How Do You Know Voting By Mail Works? The Military Has Been Doing It Since The Civil War


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
WASHINGTON — The nation in crisis. A divisive president up for re-election. Millions of Americans who can't make it to their local polling place. Partisan fights over proposals to vote by mail.

Sound familiar?

It was the 1860s, the Civil War was raging and Republicans, led by President Abraham Lincoln, wanted to let Union soldiers vote from the battlefield. The opposition Democrats balked. They warned of rampant fraud and "a scheme" by Republicans "to gain some great advantage to their party," as one Wisconsin state senator put it before the legislature voted on party lines to become the first state to legalize absentee voting.

About 150,000 of the 1 million Union soldiers were able to vote absentee in the 1864 presidential election in what became the first widespread use of non-in-person voting in American history.

A century and a half later, amidst a new debate over voting by mail as the country prepares to hold an election during a different kind of war — this one against the coronavirus — America's long history of letting soldiers vote from far-flung war zones shows the issue has always been controversial, but that the worst fears of critics have never come to pass.

It's now easier in some ways for a Marine in Afghanistan to vote than it is for an American stuck at home during the COVID-19 lockdown. And some lawmakers and advocates want to use the rules that lets that Marine cast a ballot as a model for how all Americans could vote in the November presidential election if the pandemic continues.

Coming to your state soon.
WASHINGTON — The nation in crisis. A divisive president up for re-election. Millions of Americans who can't make it to their local polling place. Partisan fights over proposals to vote by mail.

Sound familiar?

It was the 1860s, the Civil War was raging and Republicans, led by President Abraham Lincoln, wanted to let Union soldiers vote from the battlefield. The opposition Democrats balked. They warned of rampant fraud and "a scheme" by Republicans "to gain some great advantage to their party," as one Wisconsin state senator put it before the legislature voted on party lines to become the first state to legalize absentee voting.

About 150,000 of the 1 million Union soldiers were able to vote absentee in the 1864 presidential election in what became the first widespread use of non-in-person voting in American history.

A century and a half later, amidst a new debate over voting by mail as the country prepares to hold an election during a different kind of war — this one against the coronavirus — America's long history of letting soldiers vote from far-flung war zones shows the issue has always been controversial, but that the worst fears of critics have never come to pass.

It's now easier in some ways for a Marine in Afghanistan to vote than it is for an American stuck at home during the COVID-19 lockdown. And some lawmakers and advocates want to use the rules that lets that Marine cast a ballot as a model for how all Americans could vote in the November presidential election if the pandemic continues.

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DNC Chair has faith in mail-in voting, expects safe convention
My first concern is with Morning Joe. The next is that Democrats are wanting it without any real measures in place.
All in all I would rather not. Bad enough we will have so many dead voting.
Its way too easy to cheat with mail-in ballots.
Trump did not fear it, when he did his own absentee ballot. Appearently it works fine. Must have been simple for him. I think he is afraid it would be simple for anyone and is afraid a large vote would be bad for his chances. I thought, the larger the vote, the more representative of the electorate's views and support. Sounds fine, unless you cannot win the support of the electorate.
Its way too easy to cheat with mail-in ballots.

That's easy to say ... but now you need explain how ... Oregon has been strictly mail-in elections for a couple decades now ... so far there's been no cheating worth mentioning ... when one person registers to vote, one ballot is sent out, one ballot returned and the signature is checked to make sure it matches the signature at the voter registration office ...

We can't just photocopy 100 ballets and send them in ... one per person is all that will be counted ...

Again, the question is how do we cheat a mail-in election that can't be done during conventional elections with absentee ballots ...

Of course the better question is how do we mail in a decent sized ballet ... ha ha ha ...
Election Modifications to Avoid During the COVID-19 Pandemic

How many DEAD PEOPLE are still on the voter roles? All of those people will have ballots mailed to them and those thousands upon thousands of ballots will wind up.........

Why do Trumpleton's pretend Repubs don't cheat in elections?

Trump says mail voting means Republicans would lose every election. Is that true? No.
How many DEAD PEOPLE are still on the voter roles? All of those people will have ballots mailed to them and those thousands upon thousands of ballots will wind up.........

In boxes that magically appear...after the election..
WASHINGTON — The nation in crisis. A divisive president up for re-election. Millions of Americans who can't make it to their local polling place. Partisan fights over proposals to vote by mail.

Sound familiar?

It was the 1860s, the Civil War was raging and Republicans, led by President Abraham Lincoln, wanted to let Union soldiers vote from the battlefield. The opposition Democrats balked. They warned of rampant fraud and "a scheme" by Republicans "to gain some great advantage to their party," as one Wisconsin state senator put it before the legislature voted on party lines to become the first state to legalize absentee voting.

About 150,000 of the 1 million Union soldiers were able to vote absentee in the 1864 presidential election in what became the first widespread use of non-in-person voting in American history.

A century and a half later, amidst a new debate over voting by mail as the country prepares to hold an election during a different kind of war — this one against the coronavirus — America's long history of letting soldiers vote from far-flung war zones shows the issue has always been controversial, but that the worst fears of critics have never come to pass.

It's now easier in some ways for a Marine in Afghanistan to vote than it is for an American stuck at home during the COVID-19 lockdown. And some lawmakers and advocates want to use the rules that lets that Marine cast a ballot as a model for how all Americans could vote in the November presidential election if the pandemic continues.

Coming to your state soon.
DNC Chair has faith in mail-in voting, expects safe convention
Military voting has safeguards against fraud civilian voting does not

if it didnt, obama-loving and trump-hating EO (equal opportunity) reps could not simply fill out ballots in soldiers name and send in thousands of votes for biden

but in the states they can
How many DEAD PEOPLE are still on the voter roles? All of those people will have ballots mailed to them and those thousands upon thousands of ballots will wind up.........


How does a dead person sign their name? ... are you suggesting forgery? ...

The bigger problem in Oregon has been too many ballots being rejected because the signature doesn't match up exactly ... and new rules were put in place some years ago to address this ... plus if someone dies, there's a death certificate issued and that's public information ... the county election boards can cross-reference these with their own voter rolls ...
Yep. Remember when the democrats threw out the mailed in military votes to help Al Gore.
That is exactly why they want this.

They're going to throw out ALL the ballots from an entire State? ...
Selective counties..just like the ones they ignored in the recount in Florida to help Gore.
Liberals have to cheat to win.

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