How is it America is in debt and doesn't have enough money?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Manufacturing has doubled with fewer people.

Corporate profits at a 13 year high.

Yet Republicans insist we have to cut taxes on corporations because, because, well that parts not clear.

So if business is doing so fantastic, why shouldn't they pay their fair share? Aren't they Americans too?
Manufacturing has doubled with fewer people.

Corporate profits at a 13 year high.

Yet Republicans insist we have to cut taxes on corporations because, because, well that parts not clear.

So if business is doing so fantastic, why shouldn't they pay their fair share? Aren't they Americans too?
Greed only corrupts and creates more greed..
Manufacturing has doubled with fewer people.

Corporate profits at a 13 year high.

Yet Republicans insist we have to cut taxes on corporations because, because, well that parts not clear.

So if business is doing so fantastic, why shouldn't they pay their fair share? Aren't they Americans too?

Because we are one of if not the highest taxed industrialized country in the world? Lowering the encumbrances of government (tax burden) will spur foreign investors to bring their money back home and invest their money here and invest in new developments creating new jobs. Plus the Middle Class gets to keep more of their own money. Other than that, I can't think of a single reason why.
Manufacturing has doubled with fewer people.

Corporate profits at a 13 year high.

Yet Republicans insist we have to cut taxes on corporations because, because, well that parts not clear.

So if business is doing so fantastic, why shouldn't they pay their fair share? Aren't they Americans too?

There's a hole in dady's arm where all the money goes:

Manufacturing has doubled with fewer people.

Corporate profits at a 13 year high.

Yet Republicans insist we have to cut taxes on corporations because, because, well that parts not clear.

So if business is doing so fantastic, why shouldn't they pay their fair share? Aren't they Americans too?

Because we are one of if not the highest taxed industrialized country in the world? Lowering the encumbrances of government (tax burden) will spur foreign investors to bring their money back home and invest their money here and invest in new developments creating new jobs. Plus the Middle Class gets to keep more of their own money. Other than that, I can't think of a single reason why.
Bullfuckingshit, we subsidize the aristocracy since the 80s.
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Manufacturing has doubled with fewer people.

Corporate profits at a 13 year high.

Yet Republicans insist we have to cut taxes on corporations because, because, well that parts not clear.

So if business is doing so fantastic, why shouldn't they pay their fair share? Aren't they Americans too?

Because we are one of if not the highest taxed industrialized country in the world? Lowering the encumbrances of government (tax burden) will spur foreign investors to bring their money back home and invest their money here and invest in new developments creating new jobs. Plus the Middle Class gets to keep more of their own money. Other than that, I can't think of a single reason why.
Why do you have to go and start lying. Why does your kind always have to lie?

How Fortune 500 Companies Avoided Paying Taxes on $2.5 Trillion

27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes
Manufacturing has doubled with fewer people.

Corporate profits at a 13 year high.

Yet Republicans insist we have to cut taxes on corporations because, because, well that parts not clear.

So if business is doing so fantastic, why shouldn't they pay their fair share? Aren't they Americans too?

It takes a long time to undo the damage that the obummer inflicted on this country. He had eight years to screw this place up. Give the trumpster some time.
But we have enough money to start very expensive wars with piss ant, third world dictators.
Manufacturing has doubled with fewer people.

Corporate profits at a 13 year high.

Yet Republicans insist we have to cut taxes on corporations because, because, well that parts not clear.

So if business is doing so fantastic, why shouldn't they pay their fair share? Aren't they Americans too?

Because we are one of if not the highest taxed industrialized country in the world? Lowering the encumbrances of government (tax burden) will spur foreign investors to bring their money back home and invest their money here and invest in new developments creating new jobs. Plus the Middle Class gets to keep more of their own money. Other than that, I can't think of a single reason why.

Foxconn and Toyota/Mazda are coming here. We do not need a Inc tax cut,

nor do the wealthy need a tax cut. They want a 14.5 % tax cut, how much are they going to cut the 10-15 and 25% and we do not want the standard deduct raised, or no tax on inheritances. We also do not need an increase in HSA's and free inheritance of (just another way for the elites to sock tax free money away)
Manufacturing has doubled with fewer people.

Corporate profits at a 13 year high.

Yet Republicans insist we have to cut taxes on corporations because, because, well that parts not clear.

So if business is doing so fantastic, why shouldn't they pay their fair share? Aren't they Americans too?

It takes a long time to undo the damage that the obummer inflicted on this country. He had eight years to screw this place up. Give the trumpster some time.

T didn't inherit a mess, Obama did, as such T is out playing golf continuously. We do not need a tax cut nor a repeal of the ACA. T is going to bankrupt the USA while he pockets money.
Manufacturing has doubled with fewer people.

Corporate profits at a 13 year high.

Yet Republicans insist we have to cut taxes on corporations because, because, well that parts not clear.

So if business is doing so fantastic, why shouldn't they pay their fair share? Aren't they Americans too?

Because we are one of if not the highest taxed industrialized country in the world? Lowering the encumbrances of government (tax burden) will spur foreign investors to bring their money back home and invest their money here and invest in new developments creating new jobs. Plus the Middle Class gets to keep more of their own money. Other than that, I can't think of a single reason why.
Why do you have to go and start lying. Why does your kind always have to lie?

How Fortune 500 Companies Avoided Paying Taxes on $2.5 Trillion

27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes

Our high corporate tax rates give companies an incentive to hold money offshore?

Who could have seen that coming, eh?
Son of a bitch, is this deanrd the same guy as rdean?
I blocked him before because I tired of dozens of dumb threads everyday clogging up the works.
There oughta be a law against changing your login....
But we have enough money to start very expensive wars with piss ant, third world dictators.

No, we don't. But your hero's have allowed the crazy person free reign to build up his nuclear arsenal to become a threat. It has been 40 years of inaction on the part of the globalists, and yes the boooshies are globalists, that have allowed this situation to come to fruition. Was that their plan? Or are they just stupid beyond belief?

We know that they advocate for a massive reduction in the human population of this planet. Maybe this is their plan to accomplish that reduction. Who knows, what we do know is ignoring crazy people makes them crazier.
Son of a bitch, is this deanrd the same guy as rdean?
I blocked him before because I tired of dozens of dumb threads everyday clogging up the works.
There oughta be a law against changing your login....

Of course. There can be only one derpy!
Son of a bitch, is this deanrd the same guy as rdean?
I blocked him before because I tired of dozens of dumb threads everyday clogging up the works.
There oughta be a law against changing your login....

Of course. There can be only one derpy!

That explains a lot.
WHat the people like this finally figure out they no longer have an audience because everyone is blocking them, and all they have to do is make a small change in their name and live another day.
This is f*cked up.
Manufacturing has doubled with fewer people.

Corporate profits at a 13 year high.

Yet Republicans insist we have to cut taxes on corporations because, because, well that parts not clear.

So if business is doing so fantastic, why shouldn't they pay their fair share? Aren't they Americans too?

Because we are one of if not the highest taxed industrialized country in the world? Lowering the encumbrances of government (tax burden) will spur foreign investors to bring their money back home and invest their money here and invest in new developments creating new jobs. Plus the Middle Class gets to keep more of their own money. Other than that, I can't think of a single reason why.
Why do you have to go and start lying. Why does your kind always have to lie?

How Fortune 500 Companies Avoided Paying Taxes on $2.5 Trillion

27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes

Our high corporate tax rates give companies an incentive to hold money offshore?

Who could have seen that coming, eh?

And when you lower it , they will not pay any. A cheat is always a cheat.
Manufacturing has doubled with fewer people.

Corporate profits at a 13 year high.

Yet Republicans insist we have to cut taxes on corporations because, because, well that parts not clear.

So if business is doing so fantastic, why shouldn't they pay their fair share? Aren't they Americans too?

Because we are one of if not the highest taxed industrialized country in the world? Lowering the encumbrances of government (tax burden) will spur foreign investors to bring their money back home and invest their money here and invest in new developments creating new jobs. Plus the Middle Class gets to keep more of their own money. Other than that, I can't think of a single reason why.
Why do you have to go and start lying. Why does your kind always have to lie?

How Fortune 500 Companies Avoided Paying Taxes on $2.5 Trillion

27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes

Our high corporate tax rates give companies an incentive to hold money offshore?

Who could have seen that coming, eh?

And when you lower it , they will not pay any. A cheat is always a cheat.

And when you lower it , they will not pay any.

Why won't they pay any?
Manufacturing has doubled with fewer people.

Corporate profits at a 13 year high.

Yet Republicans insist we have to cut taxes on corporations because, because, well that parts not clear.

So if business is doing so fantastic, why shouldn't they pay their fair share? Aren't they Americans too?

It takes a long time to undo the damage that the obummer inflicted on this country. He had eight years to screw this place up. Give the trumpster some time.
Look at what was handed to Obama by the GOP and then look at what Obama handed Trump and say that again with a straight face.
Manufacturing has doubled with fewer people.

Corporate profits at a 13 year high.

Yet Republicans insist we have to cut taxes on corporations because, because, well that parts not clear.

So if business is doing so fantastic, why shouldn't they pay their fair share? Aren't they Americans too?

Because we are one of if not the highest taxed industrialized country in the world? Lowering the encumbrances of government (tax burden) will spur foreign investors to bring their money back home and invest their money here and invest in new developments creating new jobs. Plus the Middle Class gets to keep more of their own money. Other than that, I can't think of a single reason why.

Foxconn and Toyota/Mazda are coming here. We do not need a Inc tax cut,

nor do the wealthy need a tax cut. They want a 14.5 % tax cut, how much are they going to cut the 10-15 and 25% and we do not want the standard deduct raised, or no tax on inheritances. We also do not need an increase in HSA's and free inheritance of (just another way for the elites to sock tax free money away)
If Obama hadn't save America's auto industry, no car companies would ever move here because there would be no manufacturing structure.
But we can spend 800 billion per year on defense and go to war every 5 fucking seconds. BUT, we can't maintain our roads, science institutions, educate our children or much else. Conservatives use this bullshit as a political tool but they don't stop the things that cause the damn debt in the first place. It is all bullshit.

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