.

Early days so far, but making steady progress, thank you.
So why are all you Zionist hasbarists so terrified of it?

Are you saying they're terrified of around a 50%+ increase in exports since 2004? Don't know when this 'boycott' started, but if that is the result then Israel should be calling for an even bigger boycott, and get that number up to +150%. That'll really terrify them ...

The South African economy was booming....right until the regime collapsed, means nothing.

Palestinian BDS started in 2005 and has been going for less than nine years. The BDS movement against South Africa started in 1959 and finally achieved success in 1989; it took 30 years for the world to come round but eventually governments and businesses took heed of their voters and customers.

Early days so far, but making steady progress, thank you.
Early days?

The BDS campaign kicked off in mid-2005.

That was nine years ago.

Nine years.

Nine years = Early days?

Yeah, maybe, if you're a geological formation, slowly being word down by erosion.

But as a coercive economic and political measure?

It's already a little long in the tooth, and running out of steam - again.
[ame=]Israel Fights Back Against BDS: Ali Abunimah on The Battle for Justice in Palestine - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]The Israeli/Palestinian Conflict Isn't About Religion - YouTube[/ame]
Meanwhile... the boycott is a Circus Flea.

So why are all you Zionist hasbarists so terrified of it?

Typical anti Zionist lie.

The only people who are probably scared are Palestinians and their deluded supporters over the fact that nothing substantial has resulted from BDS after almost a decade.
But given how it's the only thing deluded pro Palestinians like yourself have as far as hope, it's not surprising to me that you are clinging on to it so tightly.


Israeli finance minister expresses boycott fears | Middle East | Worldbulletin News

...and today Chile suspends negotiations on a trade agreement with Israel

BDS has a long way to go, it's true, but as the saying goes, "Rome wasn't built in a day"
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BDS has a long way to go, it's true, but as the saying goes, "Rome wasn't built in a day"
True, it took centuries.

By then, your beloved Palestinians will be long-since dispersed into the surrounding countrysides, and no longer recognizable as a people (not that they ever were). Nobody cares enough about the terrorist mad-dog Palestinians to provide that kind of sustained pressure.

BDS is a circus flea.
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True, it took centuries.

But it happened, nevertheless

By then, your beloved Palestinians will be long-since dispersed into the surrounding countrysides, and no longer recognizable as a people (not that they ever were). Nobody cares enough about the terrorist mad-dog Palestinians to provide that kind of sustained pressure.

Hmmm, I wonder what other group of people they said that about...?

BDS is a circus flea.

I've already demonstrated it isn't. It took 30 years for South African BDS to have a decisive effect, tell me again 21 years from now and I might believe you then.
True, it took centuries.

But it happened, nevertheless

By then, your beloved Palestinians will be long-since dispersed into the surrounding countrysides, and no longer recognizable as a people (not that they ever were). Nobody cares enough about the terrorist mad-dog Palestinians to provide that kind of sustained pressure.

Hmmm, I wonder what other group of people they said that about...?

BDS is a circus flea.

I've already demonstrated it isn't. It took 30 years for South African BDS to have a decisive effect, tell me again 21 years from now and I might believe you then.
All the while, Western courts continue to rule against BDS as Hate Activity related to anti-Semitism.

The trouble with your South Afrika analogy is that the South Afrikaans had not seen 6,000,000 of their men, women and children slaughtered within Living Memory.

For that reason, and the foolishness and intransigence and savagery and incompetence of the Palestinians, much of the world looks the other way, while the Jews complete their Reconquista.

And the handful of pro-Palestinian/anti-Israeli LibProg -centric academic fraternal groups and corporations and NGOs that actually go so far as to do anything are usually slapped down in short order.

Nobody beyond the domain of Islam really wants to see the mad-dog Palestinians win over Israel, regardless of the lip-service that some pay to the idea.

BDS is - and will continue to remain - a sick, sad, pathetic joke - a circus flea.
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True, it took centuries.

But it happened, nevertheless

By then, your beloved Palestinians will be long-since dispersed into the surrounding countrysides, and no longer recognizable as a people (not that they ever were). Nobody cares enough about the terrorist mad-dog Palestinians to provide that kind of sustained pressure.

Hmmm, I wonder what other group of people they said that about...?

BDS is a circus flea.

I've already demonstrated it isn't. It took 30 years for South African BDS to have a decisive effect, tell me again 21 years from now and I might believe you then.

The comprehensive economic boycott imposed on Israel by the islamo Nazi
pigs has been going on for more than 60 years. Economic boycott is a kind
of sophisticated form of starvation siege----a technique used historically by the
islamo Nazi pigs since the time of the rapist pig of mecca 1400 years ago.
In the past 100 years the dogs and pigs of Arabia have used it repeatedly in
Africa-----and also in east Pakistan murdering tens of millions
All the while, Western courts continue to rule against BDS as Hate Activity related to anti-Semitism.

The trouble with your South Afrika analogy is that the South Afrikaans had not seen 6,000,000 of their men, women and children slaughtered within Living Memory.

For that reason, and the foolishness and intransigence and savagery and incompetence of the Palestinians, much of the world looks the other way, while the Jews complete their Reconquista.

And the handful of pro-Palestinian/anti-Israeli LibProg -centric academic fraternal groups and corporations and NGOs that actually go so far as to do anything are usually slapped down in short order.

Nobody beyond the domain of Islam really wants to see the mad-dog Palestinians win over Israel, regardless of the lip-service that some pay to the idea.

BDS is - and will continue to remain - a sick, sad, pathetic joke - a circus flea.

The South African BDS movement experienced similar comments and activities, all of which proved futile in the end. The world turns and in 21 years or less one of us will be proved correct. I'm still confident the joke will not be on me.
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All the while, Western courts continue to rule against BDS as Hate Activity related to anti-Semitism.

The trouble with your South Afrika analogy is that the South Afrikaans had not seen 6,000,000 of their men, women and children slaughtered within Living Memory.

For that reason, and the foolishness and intransigence and savagery and incompetence of the Palestinians, much of the world looks the other way, while the Jews complete their Reconquista.

And the handful of pro-Palestinian/anti-Israeli LibProg -centric academic fraternal groups and corporations and NGOs that actually go so far as to do anything are usually slapped down in short order.

Nobody beyond the domain of Islam really wants to see the mad-dog Palestinians win over Israel, regardless of the lip-service that some pay to the idea.

BDS is - and will continue to remain - a sick, sad, pathetic joke - a circus flea.

The South African BDS movement experienced similar comments and activities, all of which proved futile in the end. The world turns and in 21 years or less one of us will be proved correct. I'm still confident the joke will not be on me.

21 years? the economic boycott which the entire islamic world imposed on Israel
is more than 60 years in progress. In fact---that boycott is far more comprehensive
that was the economic boycott on South Africa

el al flights have to go around the middle east instead of over it. It is the same with trade, it has to go around because a third of the world does not want to touch anything Israeli (or anything it think is jewish owned elsewhere in the world).
Israel has lived with muslim boycotts for more than half a century.
Although overshadowed by the ongoing genocide in Gaza, this little snippet is quite big, given that Tesco is the UKs biggest Supermarket chain. Another nail in the Zionist coffin:

I've also noticed that Sabra hummus, although on special offer and the cheapest brand on the shelves was still stacked high in my local Sainsbury's, looking quite lonely amongst the empty or near empty shelves of other, more expensive, brands.

This is how BDS works, small steps that lead major companies to review their sourcing policies because of changes in customer demand.
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