How do we fix our problems as a nation?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
I'd like to see some serious discussion here. Let's not think through a partisan lens. Let's pretend there are no such thing as Democrats or Republicans. Let's pretend there is no such thing as Liberal or Conservative (or libertarian) or anything else you might think up.

As human beings, how do we fix the problems our nation faces?

First, I think we need to determine what the main problems are. Tell me what you think our biggest problems are. And are they symptoms of something else or the source of other problems?

Second, should we solve them through government or by acting as individuals?

Third, Tell us some of the ideas that we can impliment in our own lives to fix the problems our nations faces.
OK, some thoughts. Maybe our nation can't be fixed. It is too big, with too many people, and we have become a sort of Tower of Babel with everyone speaking a different language, respecting a different culture, and so on.

The best way to "fix" the problems we face is to simply let the USA wind down and die a natural death, and let new nations rise in its place.

I am not sure anybody seriously thinks America is going to get better from here. I think its best days are behind us. We once flew to the moon, and now, we are prosecuting Amish farmers for selling raw milk. We are not willing to do a thing about 30 million illegal aliens who all speak Spanish -- except change the signs in Home Depot for them.

America's rankings in the world have dropped over the years. Our credit is no longer good -- China isn't buying our debt anymore. We don't even know who we are or what we want. It's all a mixed-up jumble.
Seriously, the way to fix our country is to collect all the liberals and put them in reeducation camps where they will be taught simple logic, genuine American history and the evils of socialism.

I'd like to see some serious discussion here. Let's not think through a partisan lens. Let's pretend there are no such thing as Democrats or Republicans. Let's pretend there is no such thing as Liberal or Conservative (or libertarian) or anything else you might think up.

As human beings, how do we fix the problems our nation faces?

First, I think we need to determine what the main problems are. Tell me what you think our biggest problems are. And are they symptoms of something else or the source of other problems?

Second, should we solve them through government or by acting as individuals?

Third, Tell us some of the ideas that we can impliment in our own lives to fix the problems our nations faces.
Once people start answering those questions, they will find themselves forming groups with like-minded individuals to support their views.
Rebuild our factories and supply ourselves with our needs.

Grow our own crops.

One language.

Fix welfare. Assist those who need the help but put a time limit on it.

Protect our borders better.

Anyone caught employing illegals should pay via their pocket book where it hurts the most.

Political parties not down to just two major ones.

Get rid of 3 strikes law and make it 2.

All illegals deported.

No more anchor babies.

Just some suggestions.
Rebuild our factories and supply ourselves with our needs.

Grow our own crops.

One language.

Fix welfare. Assist those who need the help but put a time limit on it.

Protect our borders better.

Anyone caught employing illegals should pay via their pocket book where it hurts the most.

Political parties not down to just two major ones.

Get rid of 3 strikes law and make it 2.

All illegals deported.

No more anchor babies.

Just some suggestions.

It's a start lol.

End the wars - all 4 of them -

Let people opt out of SS

Seriously look at MC

Stop Torture

Close secret prisons

Figure out the Fed and stop them from fucking us

Repeal Obamacare
we will NEVER fix this country UNLESS we pass one thing. Voter exams. Too many fucking idiots who don't have the first clue voting. Call it discrimination against the stupid , I don't care.

Let's look at the last Presidential election as an example. Now if someone educated themselves on the issues and they truly felt Obama was the best candidate for them, then God bless. I have no problem with that, we are after all a democracy, of sorts. But there are literally thousands of videos available on the internet showing people extolling Obama's policies which were actually McCain's policies but they didn't even know that. Hell, I even seen a video with one dumb ass who claimed that Obama was the greatest because he named Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential running mate. Not only should that guy not be allowed to vote, he shouldn't be allowed to procreate.

It sickens me to see how just out and out stupid some of my fellow Americans are. I got in a debate with someone tonight who claimed that the Third Reich was a nation. How uneducated can you be? There was NEVER a country called The Third Reich, but even dumber than that she just kept on and on and on after it was PROVEN that there was no such country. When did we become a country of people where everyone thinks they know everything even in the face of evidence that they are wrong? Then of course that carries right over into NEVER being able to admit when a politician on your "side" is wrong.

I respect the right of everyone to have an opinion if it is an informed opinion, those who are stupid should have no voice though.

Seriously, the way to fix our country is to collect all the liberals and put them in reeducation camps where they will be taught simple logic, genuine American history and the evils of socialism.

I'd like to see some serious discussion here. Let's not think through a partisan lens. Let's pretend there are no such thing as Democrats or Republicans. Let's pretend there is no such thing as Liberal or Conservative (or libertarian) or anything else you might think up.

As human beings, how do we fix the problems our nation faces?

First, I think we need to determine what the main problems are. Tell me what you think our biggest problems are. And are they symptoms of something else or the source of other problems?

Second, should we solve them through government or by acting as individuals?

Third, Tell us some of the ideas that we can impliment in our own lives to fix the problems our nations faces.

1950s: higher marginal tax rates, more unions, more prosperous America

care to try again?
It sickens me to see how just out and out stupid some of my fellow Americans are. I got in a debate with someone tonight who claimed that the Third Reich was a nation. How uneducated can you be? There was NEVER a country called The Third Reich
They probably meant Third World.
Might sound sexist, but if we went back to the day's when women stayed home and ran the households while men worked, a whole multitude of problems would be solved. IMHO feminism has killed the American family. and yes I realize that many people just have no choice but to have two working parents, but that could be dealt with to.
It sickens me to see how just out and out stupid some of my fellow Americans are. I got in a debate with someone tonight who claimed that the Third Reich was a nation. How uneducated can you be? There was NEVER a country called The Third Reich
They probably meant Third World.

No, she was specifically talking about WWII Europe, she just kept insisting that The Third Reich was a country. I really couldn't understand her refusal to back down.
-repeal NAFTA and pass no more similar arrangements

[ame=""]YouTube - The Wonderful World of NAFTA (Part 1/2)[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - The Wonderful World of NAFTA (Part 2/2)[/ame]

-return to pre-carter marginal tax rates and close tax loopholes

-heavy tariffs on imported goods from companies/factories/nations that do not impose labour, environmental, and safety laws comparable to our own

-reduce monetary inflation by putting the brakes to the presses

-support a brutal crackdown on the Mexican cartels and strengthen the Mexican government to eliminate a major cause of instability and emigration

-scale back our foreign military presence

-Work with the Hollywood propaganda machine to encourage strong family structures and values. Replace the radioactive spider with the Ubermensch. Construct a social environment where sexual promiscuity and the associated problems (single-parent homes and the spread of STDs, for instance) are no longer accepted.

-encourage strong private-sector unions like were seen in the 1950s

-drastically slash bureaucratic redundancy in the government (there are several threads with lists)

-remove archaic wasteful spending such as farm subsidies passed during our nation's lean years that now constitute corporate welfare

-crack down on schools. Enforce strict guidelines and requirements for graduation and grade advancement. Encourage the member States to push or mass layoffs of teachers who fail to do their jobs.

-Take measures to ensure local police forces are properly trained, staffed, and funded.

-Revamp the prison system so that they produce as much of the goods and food they need as possible. Forcing victims to support those who attack them is a travesty.

-In order to become a citizen or permanent resident (as oppose to simply begging for a renewal of temporary status regularly), you must attend and pass English courses that ensure at least an 8th grade mastery of American Standard. If we do not haver a common tongue, we will never be a single People. If we are not a single People, we will never truly be a single nation.

-Seriously consider getting rid of corporate charters or severely curbing their prevalence and effects

-Do away with corporate 'personhood'

-Revamp social programs that encourage reproduction among the poorest and stop rewarding them for making more babies

-Require a high school diploma or G.E.D. to register to vote

-End the anchor-baby abuse of an amendment designed to protect freedmen

Once Phase one is complete, there's still more work to be done
End all the wars we're currently in.

Adopt an isolationist view on foreign policy. We should only go to war if we've been attacked (or an ally), or we're under immediate severe danger. We need to start minding our own business-it's cheaper, and is better for us as well.

Reform (but not totally get rid of) Unemployment pay and welfare. Some people really need them-too many are abusing them. Crack down on the abusers with stiff penalties.

Raise taxes on the richest 5-10% temporarily-until we can get out of our debt. And before people jump all over me-this would raise my taxes.

Give tax breaks to companies for keeping jobs in the US, instead of outsourcing them (not really sure how to actually implement this in all honesty-just think it's a good idea).

End oil company subsidies.

End the war on marijuana-we spend way too much money on cracking down on something that's not as bad as tobacco or alcohol.

On a non-economic level:

Follow the constitution more closely. Specifically the bill of rights, and restore the rights that have been slowly taken away from us over the past couple decades.

End abortion.

Cut back on number of people on death row, by making stricter qualifications to get there. But still using it for those who've committed the most brutal crimes-and have DNA evidence against them.

Legalize gay marriage.

No national offshore drilling implementation-I think this should be a state issue, and should be voted on by the citizens of the state in question.

Just off the top of my head.
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. When did we become a country of people where everyone thinks they know everything even in the face of evidence that they are wrong?


Are you the same guy who claims that TSA Stormtroopers do not violate the 4th and 5th Amendments?

When did we become a country of people where everyone thinks they know everything even in the face of evidence that they are wrong?

Might sound sexist, but if we went back to the day's when women stayed home and ran the households while men worked, a whole multitude of problems would be solved. IMHO feminism has killed the American family. and yes I realize that many people just have no choice but to have two working parents, but that could be dealt with to.
It's not feminism that's the problem. Doesn't have to be the woman who's at home. We just need the average household to once again be able to succeed on a single income so one parent can be home.

It's economics, not gender politics.

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