How Do We Fix Liberal Military and Remove Queers


May 23, 2014
We need executive action to remove queers from our USMilitary and make it an effective fighting force again.
Raise the standards to where they should be and eliminate those who cannot meet the standards.
So you want to remove people that you disagree with? People like you are the ones that are going to burn in hell for your hatred for others.

Our millitary already gets enough money and is already conservative enough.
How would you know what the military gets? You clowns claim all kind of crap but in reality, you know NOTHING about what they get besides what some talking head fed you.
Go back to don't ask don't tell.

Actually, I agree.

One's sexuality is no one's business.

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Unless you are in US military.

Not true.

The only you homophobes think it's your business is for gays.

You hypocrites are always the same. For example, did you see a meddling RWNJ say a liberal should have control over when you reproduce?

Of course not.

But YOU believe you have the right to force others to reproduce.

If you're straight, that's your business but you meddling Peeping Toms think LGBTs' sexuality is YOUR business too.


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We need executive action to remove queers from our USMilitary and make it an effective fighting force again.

That would violate the equal protection clause of our Constitution. Get over it. If you insist on harboring hatred, focus on Islam. All of Islam, not North Korea or Russia, is the very real urgent threat to the west.
I am all for making our fighting force as effective as possible. As such, if you are the best of the best and are gay or female, good for you. But I've heard that having OPENLY gay guys causes a morale problem. I'm sure there have always been gays, but maybe just keep it part of YOUR life. Same with the girls. I've heard a lot of them can't pass the basic tests or that they've softened the training to help get them through. Girls are fine so long as they can pass muster as part of the best, and DO NOT create too much of a distraction. Pretty hard to imagine girls out there fighting with the guys and there not being a little hanky panky. If you are in the Service, I want you there because you are damn good, not out of some sense of political correctness.
We need executive action to remove queers from our USMilitary and make it an effective fighting force again.

We need executive action to remove queers from our USMilitary and make it an effective fighting force again.

Ah, nothing like the right to suggest something completely ridiculous as a "solution" to a "problem" that doesn't even exist.
I am all for making our fighting force as effective as possible. As such, if you are the best of the best and are gay or female, good for you. But I've heard that having OPENLY gay guys causes a morale problem. I'm sure there have always been gays, but maybe just keep it part of YOUR life. Same with the girls. I've heard a lot of them can't pass the basic tests or that they've softened the training to help get them through. Girls are fine so long as they can pass muster as part of the best, and DO NOT create too much of a distraction. Pretty hard to imagine girls out there fighting with the guys and there not being a little hanky panky. If you are in the Service, I want you there because you are damn good, not out of some sense of political correctness.

Is it the gay people who are causing moral problems, or is it the straight people causing the moral problems? I'd say it's the latter.
I am all for making our fighting force as effective as possible. As such, if you are the best of the best and are gay or female, good for you. But I've heard that having OPENLY gay guys causes a morale problem. I'm sure there have always been gays, but maybe just keep it part of YOUR life. Same with the girls. I've heard a lot of them can't pass the basic tests or that they've softened the training to help get them through. Girls are fine so long as they can pass muster as part of the best, and DO NOT create too much of a distraction. Pretty hard to imagine girls out there fighting with the guys and there not being a little hanky panky. If you are in the Service, I want you there because you are damn good, not out of some sense of political correctness.

Is it the gay people who are causing moral problems, or is it the straight people causing the moral problems? I'd say it's the latter.

Since the vast majority of soldiers are straight, then are you suggesting we get rid of all of them and enlist only gays? BTW, it is a morale problem, nor a moral problem.

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