How does the IPCC review process work and how do they approve reports?


Gold Member
May 10, 2014


The IPCC's review process is intended to make its reports as accurate and as objective as possible. The process is designed to make the process as transparent as possible. "Multiple stages of review are an essential part of the IPCC process to ensure a comprehensive, objective and transparent assessment of the current state of knowledge of the science related to climate change." Two drafts are composed, along with the Summary for Policy Makers. All of these are reviewed by the experts and by the 195 government involved in the process. Charges otherwise - that inadequate reviews are undertaken, that the report is produced by some sort of good old boy network or that it is the work of power hungry liberal in government are, once again, unsupportable on the facts.

"As the culmination of a report’s development, IPCC member governments endorse the report. The endorsement process is based on a dialogue between those who will use the report – the governments – and those who write it – the scientists."

The IPCC has three levels of endorsement: approval, adoption and acceptance:

"Approval signifies that the material has been subject to detailed, line-by-line discussion, leading to agreement among the participating IPCC member countries, in consultation with the scientists responsible for drafting the report."

"Adoption is a section-by-section discussion leading to agreement among participating governments in consultation with the authors."

"Acceptance by governments signifies that the Technical Summary and chapters of the underlying report present a comprehensive, objective and balanced view of the subject matter."
And that gives them a pass on their past Lies............................What is the purpose of the OP........................

The other thread got flamed right off the bat by people like me.................Once they have Lied why the hell should I listen to anything else they have to say.....................................
The purpose of the OP is present some accurate information about the IPCC; to counter YOUR errors and lies and those of your fellow deniers.

What "lies" do you believe the IPCC has told?
The purpose of the OP is present some accurate information about the IPCC; to counter YOUR errors and lies and those of your fellow deniers.

What "lies" do you believe the IPCC has told?
GOOGLE IS YOUR FRIEND..............USE IT......................
My opinion, based on my readings of scientific literature, the IPCC's assessment reports and comments about it from qualified individuals, is that the IPCC has never intentionally included a false statement in their assessment reports. If you think otherwise, it is YOUR responsibility to present supporting evidence, not tell us to hit Google. Read the new rules.
My opinion, based on my readings of scientific literature, the IPCC's assessment reports and comments about it from qualified individuals, is that the IPCC has never intentionally included a false statement in their assessment reports. If you think otherwise, it is YOUR responsibility to present supporting evidence, not tell us to hit Google. Read the new rules.
I'm on 3 threads on this subject.............You started another one because you didn't like the hits you received off the bat.....................

I even posted the other I'm on.............................And on that thread data is in the thread.........................

The ice has been receding since the Ice Age..............many thousands of years ago........................and will continue to melt.................MAINLY DUE TO NATURAL CAUSES.........................

How much of the melt is due to MAN......................6000 to 12000 years ago.....posted on the other thread in data.......................most of the antarctic melt many industrial plants were around back then..........................................yet it melted....................

And yet again...........................we aren't under water yet are we................
And that gives them a pass on their past Lies............................What is the purpose of the OP........................

The other thread got flamed right off the bat by people like me.................Once they have Lied why the hell should I listen to anything else they have to say.....................................

Wow ... So you are not willing to accept truth is determined by a democratic process in combination with the liars telling you they are not lying?
I mean damn ... Give them a little credit ... They devised a system to identify the level of bullshit included in the reports.

I'm on 3 threads on this subject.............You started another one because you didn't like the hits you received off the bat.....................

Attempting to discern my motives or that of any other poster is a waste of everyone's time. I put up all three IPCC posts before reading ANY responses.

I even posted the other I'm on.............................And on that thread data is in the thread.........................

The ice has been receding since the Ice Age..............many thousands of years ago........................and will continue to melt.................MAINLY DUE TO NATURAL CAUSES.........................

How much of the melt is due to MAN......................6000 to 12000 years ago.....posted on the other thread in data.......................most of the antarctic melt many industrial plants were around back then..........................................yet it melted....................

And yet again...........................we aren't under water yet are we................

The rate of warming increased 5-fold or more following the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, when humans began burning large quantities of fossil fuels. That is the point at which AGW theory states that AGW began. As poster Mamooth has pointed out on multiple occasions, suggesting that humans could not be warming the planet because they didn't do so in the ancient past, is precisely like suggesting they can't possibly cause forest fires.

CO2 levels are increasing and the rate is accelerating. That CO2 is trapping more and more infrared radiation. As a result, temperatures are still rising. The world's ice is melting, the hydrologic cycle is undergoing numerous alterations and the oceans are rising faster than they have in thousands of years. The now-unstoppable collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) will raise the world's oceans meters. If you don't want to be worried by these facts, don't be. Just don't make the mistake of spreading ignorance about as if it had value.
I'm on 3 threads on this subject.............You started another one because you didn't like the hits you received off the bat.....................

Attempting to discern my motives or that of any other poster is a waste of everyone's time. I put up all three IPCC posts before reading ANY responses.

I even posted the other I'm on.............................And on that thread data is in the thread.........................

The ice has been receding since the Ice Age..............many thousands of years ago........................and will continue to melt.................MAINLY DUE TO NATURAL CAUSES.........................

How much of the melt is due to MAN......................6000 to 12000 years ago.....posted on the other thread in data.......................most of the antarctic melt many industrial plants were around back then..........................................yet it melted....................

And yet again...........................we aren't under water yet are we................

The rate of warming increased 5-fold or more following the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, when humans began burning large quantities of fossil fuels. That is the point at which AGW theory states that AGW began. As poster Mamooth has pointed out on multiple occasions, suggesting that humans could not be warming the planet because they didn't do so in the ancient past, is precisely like suggesting they can't possibly cause forest fires.

CO2 levels are increasing and the rate is accelerating. That CO2 is trapping more and more infrared radiation. As a result, temperatures are still rising. The world's ice is melting, the hydrologic cycle is undergoing numerous alterations and the oceans are rising faster than they have in thousands of years. The now-unstoppable collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) will raise the world's oceans meters. If you don't want to be worried by these facts, don't be. Just don't make the mistake of spreading ignorance about as if it had value.
and the much has in the same time period............hmmm which is on the Antarctic thread.............

and the volcanic activity that have increased the land mass in the area in question...................from a system of volcanoes that have been active for 2000 years...................on the other thread they tried to play that off as well..........................

saying the volcanoes were a thousand miles off...................and didn't matter.............yet I posted the maps of the volcanic chain right in the area in question and heard crickets from the point they even said volcanoes and vents didn't even really produce any heat...................are you going to do the same..............................

Yeah that's right..........volcanic vents actually produce ICE..................and not MAGMA...............LOL

Will you join that club. OR THE FAKE HOCKEY STICK.................
Nunataks in Antarctica - British Antarctic Survey

NO HEAT THERE..............

And that gives them a pass on their past Lies............................What is the purpose of the OP........................

The other thread got flamed right off the bat by people like me.................Once they have Lied why the hell should I listen to anything else they have to say.....................................

Wow ... So you are not willing to accept truth is determined by a democratic process in combination with the liars telling you they are not lying?
I mean damn ... Give them a little credit ... They devised a system to identify the level of bullshit included in the reports.

I find it interesting how many immediate charges of lying have appeared with not one iota of evidence. Do you have any?
Climategate 2.0 New E-Mails Rock The Global Warming Debate - Forbes

Emails between Climategate scientists, however, show a concerted effort to hide rather than disseminate underlying evidence and procedures.

“I’ve been told that IPCC is above national FOI [Freedom of Information] Acts. One way to cover yourself and all those working in AR5 would be to delete all emails at the end of the process,”writes Phil Jones, a scientist working with the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in a newly released email.

“Any work we have done in the past is done on the back of the research grants we get – and has to be well hidden,” Jones writes in another newly released email. “I’ve discussed this with the main funder (U.S. Dept of Energy) in the past and they are happy about not releasing the original station data.”

The original Climategate emails contained similar evidence of destroying information and data that the public would naturally assume would be available according to freedom of information principles. “Mike, can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith [Briffa] re AR4 [UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 4th Assessment]?” Jones wrote to Penn State University scientist Michael Mann in an email released in Climategate 1.0. “Keith will do likewise. … We will be getting Caspar [Ammann] to do likewise. I see that CA [the Climate Audit Web site] claim they discovered the 1945 problem in the Nature paper!!”
What affect do you believe that had on the IPCC's process of reviewing and approving reports?
And on this thread as the others...............How much of the melt is due to MAN.......................

Your side goes's melting............well ok...............yes it is.................but the East is the data..............and they go OH them volcanic activity in the region and they deny it creates HEAT that may melt ice............which is NATURALLY happening..............

No one denies that ice is it has been for thousands of's just the part of melting that is supposedly attributed to man....................HOW MUCH................ .3mm a year..............when in the past it was .17 normal rising to .20mm on that increase of .3mm by MAN.............

Rain forest are Hot places. MUGGY and HOT................produce a lot of plantlife.................and help absorb CO2 but some would argue that the TRAPPED HEAT there.............HEATS UP THE does WATER VAPOR................

Humankind's main problem isn't drowning in water in this world...........but having potable water to drink......................and that source will be the oceans in the not so distant 17000 Desalination plants already operate in the world...........

Underground aquifers are being dried up in places like California............and the irrigation water also goes to ......................gasp................the OCEAN.............were is that data in the equation..................

Many factors involved................and the cult only uses those that goes to their arguments...............
What affect do you believe that had on the IPCC's process of reviewing and approving reports?
Their emails showed them talking to each other over false data............Was that in the process.....................

I don't think so...........

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